larsiusprime / larsBounties

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$250 - Common HL/HXCPP native C API binding format #2

Closed larsiusprime closed 5 years ago

larsiusprime commented 6 years ago

Introductory Information:

Hashlink is basically the successor Neko in terms of Haxe VM targets, with the added advantage of having both a compiled-C and a bytecode target.

HXCPP is the traditional workhorse of Haxe native C++ targets.

Hashlink promises some advantages to workflow -- particularly faster compilation speed during development, but it's still relatively new and most of the C/C++ bindings for existing libraries for Haxe native targets are still written for HXCPP, and HXCPP is a solid well-maintained target that will surely see continued use alongside HashLink. This puts native extension library maintainers in a dilemma, do we support HXCPP or Hashlink, or both? Right now supporting both means maintaining two parallel sets of bindings, which is not only double the work, but also fertile ground for subtle duplication/oops-I-forgot-to-update-the-other-one errors.

This bounty is for developing a common format for writing native extensions to C API's for Haxe, that is compatible with both HXCPP and HashLink.

This is a separate issue from automatically generating native extensions with minimal effort from, say, raw C files. It's okay for the sake of this bounty if the accepted solution requires a bit of manual labor in writing the bindings themselves, so long as each binding doesn't have to be written twice, once for HXCPP and once for HashLink.

The Project

The sample should:

Out of scope

None of these things are part of the project:


What's been done so far

Nothing specifically on this project, but here's some prior work to learn form:

How Much can Lars help?

What remains to be done


Budget is $100 USD. $200 USD $250 USD

nadako commented 6 years ago

For the people looking into this:

I experimented with auto-generating glue for Java's JNI API for hashlink before and had some success. The idea is pretty simple: we define an extern class in Haxe like this and then process it with a macro and generate glue C code somewhat like this. That particular code is purely experimental and JNI-specific of course, but I think the idea is really nice and the same approach can be used for generating both HL and HXCPP glue code.

ncannasse commented 6 years ago

I have also some experiment to generate both Emscriptem and HL bindings from an IDL structure, see

larsiusprime commented 6 years ago

@ncannasse -- very interesting, Nicolas! Do you actually use it in production anywhere or is it just tinkering for now? Presumably this format could be used to generate hxcpp bindings in addition to your emscriptem/HL bindings?

ncannasse commented 6 years ago

@larsiusprime not yet in production, but I did use it for some Bullet3D experiments here

The nice thing it that it generates both Haxe externs (using macros) and C stub code from IDL. Cons is that it only supports C++ for now, but I guess the IDL could be enriched with additional annotations to support C.

One big cons versus "manual" wrapper is that it does not allow much cooperation with GC so it requires for the Haxe wrapper objects to keep references on the C++ objects. And when the the Haxe object gets GC'ed to delete the C++ object automatically. This also requires to make sure that Haxe references are keeping each other the way C++ objects are, which is extra post wrapping work.

larsiusprime commented 6 years ago

@ncannasse speaking of "manual" wrapper -- is it possible in principle to write the "manual" part, with GC fiddling and all, and have a script/macro/etc generate both a HXCPP and a Hashlink binding from whatever intermediate format is used? Or is the way GC behaves in Hashlink and HXCPP sufficiently different to make this not possible?

kevinresol commented 6 years ago

Any ways to pool a budget? Maybe something like OpenBounty?

ncannasse commented 6 years ago

I think the problem of "automatic" wrapper generation VS an IDL and the problem of a "common" way to express the wrappers are two separate problems. Once the "common" problem is solved, it will help a lot the "automatic" problem.

Regarding a good way to express the "common" wrapper generation, there are two ways to deal with it:

a) write C code with an #include <common_wrapper.h> that defines an API that behind the scene will call HL API or HxCPP one (or other platforms). But this is quite low level and I'm not sure how much additional platform-specific things will be required there.

b) write Haxe code that also implements a cross platform "extern" API, that does not get compiled but that gets read by macros to output the corresponding platform-specific C code. That's slightly higher level and allows to add platform specific constructors automatically by detecting the places they are needed from the Haxe AST.

larsiusprime commented 6 years ago

@kevinresol -- possibly! So far I've just done everything informally. Rest assured, if several people contribute something significant I'll do my best to split the bounty fairly, and maybe even bump it up a little if that feels necessary.

kevinresol commented 6 years ago

I mean the other way round, I probably would like to contribute some money to the budget

larsiusprime commented 6 years ago

@kevinresol -- oh, interesting! That's a swell idea, can you link to any services you like? What's this OpenBounty thing for instance?

kevinresol commented 6 years ago

Not really, I just randomly searched it without deeply looking at it yet. Maybe we should discuss in a new thread.

larsiusprime commented 6 years ago

@kevinresol: Great, let's discuss that here.

@ncannasse: Thanks for the input! Re this:

I think the problem of "automatic" wrapper generation VS an IDL and the problem of a "common" way to express the wrappers are two separate problems. Once the "common" problem is solved, it will help a lot the "automatic" problem.

I'll update the issue to indicate the scope of this bounty is solely the "common" problem. If we can solve that, we can tackle the "automatic" problem as a separate issue.

kevinresol commented 5 years ago

How about extracting (one of) the libs into a separate repo to demonstrate how to write a native lib for hl?

