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Point 2: Lit Review and MAUP #4

Closed andrewfoote closed 3 years ago

andrewfoote commented 4 years ago

2) I would like to see a more thorough literature review on this topic. The authors mention Briant, Combes and Lafourcade (2010) on page 3. It would be helpful to be more specific on how your analysis differs from MAUP discussed in their paper. You might also find and cite other related studies in this area.

andrewfoote commented 4 years ago

Assigning this to @mkutzbach, since he is the MAUP guy.

mkutzbach commented 4 years ago

We should consider citing these, especially the first one:

Excess Commuting and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem Mark W. Horner, Alan T. Murray Urban Studies, Volume: 39 issue: 1, page(s): 131-139 Issue published: January 1, 2002

Effects of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem on the Delineation of Traffic Analysis Zones José Manuel Viegas, L Miguel Martinez, Elisabete A Silva Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 2009, Volume: 36 issue: 4, page(s): 625-643

mkutzbach commented 4 years ago

Response: We have expanded our discussion of MAUP in the introduction (see p. 3-4). We now discuss both , Fotheringham and Wong (1991) and Briant, Combes and Lafourcade (2010). Together, these prominent papers give a broader impression of the range of findings in the literature. We also define MAUP more clearly and define the research approach in those papers more clearly (investigating how differences in area shape and size affect findings of a multivariate analysis). We explain that the distinguishing feature of our paper, which also focuses on multivariate analysis, is the direct modeling of uncertainty in the definition of zones based on commuting flows, rather than comparisons with arbitrary zones of different size or shape. We point out that our results are relevant for the many papers using areas defined by commuting data that do not currently consider sensitivity of results to underlying uncertainty in the definition of zones.