larvit / larvitsmpp

SMPP made simple
MIT License
7 stars 7 forks source link

dlr gives error that message_state missing #4

Open adeshpandey opened 8 years ago

adeshpandey commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have tried this package to send sms with smpp but it does not give me delivery reports of the messages. I have used the exact code format mentioned in the README which looks like:

    'host': 'SMPP_URL',
    'port': SMPP_PORT,
    'username': 'SMPP_USER',
    'password': 'SMPP_PASS'
}, function(err, clientSession) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;

        'from': 'PROMOTIONAL_ID',
        'to': 'DESTINATION_NUMBER',
        'message': 'MESSAGE',
        'dlr': true
    }, function(err, smsId, retPduObj) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;

        console.log('SMS sent, smsId(s): ' + smsId.join(', '));
        console.log('Return PDU object:');

    clientSession.on('dlr', function(dlr, dlrPduObj) {
        console.log('DLR received:');

        console.log('DLR PDU object:');

        // Gracefully close connection
lillem4n commented 8 years ago

Thank you a lot for the bug report!

Would it be possible to get the detailed log (the exact PDUs sent back and forth) so I can recreate the issue? It is pretty easy to obtain very detailed logging if you alter the Winston Console log level to "debug" or even better "silly" (that is VERY verbose though!). Let me know if you need any assistance in setting logging.

There is a test for obtaining DLRs here:

I'd like to improve that to catch the error you're seing.

adeshpandey commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your reply here is the pdu I got back from the smpp server after submit_sm:

[ { params: { message_id: 'MESSAGE_ID' },
    tlvs: {},
    isResp: [Function],
    cmdLength: 36,
    cmdId: CMD_ID,
    cmdStatus: 'ESME_ROK',
    seqNr: 2,
    cmdName: 'submit_sm_resp' } ]
lillem4n commented 8 years ago

Hm. I've added a test specifically for this example. See

I can not find anything wrong, so I guess it is a difference in the PDU sent from the remote server (in the test I'm using the same library to test against).

If you could please submit a full log output of a test run with your code? You can fetch that log from the console by adding this code before your code:

var log = require('winston');

log.add(log.transports.Console, {
    'level': 'silly',
    'colorize':  true,
    'timestamp': true,
    'json': false

IMPORTANT!!! Make sure to strip sensitive data from the output!!!

lillem4n commented 8 years ago

I'm closing this for now. Please feel free to open it again if I can get some code/log to reproduce the behaviour.

digipigeon commented 6 years ago

Hello, I have experienced this issue, the upstream server from me is

I have removed sensitive information.

