larshp / ABAP-Swagger

Expose ABAP REST services with Swagger/openapi spec
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Importing parameter definitions misnamed #75

Open erichopp opened 3 years ago

erichopp commented 3 years ago

This is exposed by

The importing parameter reference is named by _|"schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/{ is_meta-meta-handler }Request"}| "/create":{ "post":{ "summary":"Create", "description":"", "parameters":[{ "name":"IS_DATA", "in":"body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/CREATE_Request"}}],

But the definition referenced is added to mt_definitions in method request by _lv_string = |"{ is_parameter-type }": {{ lvtype }}|. "ZTODO_DATA": {"type":"object", "properties":{"TEXT":{"type":"string" }}}

The same happens with delete as well as create.

larshp commented 3 years ago

thanks, pull requests welcome

however, I'm planning to move everything to, and rewrite this sometime, so it can be tested using