larsenwork / monoid

Customisable coding font with alternates, ligatures and contextual positioning. Crazy crisp at 12px/9pt.
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Corruption on Archlinux #31

Closed vodik closed 9 years ago

vodik commented 9 years ago

Hey, so I saw your article today and thought I'd give this font a shot. However, trying it on Archlinux I see glyphs getting mixed up. Here's a code snippet with Envy Code R: Envy Code R vs Monoid Monoid. I see * and x and = and getting mixed up. Additionally (not visible in the screenshot), '<' displays as a space.

Another guy on the #archlinux IRC channel also gave it a shot and he sees similar problems.

This is the PKGBUILD I used (from AUR). Not sure if this is a correct way to build the font, but even if I replace the build line to python3 ./ and package all the resulting ttf files, I see the same problems. The patch just replaces a few instances of xrange with range to get the thing to run.

chase commented 9 years ago

I have no idea why that PKGBUILD is trying to build the font when the latest version is always available from

That's a lot of useless work to achieve something our build script does automatically.

Could you try using the TTF from that zip file?

vodik commented 9 years ago

Okay, looking at a few more applications, maybe I shouldn't be surprised gvim can't handle it correctly. So some additional observations:

vodik commented 9 years ago

Sure, on it

vodik commented 9 years ago

Only difference I see with the font in the zip file is that * now shows up correctly: 1434424171. Same in gvim, but the problems with equality ligatures persists.

chase commented 9 years ago

@larsenwork This definitely seems to be a regression caused by ligatures.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago's technically not the ligatures but the contextual alternates that seem to cause on archlinux. I'll fire up my linux vm later today and try a couple of things. @chase do you think it could be possible to add a disable liga+calt option to the script?

chase commented 9 years ago

The thing is, the contextual alternates were not an issue before ligatures were added. I use Arch Linux myself. I could certainly try, but again, it'll have to wait until the weekend.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@chase the contextual alternates are used together with ligatures and were added at the same time.

chase commented 9 years ago

Ah, shows how much I know about fonts and typography, hahaha. I thought contextual alternates were just the glyph.alt in the font, didn't realize there was such a feature.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

That's stylistic alternates - whole different thing (although we're using those too) :wink:

chase commented 9 years ago

For what it is worth, XFT and font rendering in general is pretty behind the times in Linux land.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@vodik could you try one of the "nocalt" zips here:

If that one works (it should be without the ligatures) the try whatever version you prefer from here: (they all have ligatures+calt enabled).

vodik commented 9 years ago

Its improved, good job and it certainly looks better. Here are my findings:


I picked to have the 'l', seems like it doesn't work with the bold font (and noticeable in the other screenshots where it arises (see while in gedit). gnomefonts

Worked perfectly in gedit but spacing is a bit weird gedit

(Not a big deal, imho the space around <= is too much)

Ligatures still screwed up in gvim: gvim1 gvim2

For context:

    size_t sep = strcspn(val, "=");
    if (val[sep] == '\0')


    while (l < &b[bytes_r]) {
        size_t nl = strcspn(l, "\n");

        l[nl] = 0;
        parse_agentdata_line(l, data);
        l += nl + 1;

to help understand the more problematic rendering, but in general the rendering is improved. Looks like its only < and = that are incorrectly rendered.

I see the same problems directly in gnome terminal gnometerminal

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

The "l" is simply because bold is only 90% finished. The <= is that still the nocalt version? "Liga" ligatures are only used for the social icons - the rest is created using calt.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@vodik I agree about ≤≥≠ - they'll be wider in next update screen shot 2015-07-15 at 14 16 30

They would be prettier if the were narrower but I can't do that since I don't want any jumping (I turn off ligatures on my cursor line)

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@vodik ping :smile:

vodik commented 9 years ago

@larsenwork haven't forgotten, just been kept busy. I'll have something for you Sunday.

bitwave commented 9 years ago

maybe this helps :)

plgruener commented 9 years ago

I can confirm, there's a Problem with gVim/Vim (Terminal) (tested under Ubuntu/Linux). Hasklig and FiraCode do also state that. (Maybe adjust the issue-title ?)