2018-05-10T21:02:59.323Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: - New session started
2018-05-10T21:02:59.325Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: send() - Sending PDU to remote. pduObj: {"cmdName":"bind_transceiver","seqNr":1,"params":{"system_id":"USERAME","password":"PASSWORD"}}
2018-05-10T21:02:59.326Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: objToPdu() - Complete object to encode: {"cmdName":"bind_transceiver","seqNr":1,"params":{"system_id":"USERAME","password":"PASSWORD"},"cmdStatus":"ESME_ROK"}
2018-05-10T21:02:59.327Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "system_id" with content "USERAME"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.328Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "password" with content "PASSWORD"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.328Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "system_type" with content ""
2018-05-10T21:02:59.329Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "interface_version" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.330Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "addr_ton" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.330Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "addr_npi" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.330Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "address_range" with content ""
2018-05-10T21:02:59.330Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Complete PDU: "00000033000000090000000000000001736d70705f4a6f6e006c4d5176315777496e6b30325863394d37307844000000000000"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.331Z - verbose: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: sockWrite() - sending PDU. SeqNr: 1 cmd: bind_transceiver cmdStatus: ESME_ROK hex: 00000033000000090000000000000001736d70705f4a6f6e006c4d5176315777496e6b30325863394d37307844000000000000
2018-05-10T21:02:59.331Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/client.js: resetEnqLinkTimer() - Resetting the kill timer
2018-05-10T21:02:59.332Z - info: larvitsmpp: lib/client.js: client() - Connected to 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500
2018-05-10T21:02:59.482Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/client.js: resetEnqLinkTimer() - Resetting the kill timer
2018-05-10T21:02:59.483Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Incoming data: 00000015800000090000000000000001534d534300
2018-05-10T21:02:59.484Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Processing 21 bytes of data
2018-05-10T21:02:59.484Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Full PDU found in dataQueue, processing 21 bytes of queue total 21 bytes
2018-05-10T21:02:59.485Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Decoding PDU to Obj. PDU buff in hex: 00000015800000090000000000000001534d534300
2018-05-10T21:02:59.486Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "system_id" at offset 16 with calculated size: 5 content in hex: 534d534300
2018-05-10T21:02:59.486Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Complete decoded PDU: {"params":{"system_id":"SMSC"},"tlvs":{},"cmdLength":21,"cmdId":2147483657,"cmdStatus":"ESME_ROK","seqNr":1,"cmdName":"bind_transceiver_resp"}
2018-05-10T21:02:59.486Z - verbose: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(incomingPdu) - Incoming PDU parsed. Seqnr: 1 cmd: bind_transceiver_resp cmdStatus: ESME_ROK hex: 00000015800000090000000000000001534d534300
2018-05-10T21:02:59.487Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: send() - this.on(incomingPduObj) - cmdName: bind_transceiver_resp seqNr: 1 cmdStatus: ESME_ROK
2018-05-10T21:02:59.487Z - info: larvitsmpp: lib/client.js: login() - Successful login system_id: "USERAME"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.489Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: sendSms() - pduObj: {"cmdName":"submit_sm","params":{"source_addr_ton":1,"source_addr":"447870454022","destination_addr":"447870000000","short_message":"TEST MESSAGE Tek UID:1179","registered_delivery":1}}
2018-05-10T21:02:59.489Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: send() - Sending PDU to remote. pduObj: {"cmdName":"submit_sm","params":{"source_addr_ton":1,"source_addr":"447870454022","destination_addr":"447870000000","short_message":"TEST MESSAGE Tek UID:1179","registered_delivery":1},"seqNr":2}
2018-05-10T21:02:59.489Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: objToPdu() - data_coding "ASCII" detected
2018-05-10T21:02:59.490Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: objToPdu() - Encoding message "TEST MESSAGE Tek UID:1179" to "54455354204d4553534147452054656b205549443a31313739"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.490Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: objToPdu() - Complete object to encode: {"cmdName":"submit_sm","params":{"source_addr_ton":1,"source_addr":"447870454022","destination_addr":"447870000000","short_message":{"type":"Buffer","data":[84,69,83,84,32,77,69,83,83,65,71,69,32,84,101,107,32,85,73,68,58,49,49,55,57]},"registered_delivery":1,"data_coding":1,"sm_length":25},"seqNr":2,"cmdStatus":"ESME_ROK"}
2018-05-10T21:02:59.491Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "service_type" with content ""
2018-05-10T21:02:59.491Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "source_addr_ton" with content "1"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.491Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "source_addr_npi" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.491Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "source_addr" with content "441782000000"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.491Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "dest_addr_ton" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.491Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "dest_addr_npi" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.491Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "destination_addr" with content "447870000000"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.492Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "esm_class" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.492Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "protocol_id" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.492Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "priority_flag" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.492Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "schedule_delivery_time" with content ""
