larskotthoff / gnuplottex

Gnuplot graphs in LaTeX. See
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When in \begin{gnuplot} the [terminal=...] option isn't defined, it is set to default value terminal=latex. But in recent gnuplot the latex terminal is replaced with newer ones #18

Open vrykovan opened 3 years ago

vrykovan commented 3 years ago

Ok, I am building "example-pdf.tex", included in the package.

When the code

\begin{gnuplot}[scale=0.8] set grid set title 'gnuplottex test $e^x$' set ylabel '$y$' set xlabel '$x$' plot exp(x) with linespoints \end{gnuplot}

is translated by gnuplottex, the file "example-pdf-gnuplottex-fig2.gnuplot" is generated with the contents:

set terminal latex set output 'gnuplottex/example-pdf-gnuplottex-fig2.tex' set grid set title 'gnuplottex test $e^x$' set ylabel '$y$' set xlabel '$x$' plot exp(x) with linespoints

The problem is that the modern gnuplot 5.4.1 does not have the latex terminal (so treats this as "set terminal unknown"). So in this example the second graph is not built by gnuplot and, consecuently, is absent in resulting file "example-pdf.pdf".

Proof on page 261 of Gnuplot_5_4.pdf documentation: "Latex Note: Legacy terminal (not built by default). The latex, emtex, eepic, and tpic terminals in older versions of gnuplot provided minimal support for graphics styles beyond simple lines and points. They have been directly superseded by the pict2e terminal. For more capable TeX/LaTeX compatible terminal types see cairolatex (p. 239), context (p. 245), epslatex (p. 251), mp (p. 266), pstricks (p. 280), and tikz (p. 286)."

larskotthoff commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'll update this when I get a chance.