EDIT: same Problem as described above by vodik. < gets invisible, = gets the ligature of <=, >= gets totally screwed up. some other ligatures don't work at all. in image: < > = <= >= != !== -> => monoid-ligature-fail

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@plgruener What's the problem you're experiencing in Linux terminals? Screenshots/description...

plgruener commented 9 years ago

I've updated the previous comment.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

Does this also happen in the nocalt version?

ajpaulson commented 9 years ago

I also got this issue on Ubuntu with a US keymap - I did not test it inside an editor, I saw the issue in Sakura term and Gnome terminal.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@ajpaulson also for nocalt version?

plgruener commented 9 years ago

No, nocalt version seems to work fine.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

Ok, for this issue to be fixed I'm afraid you have to raise with whoever's behind the linux terminals to add proper opentype support - the features I'm using are called "liga" and "calt"

ajpaulson commented 9 years ago

Can confirm that NoCalt works correctly - I haven't seen this happen with any other font. Are you the only font creator making use of 'liga' and 'calt'?

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

For monospaced fonts I'm pretty sure no one else uses "calt" "liga" is used by other fonts with ligatures. The problems reported are all related to calt.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

And I can't do what I do using only liga :smile:

ajpaulson commented 9 years ago

I think it may be a libvte issue actually - Gnome terminal and Sakura both use libvte.

I tested on Xterm and URXVT (neither of which use libvte) both of these worked ok.

edit I take it that typing <= should call the alternative to be displayed? If so I can't get that to work.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago


If you have the time then please add your findings to the readme editor support section :smile:

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@ajpaulson please make new comments instead of edits (they don't pop up in my feed :wink:)

When you say <= doesn't work - is that in Xterm or Sakura?

ajpaulson commented 9 years ago

Apologies - I didn't know edits didn't notify.

When I tried in Xterm and URxvt (where the standard Calt version of the font showed correctly), entering <= just remained as it was - I'm beginning to suspect that full support for Calt and Liga in opentype fonts is a little lacking in general.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago


So some (most) ligatures work but not all? Or none at all?

ajpaulson commented 9 years ago

I think I totally misunderstood - I though you were using calt as a way to replace <= with

Inputting via an alt code shows the correct ligature.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

No, that is exactly what I'm doing. <= should look like a wider ≤ screen shot 2015-07-28 at 13 41 07

ajpaulson commented 9 years ago

Then this is not working in Xterm or URxvt - it seems that Calt is not fully supported in most terminal emulators on Linux (libvte based ones being the majority and not supporting at all).

some insight into the state of OpenType GSUB feature support is hinted at in this SO post from last august:

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

@ajpaulson cheers, It'd be :bowtie: if you update the readme with your findings.

Closing this as the corruption seems gone (at least when using nocalt version)

vodik commented 9 years ago

Well looks like someone beat me to this (sorry for the delay), but yeah, downloading the latest version of this font from your site indeed works 100% as intended. Can't see anything misrendering between gvim, gnome-terminal or gedit.

Thanks for the work!

plgruener commented 9 years ago

@larsenwork whatever you changed in v.56, the "wrong" ligatures in gvim are gone now, so it looks like the nocalt-version – except for the = which are longer now (same length as + and -). But that's not really an issue.

larsenwork commented 9 years ago

Cheers. The narrow "=" before was a bug.

vodik commented 9 years ago

Actually, there is something, don't know if it should be a separate bug. >=<= renders correctly but <=>= doesn't.


larsenwork commented 9 years ago

can quickly be fixed...shouldn't they both be "un-ligaturised", or?

vodik commented 9 years ago

The second you enter <=>, the reverts back. Add another = and the second bit becomes a ligature.

Probably the best behaviour is to unligaturise since if someone writes >==, the probably expect to see >== and not ≥=