laruence / taint

Taint is a PHP extension, used for detecting XSS codes
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Add a function to check if a variable is made from string constants #54

Open craigfrancis opened 7 years ago

craigfrancis commented 7 years ago

Having tried the taint extension for a while, I find that it does a good job at identifying most issues, while only requiring minor tweaks to my code to avoid warnings.

However there are a few exceptions which can't be covered with the current implementation, for example mysqli_real_escape_string() without quote marks (see pg_escape_literal for comparison), or using preg_replace to sanitise a string.

So taking the idea from Matt Tait -

Would it be possible to keep the current implementation, but add a second flag that tracks if a variable has only been built from T_STRING constants?

Then add a new function that allows the programmer to check the variable is made from string constants, maybe with a function named is_string_constant, or is_static, etc.

This means the following could be possible to check for SQLi:


    class db {
        function fetch_row($sql, $parameters) {
            if (!is_string_constant($sql)) {
                throw new Exception('Not a static string.');
            // ...
        // ...


    define('SQL_TABLE_PREFIX', 'abc_');

    if ($_GET['order'] == 'desc') {
        $sql_order = 'DESC';
    } else {
        $sql_order = 'ASC';

    $sql = 'SELECT
            ' . SQL_TABLE_PREFIX . 'table
            field = ?
        ORDER BY
            field ' . $sql_order;

    $parameters = array();
    $parameters[] = array('s', $unsafe_var);

    if ($row = $db->fetch_row($sql, $parameters)) {
        // It works :-)


And likewise, a framework could provide a wrapper to exec/shell_exec/system/passthru which supports a form of parameterized command, while checking that the command itself if made from string constants.