last-byte / PersistenceSniper

Powershell module that can be used by Blue Teams, Incident Responders and System Administrators to hunt persistences implanted in Windows machines. Official Twitter/X account @PersistSniper. Made with ❤️ by @last0x00 and @dottor_morte
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Installation help #26

Closed daniele777 closed 2 months ago

daniele777 commented 2 months ago

Hy i have this error

ackageManagement\Install-Package : Nessuna corrispondenza trovata per i criteri di ricerca specificati e il nome di pacchetto 'PersistenceSniper'. Prova Get-PSRepository per visualizzare tutte le origini dei pacchetti registrate disponibili. In C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:1809 car:21

Help :)

last-byte commented 2 months ago

Hi, would you mind sending the command you run and a screenshot of the error?

EDIT: is the machine you are running the command on connected to the internet?

daniele777 commented 2 months ago

Can i install module offline? use this command Install-Module PersistenceSniper

Put files under ..\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

last-byte commented 2 months ago

In order to use the module offline without installing it from the Powershell Gallery, you have to download it and then use the Import-Module command e.g. Import-Module .\PersistenceSniper.psd1 as explained in the wiki.

I am going close this one as it is not an issue.