Closed khusseini closed 7 years ago
Dockerize is not getting PHP/Python/JS apps standalone, its only getting binary apps standalone inside a Docker container. In fact it is resolving the ldd links, adding the libs inside the container, then the executable and extra suff (see /etc
So in your build chain you would need something like PHP app > PHP packager > Dockerize
Dockerize was only ever meant to resolve binary dependencies. There are other tools for describing and packaging the dependencies of interpreted languages like php, python, etc.
This is exactly what I did. I used dockerize to package the PHP binary and wrote a bit extra to resolve for PHP's *.so extension dependencies. Not to package PHP applications
For example Dockerize is used on the php binary to resolve its dependencies, however when running PHP it loads extensions, such as the MySQL extension which provides MySQL bindings to the PHP intepreter. I added some bashfoo to find those extensions and their dependencies.
Hey there, a while back when I used your tool to try to get PHP standalone, I ran into the problem of resolving runtime dependencies.
Here is my solution to that I'm no python wizard, that is why I didn't make a PR, but could be sometime you might be interested in