lasiar / canonicalheader

Golang linter checking the canonicality of the http header
MIT License
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v1.0.7 is corrupted #43

Closed ldez closed 3 weeks ago

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

I think the tag has been recreated, so the content of this release is corrupted. A version of a module should never be recreated.

The content of the module `` ``` . ├── analyzer.go ├── analyzer_test.go ├── cmd │   └── canonicalheader │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── go.sum ├── LICENCE ├── makefile ├── └── testdata └── src ├── alias │   ├── alias.go │   └── alias.go.golden ├── common │   ├── common.go │   └── common.go.golden ├── embedded │   ├── embedded.go │   └── embedded.go.golden ├── global │   ├── global.go │   ├── global_usage.go │   └── global_usage.go.golden └── struct ├── struct.go └── struct.go.golden 10 directories, 19 files ```
The content of the current tag v1.0.7 ``` . ├── analyzer.go ├── analyzer_test.go ├── cmd │   ├── canonicalheader │   │   └── main.go │   └── initialismer │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── go.sum ├── initialism.go ├── LICENCE ├── makefile ├── └── testdata └── src ├── alias │   ├── alias.go │   └── alias.go.golden ├── common │   ├── common.go │   └── common.go.golden ├── embedded │   ├── embedded.go │   └── embedded.go.golden ├── global │   ├── global.go │   ├── global_usage.go │   └── global_usage.go.golden ├── initialism │   └── initialism.go └── struct ├── struct.go └── struct.go.golden 12 directories, 22 files ```

Also, one of the PRs has been merged inside a branch v1 and not inside main, I guess it was an attempt not to create a minor release without features.

```console $ git lgr * a8968c0 N - (tag: v1.0.7, origin/v1, v1) fix: allow well-known headers * 585255d N - fix: allow well-known headers | * 57eee15 N - (origin/fix/v1/initialism) fix: allow well-known headers | * f4b9653 N - fix: allow well-known headers |/ | * 2c04f9a N - (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) fix(analyzer): check function assign. | * d8d1e01 N - chore(deps): bump linter from 1.57 to 1.58 | * 1f24212 N - style(godot): change scope from default(declarations) to all | * 809d5d1 N - chore(deps): bump from 0.20.0 to 0.21.0 | * ba9ebc1 N - Add GitHub Typo Action | * e73de50 N - Fix typos | * b1b9464 N - ci(test): run test on macos and windows | * 3ea58f4 N - docs(readme): added installation information | * abbb991 N - chore(readme): typo license -> licence | * 43d2880 N - chore: fix typo | * e99ded0 N - ci(golangci): use official action | * 64473de N - ci: add cache for test | * 13c3470 N - chore(readme): rename action job | * da5699c N - ci: split jobs | * 8a78958 N - feat: add support more cases |/ * 7da5457 N - ci(go): add tip version * 60b3680 N - refactor(test): from slice of struct to slice of string * 55ee7ac N - type(test): embeded -> embedded * e89be98 N - chore(readme): add badges * e12dda0 N - ci: update linter from 1.55.2 to 1.57.2 * 89e9983 N - (tag: v1.0.6) fix: added processing of more cases * 8a73b10 N - chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 4 to 5 ... ```
lasiar commented 3 weeks ago

@ldez, Hi!

Yes, v1.0.7 is recreating, is it problem?

About PR to v1: The main branch will v2, and for golangci-lint 1.59.0. I create the branch v1 for fixes bugs, for maintaining backward compatibility.

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, v1.0.7 is recreating, is it problem?

Yes it's a major problem, a tag for a module should never be recreated (verifying module: checksum mismatch).

$ docker run --rm -it golang:1.22-alpine sh
/go # go env -w GOPROXY=direct
/go # cd ..
/ # mkdir foo && cd $_
/foo # go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module
/foo # apk add -q git
/foo # go get
go: downloading v1.0.7
go: verifying module: checksum mismatch
        downloaded: h1:fiXWB5G7EXzCfGEryAgoeYjITDxzl4kM4DBGFwfmtM8= h1:3xjg7XR2JVptNjOF5Xx3SZmo0Z6tbszJkBh3bng6T8U=

This download does NOT match the one reported by the checksum server.
The bits may have been replaced on the origin server, or an attacker may
have intercepted the download attempt.

For more information, see 'go help module-auth'.
/foo #  

My recommendations:

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

A major version (like v2) should only be created if there are breaking changes.

Your linter doesn't have a configuration, so it cannot be breaking.

lasiar commented 3 weeks ago

If I create v1.0.8, this will solve the problem?

I'm planning: all tags v1.x.x from the v1 branch all tags v2.x.x from the v2 branch

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

Why do you want to create a major version?

You need to create a minor version when you add new features, not a major.

lasiar commented 3 weeks ago

Add configuration: permit list for headers

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

So it's just a feature, no breaking changes here.

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

Configuration example:

  useDefaultExclusion: true
    - foo
    - bar

There are no breaking changes, it's just a new feature.

A breaking change can be:

Adding an option is not a breaking change if the default behavior and the exposed API stay the same.

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe it's because you want to change the API, but the analyzer can have configuration without changing the public API: Analyzer.Flags

lasiar commented 3 weeks ago

I create v1.1.1 release and tag.

lasiar commented 3 weeks ago

@ldez, thanks!

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

Just for the information: removing a tag is not enough to "remove" a module version, you should retract the version.

Once inside the GoProxy a version cannot be removed but only retracted.

In your context, I don't think you need to do it but I just wanted to share the good practices.

lasiar commented 3 weeks ago


I don't work on open source before, only private repo in private instance GitLab...

canonicalheader@v1.1.1 include golangci-lint@v1.58.2 or golangci-lint@v1.59.0

In v1.56.1 errcheck updated from 1.6.3 to 1.7.0

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

I review every linter update and I decide based on the changes if it should be a part of the next minor or the next patch.

v1.1.1 will be in the next release patch.

ldez commented 3 weeks ago

I consider the problem as fixed, thank you for your reactivity :heart: