lastfm / lastfm-windows-desktop Desktop app for Windows (3.0)
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Browser doesn't launch when connecting / null reference exception #71

Open Maddieman opened 5 years ago

Maddieman commented 5 years ago

User: ghostlypigeon (55629248) OS: Windows 10

Since July 24th, the user ghostlypigeon hasn't been able to connect their account to desktop client. When they click Log In, nothing happens (i.e. their default browser doesn't open), and eventually they get an error message: "There was an error Logging in. Please try again". (

They've tried: re-installing multiple times, disabling their firewall, changing their default browser (from firefox to chrome), running the program as an administrator.

It's worth mentioning that the client was working fine for the user until the 24th, and then they noticed that it had stopped scrobbling (and then presumably tried to log out and back in again to reset it).

Debugging_Log.txt mentions something about a null reference exception error.

07/24/2018 16:31:17 API Client Request Performing Get API Request to Url:, Method: auth.gettoken, Parameters: &api_key=7c58d2ae379ba37916c438c88455ec03&format=json 07/24/2018 16:31:24 Scrobble Tracking Checking Scrobble online status... 07/24/2018 16:31:24 Scrobble Tracking Failed to check online status due to an error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at LastFM.ApiClient.LastFMClient.<GetUserInfo>d__26.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at LastFM.Common.Factories.ScrobbleFactory.<CanScrobble>d__40.MoveNext()

Full logging here: Forum post here: