[x] Terms of use for the user before they purchase a proof of rank
[x] Allow purchasing of the proof of rank
[x] Close-up of token...when you own the token, you should be able to click on it and get a close up with more information. Make this easily shareable on twitter or elsewhere
[x] Turn the token's color to blue...keep the grey highlight...potentially turn the text color from something white to something goldish?
[x] Make the selected hexagon blue, with bold text
[x] Make a small white line around the outer hex...maybe somewhere between 1-5px in width, and 5-10px inset...
[x] Consider using an inner border shadow versus an outer border shadow depending on if you own the token or not
[ ] Consider making a proof of rank logo
[ ] Check for window.ethereum, and help the user install metamask or something else if they do not already have it installed
[ ] test on Chrome, Brave, and Firefox, all mobile browsers if possible...we just want it to look nice on those browsers. It should point the user to where to install MetaMask...should we also allow someone to simply enter an address and see what other people own? Not sure on that...makes it feel more scarce to not be able to do that
[x] Get all of the hexagon stuff to work on firefox as well
[x] The front face on FireFox isn't working
[x] The text does not look vertically centered on FireFox
[x] hover flip seems even more finnicky on firefox
[x] get the hexagon text to be perfectly centered vertically on FireFox
[x] When clicking on prove rank or view rank, have the hexagon expand in place, with the edges slowly moving out, no jank or anything, just buttery smooth
[ ] Make sure that PRANKs will be compatible with Open Sea and other popular NFT marketplaces
[ ] Provide very nice error handling to the user. Try to present them with actionable reasons for failures, and ways to reach out to me if things aren't working well