lasselukkari / DuinoDCX

WiFi remote controller for the Behringer Ultradrive.
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Automatic wifi connection after reboot #259

Open djGoofy opened 2 years ago

djGoofy commented 2 years ago

Hello, is it possible that the Arduino automatically connects to a network after startup to which it was already connected. In my case is a router which starts at the same time as the Arduino. Unfortunately, I have to set up the connection every time. In addition, I have to try 3-5 times before a connection can finally be established. The error Connection Failed always comes first. otherwise everything works very well.

lasselukkari commented 2 years ago


You can increase the time the device waits for the wifi connection at the startup here:

The reason why it does not try create the connection if WiFI is not found at startup is that it made the whole thing really laggy. It will try to reconnect if the connection was there, but back when I was developing this it made the whole system unstable if it kept on trying to reconnect forever.

If the longer connection timeout does not solve the problem you may uncomment this line of code here:

It should then try to keep on connecting forever but may have unwanted side effects.

djGoofy commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the quick feedback. I'll be honest, I didn't expect the answer so quickly. I will test this in July. Greetings from Germany