larsonjj / generator-yeogurt

A generator for creating static sites. Helps you harness the power of your favorite tools: Pug or Nunjucks, Gulp, ES6/2015, and much more!
MIT License
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[Feature request] yo yeogurt:page [PAGE_NAME] #200

Closed oninross closed 5 years ago

oninross commented 7 years ago

When running the command, have the option of placing the generated pages in a folder

larsonjj commented 7 years ago

Hi @oninross,

This possible using the page subgenerator like so:

yo yeogurt:page about/company

Which will create a file in the following location

create src/about/company/index.nunjucks

NOTE: You can specify subfolders by adding / to the command

Let me know if that helps

nik-s commented 7 years ago

It would be great if the - var baseUrl = '../' path would be updated to '../../' when you generate a page in a subfolder. Is this possible? Thanks.

oninross commented 7 years ago

hi @larsonjj,

~I tried the said command (ex. yo yeogurt:page pages/standard) but it generated a folder named pagesstandard instead. This was the one I experienced last itme~

hehehe! let us know that you have actually updated the generator :) just updated it and works like a charm! thanks! the only thing that needs work is the one that nik-s has mentioned. Verified it that you have to manually update it.

larsonjj commented 5 years ago

Fixed in #226