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "validity_period" with content ""
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "registered_delivery" with content "1"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "replace_if_present_flag" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "data_coding" with content "1"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "sm_default_msg_id" with content "0"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - sm_length is calculated by short_message: "54455354204d4553534147452054656b205549443a31313739"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "sm_length" with content "25"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.493Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "short_message" with content "54455354204d4553534147452054656b205549443a31313739" and size "25"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.494Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Complete PDU: "00000052000000040000000000000002000100343437383730343534303232000000343437383730323936353436000000000000010001001954455354204d4553534147452054656b205549443a31313739"
2018-05-10T21:02:59.495Z - verbose: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: sockWrite() - sending PDU. SeqNr: 2 cmd: submit_sm cmdStatus: ESME_ROK hex: 00000052000000040000000000000002000100343437383730343534303232000000343437383730323936353436000000000000010001001954455354204d4553534147452054656b205549443a31313739
2018-05-10T21:02:59.495Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - All queue handled, breaking while loop.
2018-05-10T21:02:59.645Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/client.js: resetEnqLinkTimer() - Resetting the kill timer
2018-05-10T21:02:59.646Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Incoming data: 0000001b8000000400000000000000023734323432323138303500
2018-05-10T21:02:59.646Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Processing 27 bytes of data
2018-05-10T21:02:59.646Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Full PDU found in dataQueue, processing 27 bytes of queue total 27 bytes
2018-05-10T21:02:59.646Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Decoding PDU to Obj. PDU buff in hex: 0000001b8000000400000000000000023734323432323138303500
2018-05-10T21:02:59.647Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "message_id" at offset 16 with calculated size: 11 content in hex: 3734323432323138303500
2018-05-10T21:02:59.647Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Complete decoded PDU: {"params":{"message_id":"7424221805"},"tlvs":{},"cmdLength":27,"cmdId":2147483652,"cmdStatus":"ESME_ROK","seqNr":2,"cmdName":"submit_sm_resp"}
2018-05-10T21:02:59.647Z - verbose: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(incomingPdu) - Incoming PDU parsed. Seqnr: 2 cmd: submit_sm_resp cmdStatus: ESME_ROK hex: 0000001b8000000400000000000000023734323432323138303500
2018-05-10T21:02:59.648Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: send() - this.on(incomingPduObj) - cmdName: submit_sm_resp seqNr: 2 cmdStatus: ESME_ROK
Return PDU object:
[ { params: { message_id: '7424221805' },
    tlvs: {},
    isResp: [Function],
    cmdLength: 27,
    cmdId: 2147483652,
    cmdStatus: 'ESME_ROK',
    seqNr: 2,
    cmdName: 'submit_sm_resp' } ]
2018-05-10T21:02:59.656Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - All queue handled, breaking while loop.
2018-05-10T21:03:03.820Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/client.js: resetEnqLinkTimer() - Resetting the kill timer
2018-05-10T21:03:03.820Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Incoming data: 000000b3000000050000000000000001000001343437383730323936353436000101343437383730343534303232000400000000000003007a69643a37343234323231383035207375623a30303020646c7672643a303031207375626d697420646174653a3138303531303131303320646f6e6520646174653a3138303531303131303320737461743a44454c49565244206572723a30303020746578743a54455354204d4553534147452054656b20554944
2018-05-10T21:03:03.821Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Processing 179 bytes of data
2018-05-10T21:03:03.821Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - Full PDU found in dataQueue, processing 179 bytes of queue total 179 bytes
2018-05-10T21:03:03.821Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Decoding PDU to Obj. PDU buff in hex: 000000b3000000050000000000000001000001343437383730323936353436000101343437383730343534303232000400000000000003007a69643a37343234323231383035207375623a30303020646c7672643a303031207375626d697420646174653a3138303531303131303320646f6e6520646174653a3138303531303131303320737461743a44454c49565244206572723a30303020746578743a54455354204d4553534147452054656b20554944
2018-05-10T21:03:03.821Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "service_type" at offset 16 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.822Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "source_addr_ton" at offset 17 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.822Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "source_addr_npi" at offset 18 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 01
2018-05-10T21:03:03.823Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "source_addr" at offset 19 with calculated size: 13 content in hex: 34343738373032393635343600
2018-05-10T21:03:03.824Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "dest_addr_ton" at offset 32 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 01
2018-05-10T21:03:03.824Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "dest_addr_npi" at offset 33 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 01
