lassenielsen / libdpl

Dynamic Parser Library
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Can it accept EBNF ? #1

Open mingodad opened 3 years ago

mingodad commented 3 years ago

I'm collecting grammars in EBNF format accepted by and I'm looking for a dynamic parser to allow write/test grammars in EBNF and found your project.

I'm asking how hard would be to make it accept EBNF ?

Look bellow how the grammar from your after manually modified to EBNF would look like, you can copy and paste in in the Edit Grammar tab and switch to View Diagram tab to see a navigable railroad diagram.

//# Processes (Main / Root production)
Pi ::=   Pi2 '||' Pi
     |    Pi2

Pi2 ::=    PiActs '|' Pi2
      |   PiActs
      |  PiEActs

//# Statement sequence
PiActs ::=  PiTerm
         |  PiAct PiActs

PiEActs ::=  PiEAct
          |  PiAct PiEActs

//# Process Statements
PiAct ::=  Ch Sends ';'
        |  Ch Recvs ';'
        |   id '<<' Mtype ';'
        |   id '>>' nlvar ';'
        |  id '>>' lvar ';'
        |   id '=' 'new' id '(' int 'of' int ')' ';'
        |    Gtype Ids '(' Participants ')' ';'
        |     Gtype id '(' Participants ')' ';'
        |    Mtype id '=' Exp ';'
        |  id '=' Exp ';'
        |    'private+local' Mode pvar Dargs '(' Args ')' '(' Pi ')'
        |   'private+local' Mode  'service' pvar  '(' id  '(' int 'of' int  ')' id  ')' '(' Pi  ')'
        //  :-> :"local ::mode ::name ( ) ( global ::session = new ::channel ( ::pid of ::pids ); ::name (); | ( ::body ) ) local ::mode StartService(Int i) (if i<=0 then ::name (); else ( ::name (); | StartService(i-1); ) ) StartService(SYSTEM&\"tprocs\");"
        |   'guivalue' '(' Exps ')' ';'
        |  'HOST' '(' Exps ')' Mode ';'
        |  'HOSTHEADER' '(' Exps ')' ';'

//# Extended statements (for associativity)
PiEAct ::=   'public+global' id '=' 'new' id '(' int 'of' int ')' ';' Pi2
         |    'public+global' Gtype Ids '(' Participants ')' ';' Pi2
         |     'public+global' Gtype id '(' Participants ')' ';' Pi2
         |    'public+global' Mtype id '=' Exp ';' Pi2
         |  'public+global' id '=' Exp ';' Pi2
         |    'public+global' Mode pvar Dargs '(' Args ')' '(' Pi ')' Pi2
         |   'public+global' Mode  'service' pvar  '(' id  '(' int 'of' int  ')' id  ')' '(' Pi  ')' Pi2
         // :-> :"global ::mode ::name ( ) ( global ::session = new ::channel ( ::pid of ::pids ); ::name (); | ( ::body ) ) local ::mode StartService(Int i) (if i<=0 then ::name (); else ( ::name (); | StartService(i-1); ) ) StartService(SYSTEM&\"tprocs\"); | ::succ"

//# Non-sequential process constructions (branching termination etc.
PiTerm ::=    '(' Pi ')'
         |  pvar Dexps '(' Exps ')' ';'
         |    if Exp then Pi else PiActs
         |    Ch '>>' '{' Branches '}'
         |   'sync' '(' Exps ')' '{' Branches '}'
         |  'guisync' '(' Exps ')' '{' Inputbranches '}'

//# Global Types
Gtype ::=  Gterm
        |   Gact Gtype
Gact ::=     int '->' int ':' Mtype NamedAssertion ';'
       |     'rec' gvar Targs ';'
       |  int ':' nlvar ';'
       |   int ':' lvar ';'
Gterm ::=     '$end' ';'
        |    gvar Tvals ';'
        |  int '->' int '{' Gbranches '}'
        |   '{' Gbranches '}'
Gbranches ::=   bid Assertion ':' Gtype
            |  bid Assertion ':' Gtype Gbranches

