lastfm / lastfm-desktop

The official desktop application suite
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for HiDPI images #33

Closed Vestride closed 4 years ago

Vestride commented 11 years ago

It'd be awesome if the Mac app had support for hi resolution images for retina devices!

Thankfully, all the text is nice and crisp. The icons in the app, album artwork, and the menu bar icon are not though.

This could be helpful:

localhots commented 11 years ago


appastair commented 11 years ago

@Vestride Could you post a screenshot of how it looks with your settings (and post the display settings you're using)?

This shouldn't be a Macintosh-specific issue but any window manager in any desktop environment/OS. The icons can be addressed but the covers are beyond the scope and control of this repo. if cover scans aren't available at higher resolutions. :smile:

Vestride commented 11 years ago

Hey @appastair!

Screenshots are below. Let me know if you would like me to upload them somewhere else instead of inline here. The Now Playing has quite a few non-retina images: the iTunes logo, heart/tag/buy icons, the cover art, the on tour photo, and the settings cog. Also, the icon in the status bar.

lastfm_retina display_settings

appastair commented 11 years ago

As far as I understand this, it's a problem with the DPI of the screens on those laptops being roughly double the resolution of screens of a similar size.

There are apparently ways to get it to display at a scaled, normal resolution (1440*900) but then you've lost half of your screen on both axes.

This is similar (though the opposite effect) to viewing a screenshot taken from a 1024_768 15" CRT monitor on a modern 1080_1920 phone screen.

I don't have a Macintosh nor develop for them but the only solution would probably involve having all software (and pixel-measured assets) support this scaling/DPI effect.

Perhaps simply adding a "x2" icon as with iOS will allow it to look as it should at half the resolution? Hopefully someone with MacOS development knowledge can advise...but I can come up with high-resolution icons to account for this screen issue, if it would fix it for Last.FM, at least.

What a pain. Do websites display like that too?

Vestride commented 11 years ago

Forgive me because I don't know anything about development for mac apps either, but this page might help:

It might be as simple as adding the @2x suffix to each of the images and the system would choose the right one.

Before Chrome and Firefox updated to support retina, they were unusable. Now it's just images that are a problem. Most notably icons because they're right next to text. Images aren't as bad on the web as they are in mac apps that don't have retina support.

jdennes commented 11 years ago

:+1: :v:

mchccc commented 10 years ago

It really looks bad on retina... Every piece of artwork needs to be included at doubled resolution, and also the ones fetched from the net need to be taken care of–included screenshot of optimised, low resolution "similar artist" icon within app compared to @appastair avatar from Safari. screen shot 2014-01-30 at 17 03 41