laserswald / camden-robotics

FRC Robotics code for Camden County High School: Team 3329
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Setting up Config Files #12

Open theNerd247 opened 13 years ago

theNerd247 commented 13 years ago

Had an idea. Why don't we create a "buffer/interface like" class that acts as the init for the robot. I will manage setting up the devices for the bot based on the read from the config files on boot. I can start working on this write now if you can just pass me what you have so far on the config files

laserswald commented 13 years ago

So kind of like just grab the values when you need them? It sounds like it will take extra time to go and read the file every dang time you need a new piece of data. How about it saves all of the data into a hash table, and then we can send it a signal from the dashboard to reread the variables from the file?

laserswald commented 13 years ago

All the stuff on configuring is already in the repo. Just pull it over.

theNerd247 commented 13 years ago

This class will only be run once: on init

laserswald commented 13 years ago

Mmmkay that was the original plan! I'm still working on the parser. I'll push when I have something.

theNerd247 commented 13 years ago

OK....could you put all the config stuff in a seperate directory in team3329? And if you did i can't find it...

theNerd247 commented 13 years ago

OH and could you delete the i/ and I/ directories? I have no idea how they got in there....

laserswald commented 13 years ago

I have done all of that in my repo. You might want to check out Forking A Repo on GitHub.