//# Local Types
Ltype ::=  Lterm
        |  Lact Ltype
Lact ::=     int '<<' Mtype NamedAssertion ';'
       |     int '>>' Mtype NamedAssertion ';'
       |  'forall' id 'where' Exp ';'
       |  '<<' nlvar ';'
       |  '>>' nlvar ';'
       |   '<<' lvar ';'
       |   '>>' lvar ';'
       |     'rec' lvar Targs ';'
Lterm ::=  int '<<' '{' Lbranches '}'
        |  int '>>' '{' Lbranches '}'
        |  lvar Tvals ';'
        |   '%end' ';'
        |  '{' Lbranches '}'
Lbranches ::=   bid Assertion ':' Ltype
            |  bid Assertion ':' Ltype Lbranches

//# Message (value) Types
Mtype ::=  Stype
        |  Gtype '(' Participants ')'
        |  nlvar
        |  Ltype '(' int 'of' Participants ')'
        |  Gtype '(' int 'of' Participants ')'
Stype ::=     'Int'
        |   'Float'
        |  'String'
        |    'Bool'
        |   '(' Stypes ')'
Stypes ::=  Stypes2
Stypes2 ::=  Stype ',' Stypes2
          |  Stype

//# Expressions (value)
Exp  ::=       'if' Exp 'then' Exp 'else' Exp
       |      Exp2
Exp2 ::=       Exp3 '=' Exp2
       |      Exp3
Exp3 ::=      Exp4 '<=' Exp3
       |      Exp4 '>=' Exp3
       |       Exp4 '<' Exp3
       |      Exp4
Exp4 ::=     Exp5 '+' Exp4
       |      Exp5
Exp5 ::=    Exp6 '-' Exp5
       |      Exp6
Exp6 ::=     Exp7 '*' Exp6
       |      Exp7
Exp7 ::=      Exp8 '/' Exp7
       |      Exp8
Exp8 ::=      Exp9 'and' Exp8
       |      Exp9
Exp9 ::=       Exp10 'or' Exp9
       |      Exp10
Exp10 ::=     Exp10 '&' int
        |     Exp11
Exp11 ::=     'not' Exp11
        |     Exp12
Exp12 ::=      id
        |     int
        |   float
        |     string
        |    'true'
        |   'false'
        |   '(' Exps ')'
        |     'SYSTEM' '&' string
Exps ::=   Exps2
Exps2 ::=   Exp
        |  Exp ',' Exps2

//# Leftovers / details
Ch ::=  id '[' int ']'
Participant ::= int Mode
Ids ::=  id ',' Ids2
Ids2 ::=  id
       |  id ',' Ids2
Participants ::=   Participant
               |  Participant ',' Participants
Assertion ::=  'where' Exp
NamedAssertion ::=  'as' id Assertion
Branch ::=  bid Assertion ':' Pi
Branches ::=   Branch
           |  Branch Branches
Inputbranch ::=  bid Assertion ( Targs2 ) ':' Pi
Inputbranches ::=   Inputbranch
                |  Inputbranch Inputbranches
Args ::=  Args2
Args2 ::=   Mtype id
        |  Mtype id ',' Args2
Dargs ::=  '<' Args2 '>'
Dexps ::=  '<' Exps '>'
Mode ::=
       |  'pure'
       |  'impure'
Send ::=  '<<' Exp
       |  '<<' bid
Sends ::=  Send
        |  Send Sends
Recv ::=  '>>' id
       |  '>>' id '(' int 'of' int ')'
Recvs ::=  Recv
        |  Recv Recvs
Tvals ::=  '<' Exps '>'
Targ ::=  Mtype id '=' Exp
Targs ::=  '<' Targs2 '>'
Targs2 ::=  Targ
         |  Targ ',' Targs2
mingodad commented 3 years ago

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