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Love menu status is disabled even when a track is playing #64

Closed ben-xo closed 6 years ago

ben-xo commented 6 years ago

Expected: "love" item re-enables when a track is playing

VorTechS commented 6 years ago

I'm unable to re-produce this. The enabling state is defined by what the Scrobber is told is the currently playing media from a plugin:

private void TrayMenu_Opening(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { string trackName = _currentMediaItem?.TrackName ?? "";

        mnuShow.Enabled = this.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized || this.Visible == false;

        mnuLoveThisTrack.Enabled = _currentMediaItem != null && _currentUser != null;

        if (_currentMediaItem != null)
            if ((LoveStatus)stripLoveTrack.Tag == LoveStatus.Love)
                mnuLoveThisTrack.Text = string.Format(LocalizationStrings.NotificationThread_TrayMenu_LoveTrack, trackName);
            else if ((LoveStatus)stripLoveTrack.Tag == LoveStatus.Unlove)
                mnuLoveThisTrack.Text = string.Format(LocalizationStrings.NotificationThread_TrayMenu_Un_Love, trackName);
            mnuLoveThisTrack.Text = LocalizationStrings.NotificationThread_TrayMenu_Love_this_Track;

        mnuEnableScrobbling.Checked = ScrobbleFactory.ScrobblingEnabled;
        mnuViewUserProfile.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentUser?.Url);            

There's only one scenario where I can think that might happen, and that's if a track ends (or is due to end) on the next iTunes plugin cycle (with iTunes a cycle is every 7 seconds) a notification is sent to stipulate that nothing is playing, and then on the next cycle the now playing notification is sent.

ben-xo commented 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce:

It also sometimes works if you do it in the opposite order (pause WMP first, play in iTunes)

VorTechS commented 6 years ago

I'll test this scenario tonight, but I was able to reproduce it using a media keyboard with just WMP open and the tray menu open. I've pushed a fix up so you can try it now, and close this when I'm happy it's fixed.

VorTechS commented 6 years ago

Scenarios tested.

VorTechS commented 6 years ago

Caveat, I forgot to mention: The enabling / disabling / refresh state of the menu item is solely dependent on the timing of the relevant scrobbler. Meaning, with iTunes the menu is at it's earliest refreshed within 7 seconds. With there now being proper tracking at the Ui level of Started/Stopped this means the menu is now only refreshed twice per track.