2018-05-10T21:03:03.824Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "destination_addr" at offset 34 with calculated size: 13 content in hex: 34343738373034353430323200
2018-05-10T21:03:03.824Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "esm_class" at offset 47 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 04
2018-05-10T21:03:03.824Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "protocol_id" at offset 48 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.824Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "priority_flag" at offset 49 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.825Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "schedule_delivery_time" at offset 50 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.825Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "validity_period" at offset 51 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.825Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "registered_delivery" at offset 52 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.825Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "replace_if_present_flag" at offset 53 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.825Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "data_coding" at offset 54 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 03
2018-05-10T21:03:03.825Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "sm_default_msg_id" at offset 55 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 00
2018-05-10T21:03:03.826Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "sm_length" at offset 56 with calculated size: 1 content in hex: 7a
2018-05-10T21:03:03.826Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Reading param "short_message" at offset 57 with calculated size: 122 content in hex: 69643a37343234323231383035207375623a30303020646c7672643a303031207375626d697420646174653a3138303531303131303320646f6e6520646174653a3138303531303131303320737461743a44454c49565244206572723a30303020746578743a54455354204d4553534147452054656b20554944
2018-05-10T21:03:03.826Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: decodeMsg() - Decoding msg. Encoding: "LATIN1" offset: "0" buffer: "69643a37343234323231383035207375623a30303020646c7672643a303031207375626d697420646174653a3138303531303131303320646f6e6520646174653a3138303531303131303320737461743a44454c49565244206572723a30303020746578743a54455354204d4553534147452054656b20554944"
2018-05-10T21:03:03.843Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduToObj() - Complete decoded PDU: {"params":{"service_type":"","source_addr_ton":0,"source_addr_npi":1,"source_addr":"447870000000","dest_addr_ton":1,"dest_addr_npi":1,"destination_addr":"441782000000","esm_class":4,"protocol_id":0,"priority_flag":0,"schedule_delivery_time":"","validity_period":"","registered_delivery":0,"replace_if_present_flag":0,"data_coding":3,"sm_default_msg_id":0,"sm_length":122,"short_message":"id:7424221805 sub:000 dlvrd:001 submit date:1805101103 done date:1805101103 stat:DELIVRD err:000 text:TEST MESSAGE Tek UID"},"tlvs":{},"cmdLength":179,"cmdId":5,"cmdStatus":"ESME_ROK","seqNr":1,"cmdName":"deliver_sm"}
2018-05-10T21:03:03.843Z - verbose: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(incomingPdu) - Incoming PDU parsed. Seqnr: 1 cmd: deliver_sm cmdStatus: ESME_ROK hex: 000000b3000000050000000000000001000001343437383730323936353436000101343437383730343534303232000400000000000003007a69643a37343234323231383035207375623a30303020646c7672643a303031207375626d697420646174653a3138303531303131303320646f6e6520646174653a3138303531303131303320737461743a44454c49565244206572723a30303020746578743a54455354204d4553534147452054656b20554944
2018-05-10T21:03:03.843Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/client.js: clientSession() - returnObj.on(incomingPduObj) - Running cmd handling function returnObj.handleCmd.deliver_sm()
{ params:
   { service_type: '',
     source_addr_ton: 0,
     source_addr_npi: 1,
     source_addr: '447870000000',
     dest_addr_ton: 1,
     dest_addr_npi: 1,
     destination_addr: '441782000000',
     esm_class: 4,
     protocol_id: 0,
     priority_flag: 0,
     schedule_delivery_time: '',
     validity_period: '',
     registered_delivery: 0,
     replace_if_present_flag: 0,
     data_coding: 3,
     sm_default_msg_id: 0,
     sm_length: 122,
     short_message: 'id:7424221805 sub:000 dlvrd:001 submit date:1805101103 done date:1805101103 stat:DELIVRD err:000 text:TEST MESSAGE Tek UID' },
  tlvs: {},
  isResp: [Function],
  cmdLength: 179,
  cmdId: 5,
  cmdStatus: 'ESME_ROK',
  seqNr: 1,
  cmdName: 'deliver_sm' }
2018-05-10T21:03:03.844Z - info: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - deliver_sm() - TLV message_state is missing. SeqNr: 1
2018-05-10T21:03:03.845Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: sendReturn() - ran
2018-05-10T21:03:03.845Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: pduReturn() - ran
2018-05-10T21:03:03.845Z - debug: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: objToPdu() - Complete object to encode: {"cmdName":"deliver_sm_resp","cmdStatus":"ESME_RINVTLVSTREAM","seqNr":1,"params":{}}
2018-05-10T21:03:03.846Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Writing param "message_id" with content ""
2018-05-10T21:03:03.846Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/utils.js: writeBuffer() - Complete PDU: "0000001180000005000000c00000000100"
2018-05-10T21:03:03.846Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: sendReturn() - Sending return PDU: 0000001180000005000000c00000000100
2018-05-10T21:03:03.847Z - verbose: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: sockWrite() - sending PDU. SeqNr: 1 cmd: deliver_sm_resp cmdStatus: ESME_RINVTLVSTREAM hex: 0000001180000005000000c00000000100
2018-05-10T21:03:03.847Z - silly: larvitsmpp: lib/session.js: session() - socket address: 41.185.XXX.XXX:9500 - sock.on(data) - All queue handled, breaking while loop.```
lillem4n commented 6 years ago

I'm currently away on vacation, will have a look at this when I come back to the office.