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Show the list of courses #6

Open pixari opened 3 years ago

pixari commented 3 years ago

User Story

As a Student I want to view the list of all available courses So that I can understand the learning offer


Acceptance Criteria

Next steps

pixari commented 3 years ago

My proposal:


It must be created a new endpoint: GET - /courses

Payload: JSON:

  "courses": [
      "id": "ID0",
      "title": "Course title 1"
      "id": "ID1",
      "title": "Course title 2"
      "id": "ID2",
      "title": "Course title 3" 


We consume the endpoint and show the result.

What do you think about it, @emidiotorre?

emidiotorre commented 3 years ago

I think it would work perfectly! We need to think about the course fields asap :)

pixari commented 3 years ago

Could you set up the endpoint? I could do the FE part.


emidiotorre commented 3 years ago

That involves.. bootstrapping the whole thing.. are we ready?

pixari commented 3 years ago

Of course :)