Take mysql as an example, move all the mysql source, glue code, haxe extern files, build instructions (cmake) into a repo which can be consumed by simply adding sth like -lib hl-mysql to a hl project. This is similar to what linc does. I actually like linc because I found its self-contained approach makes it much easier to develop and consume native extensions.

kevinresol commented 5 years ago

How about extracting (one of) the libs into a separate repo to demonstrate how to write a native lib for hl?

Take mysql as an example, move all the mysql source, glue code, haxe extern files, build instructions (cmake) into a repo which can be consumed by simply adding sth like -lib hl-mysql to a hl project. This is similar to what linc does. I actually like linc because I found its self-contained approach makes it much easier to develop and consume native extensions.

@ncannasse what's your opinion on this?

ncannasse commented 5 years ago

@kevinresol on one hand I like the idea , otoh this would require users of these libraries to install Visual Studio C++ in order to compile them. I kind of like that you can ship precompiled binaries so users don't have to deal with native compilation at all -- that works especially for windows users.

kevinresol commented 5 years ago

@ncannasse Ideally haxeilb should be able to selectively download files per user's current OS. npm does that smoothly and is even able to compile the binaries during a library install.

Anyway, compared to the binary delivery problem I think I am far more concerned about the fact that the current approach with hl extensions is not scalable at all. To be honest, I am unaware of any HL extensions outside the HL repo.

In the early days hxcpp suffered from the problem as well. At that time native extensions are mostly tied to OpenFL (because OpenFL provided a native binding mechanism? Not very sure). But since the introduction of linc, there are so many framework-agnostic libraries for hxcpp emerged which is really helped users a lot.

larsiusprime commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I'm a big fan of the linc standard!

FYI, I'm bumping the value of this bounty to $200.

larsiusprime commented 5 years ago

Bumping the value of this bounty to $250

Sunjammer commented 5 years ago

linc + inline cpp has been a revelation, but it's less a standard than a guideline. From lib to lib Linc authors still pick divergent approaches, especially when it comes to managing call backs. I don't necessarily mind this, it reflects the different designs in the c libraries themselves. Hard to normalize this.

chfoo commented 5 years ago

I had some time looking at this and I created a proof-of-concept. It basically is a command line tool that reads in XML files and generates a Haxe extern class file and a C function wrapper file. The result is a one-to-one mapping of parameters but only of very limited types for now.

I used externs because it was the approach used in the standard library which provided lots of examples. The process is a bit fragile as it simply spits out Haxe and C code without any framework or error checking. The example might show warnings or not compile, particularly in HashLink, because I am using uint64_t* to bind to size_t* for the sake of simplicity. But overall, it can pass numbers, raw bytes, and strings (with caveats noted in the readme).

Aurel300 commented 5 years ago

Let me introduce ammer.

class Adder extends Library<"adder"> {
  public static function add_numbers(a:Int, b:Int):Int;
  public static function load_file(filename:String, loaded:SizeOfReturn):Bytes;
  public static function concat_strings(a:String, b:String):String;
  public static function reverse_bytes(data:Bytes, dataLen:SizeOf<"data">):SameSizeAs<Bytes, "data">;

Add some hxml defines and that's it!

Some notes re: the bounty requirements:

The exposed Haxe interface should match the C interface as closely as possible

Account for and note any "leaky abstractions" / incompatibilities between HXCPP & HL

The interface is matching except where dealing with e.g. pointers. See the Bytes section. Haxe does not support direct memory manipulation, so the library must map a Bytes object to a pointer and size.

Demonstrate all the above, with the functions implemented in loose .c and/or .h files

Compiling the actual library from C sources into a dynamic library (dll, dylib, so) is not part of the project, and should be done with existing tools - gcc/clang, make. ammer assumes you have a dynamic library and its headers.

larsiusprime commented 5 years ago

Whoa! I'd almost forgotten about this. Ping me on Monday so I don't forget to review this!

Aurel300 commented 5 years ago

@larsiusprime ping :)

larsiusprime commented 5 years ago

Cool, @Aurel300 -- so catch me up a bit here. You're claiming this is done and fulfills all the bounty requirements? (I'll be happy to settle for "Most" depending on circumstances, too).

Got a easy to use sample project I can compile and play with right away?

Aurel300 commented 5 years ago

All of the requirements of the OP are fulfilled except as noted in the previous post. Do note that the minimal example you ask for requires very few types, and as a result, I haven't implemented much more :) See the types table, as well as the types issue which lists some things that I will be implementing soon.

The sample project is in the repo. The setup will be basically:

$ haxelib dev ammer <path to clone>
$ cd ammer/samples/poc/native
$ <compile the native library somehow, preferably place it in /usr/local/lib or equivalent>
$ cd ..
$ haxe build-hl.hxml
$ hl bin/hl/sample.hl

(I'll be on Discord if you run into any problems!)

larsiusprime commented 5 years ago

Great, this looks pretty dang solid so I'm not too worried! I'll test it now, what's your discord handle?

Aurel300 commented 5 years ago

I messaged you already but perhaps you changed logins? Aurel300#1177

larsiusprime commented 5 years ago

Ah, no I just don't have discord open!

larsiusprime commented 5 years ago

This bounty has been claimed! I will shortly pay the full amount out to @Aurel300. Well done!