larsonjj / generator-yeogurt

A generator for creating static sites. Helps you harness the power of your favorite tools: Pug or Nunjucks, Gulp, ES6/2015, and much more!
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Add webfont generator #45

Closed Grawl closed 10 years ago

Grawl commented 10 years ago

Many projects need to use custom web fonts and static site generator needs to support this feature.

Now I use webfonts to generate them (and just copy to /fonts) and think that we can use grunt-shell to embed it into Grunt and grunt-fontface to generate stylesheets.

Why webfonts and not grunt-fontgen? Because grunt-fontgen requires installation of homebrew modules that maybe hard to novices and windows users. webfonts uses compiled binaries to generate fonts. I have not tested it in windows but think that it would work.

We need these formats:

There is also few generators per format as Grunt tasks:

larsonjj commented 10 years ago

I agree that custom webfonts are used on many projects, but it seems that font generation might be a bit more unique. I think it's awesome that all the other needed web font formats can be generated from a .ttf file, but I think this use case is very specific for certain projects. That being the case, I don't think it makes sense to add something like this to yeogurt at this time. I will keep this issue open for a bit in order for discussion.

Grawl commented 10 years ago

Okay I will create yeogurt fork with fonts, JSON for Jade and for Ruby Sass and other improvements when you will release 0.10 if you won't add them to your scaffold.

larsonjj commented 10 years ago

Sounds like a plan :+1: I am interested in implementing both Ruby Sass as well as your local .json PR, I just think that they may require a bit more discussion. I'll close this issue out for now and we can continue this thread on your PR

Grawl commented 10 years ago


Grawl commented 10 years ago

So you want me to add all my additions to #43?

larsonjj commented 10 years ago

Let's keep #43 limited to only the local JSON file changes and have new PR for every other feature (Like Ruby Sass)

Grawl commented 10 years ago

I think so. Let this webfont issue be opened before someone will create a PR.