larshp / ABAP-Swagger

Expose ABAP REST services with Swagger/openapi spec
MIT License
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catching all exceptions of handler method #63

Closed BlackmanCC closed 3 years ago

BlackmanCC commented 3 years ago

In the current implementation exceptions of the handler method have to be of type zcx_swag. The only limitiation for using methods as handler methods is that they should ony have one returning parameter.

I think it would be better to catch cx_root so that we also can use handler methods throwing non zx_swag exceptions.


        CALL METHOD <ls_meta>-obj->(<ls_meta>-meta-handler)

          PARAMETER-TABLE lt_parameters.
      CATCH zcx_swag INTO lx_swag.
        mi_server->response->set_cdata( |{ lx_swag->status_code }, { lx_swag->get_text( ) }| ).
        mi_server->response->set_status( code = lx_swag->status_code reason = lx_swag->get_text( ) ).


@larshp What do you think?