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post/2015-02-13-unpacking-docker-images/ #22

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Unpacking Docker images with Undocker · The Odd Bit

In some ways, the most exciting thing about Docker isn’t the ability to start containers. That’s been around for a long time in various forms, such as LXC or OpenVZ. What Docker brought to the party was a convenient method of building and distributing the filesystems necessary for running containers. Suddenly, it was easy to build a containerized service and to share it with other people. I was taking a closer at the systemd-nspawn command, which it seems has been developing it’s own set of container-related superpowers recently, including a number of options for setting up the network environment of a container.

navid-zamani commented 2 years ago

Containers are a software design anti-pattern by iLuddites who came over from Windows and generally walled garden systems where basic social concepts like sharing are foreign mindsets, and think they are cool by ignoring all the concepts of good software design we built up over the last 70 years.

E.g. they literally can’t handle package managers, let alone the conflict resolution of modern ones, and are then surprised when professionals laugh at them when they cry about “DLL hell” or “dependency hell”. Like a toddler crying because he can’t get the square peg through the round hole; except the toddler’s 30 years old and believes he’s a genius. They’re literally so clueless in their filter bubble, that they think they’re the professionals. XD

larsks commented 2 years ago

I think containers are quite useful, but like any tool you can certainly misuse them as well. I'm sorry to hear you've had some bad experiences. Best of luck!