laserswald / camden-robotics

FRC Robotics code for Camden County High School: Team 3329
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Two Joysticks #2

Open laserswald opened 13 years ago

laserswald commented 13 years ago

Two Joysticks

Chris has requested that we use two joysticks for the driving. I think that we should detect how many joysticks we have connected and shape up accordingly.

theNerd247 commented 13 years ago

Detecting will work, but its something unnecessary for competition. The tank drive will work vary well, but I would recommend us getting more USB ports. I was thinking about tank drive this year so I'll have that done by Monday.

laserswald commented 13 years ago

While it may not be necessary, I would sure like it. And I know how to do the tank drive stuff. Once i get some configuration stuff done, do you want to work on that? I'll assign it to you if you want.

theNerd247 commented 13 years ago

You do the config stuff. It's your idea and you know it best. Also, we are going to need our own RobotDrive system. So using the RobotDrive class is going to be out of the question. I'll start working on our custom stuff. For testing - as you can see in the updates - I've used the WPI version of tank drive but its terrible to control.

I love the searching ports idea and auto-config for the joysticks, however I would like to question its use during competition. The less we have to code the better cause when it comes to debugging with a robot things pile up easily.

laserswald commented 13 years ago

It should be very efficient when it comes to competition time. Of course, it's possible for us to manually store that stuff. I'll get to work on that.

theNerd247 commented 13 years ago

ok. I kinda see the use. If one port breaks on the laptop - which did happen last year - then the code can autofix to use a different style of driving. Love the idea

laserswald commented 13 years ago

Exactly. Have a failsafe for everything. That's how you make robust code.