laszukdawid / PyEMD

Python implementation of Empirical Mode Decompoisition (EMD) method
Apache License 2.0
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Progress bar #125

Closed JhonAndersonVelasco closed 1 year ago

JhonAndersonVelasco commented 2 years ago

Would be great count with a progress bar on get_imfs_and_residue()...

laszukdawid commented 1 year ago

Can you elaborate here what you mean by the progress bar on get_imfs_and_residue() ?

JhonAndersonVelasco commented 1 year ago

Well, exactly in def ceemdan in would be great see the progress or at least be sure if the library is doing something

JhonAndersonVelasco commented 1 year ago

Well, my humble contribution to this topic:

# coding: UTF-8
# Author:   Dawid Laszuk
# Contact:
# Feel free to contact for any information.
.. currentmodule:: CEEMDAN

import itertools
import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np

class CEEMDAN:
    **"Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise"**

    "Complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive
    noise" (CEEMDAN) [Torres2011]_  is noise-assisted EMD technique.
    Word "complete" presumably refers to decomposing completely
    everything, even added perturbation (noise).

    Provided implementation contains proposed "improvements" from
    paper [Colominas2014]_.

    Any parameters can be updated directly on the instance or passed
    through a `configuration` dictionary.

    Goodness of the decomposition can be configured by modifying threshold
    values. Two are `range_thr` and `total_power_thr` which relate to
    the value range (max - min) and check for total power below, respectively.

    Configuration can be passed through keyword parameters.
    For example, updating threshold would be through:


    >>> ceemdan = CEEMDAN(range_thr=0.001, total_power_thr=0.01)

    To perform the decomposition one can either use directly initiated object,
    or use the `ceemdan` method. The following two lines produce the same output:

    >>> ceemdan = CEEMDAN()
    >>> c_imfs = ceemdan(signal)
    >>> c_imfs = ceemdan.ceemdan(signal)

    **Note** that some decompositions can take a while to complete. Please check
    docs to some tricks on how to improve performance.


    trials : int (default: 100)
        Number of trials or EMD performance with added noise.
    epsilon : float (default: 0.005)
        Scale for added noise (:math:`\epsilon`) which multiply std :math:`\sigma`:
        :math:`\\beta = \epsilon \cdot \sigma`
    ext_EMD : EMD (default: None)
        One can pass EMD object defined outside, which will be
        used to compute IMF decompositions in each trial. If none
        is passed then EMD with default options is used.
    parallel : bool (default: False)
        Flag whether to use multiprocessing in EEMD execution.
        Since each EMD(s+noise) is independent this should improve execution
        speed considerably.
        *Note* that it's disabled by default because it's the most common
        problem when CEEMDAN takes too long time to finish.
        If you set the flag to True, make also sure to set `processes` to
        some reasonable value.
    processes : int or None (optional)
        Number of processes harness when executing in parallel mode.
        The value should be between 1 and max that depends on your hardware.
    noise_scale : float (default: 1)
        Scale (amplitude) of the added noise.
    noise_kind : str (default: "normal")
        What type of noise to add. Allowed are "normal" (default) and "uniform".
    range_thr : float (default: 0.01)
        Range threshold used as an IMF check. The value is in percentage compared
        to initial signal's amplitude. If absolute amplitude (max - min) is below
        the `range_thr` then the decomposition is finished.
    total_power_thr : float (default: 0.05)
        Signal's power threshold. Finishes decomposition if sum(abs(r)) < thr.
    beta_progress : bool (default: True)
        Flag whether to scale all noise IMFs by their 1st IMF's standard deviation.


    .. [Torres2011] M.E. Torres, M.A. Colominas, G. Schlotthauer, P. Flandrin
        A complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise.
        Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011, pp. 4144--4147

    .. [Colominas2014] M.A. Colominas, G. Schlotthauer, M.E. Torres,
        Improved complete ensemble EMD: A suitable tool for biomedical signal
        processing, In Biomed. Sig. Proc. and Control, V. 14, 2014, pp. 19--29

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    noise_kinds_all = ["normal", "uniform"]

    def __init__(self, trials: int = 100, epsilon: float = 0.005, ext_EMD=None, parallel: bool = False, **kwargs):

        # Ensemble constants
        self.trials = trials
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.noise_scale = float(kwargs.get("noise_scale", 1.0))
        self.range_thr = float(kwargs.get("range_thr", 0.01))
        self.total_power_thr = float(kwargs.get("total_power_thr", 0.05))

        self.beta_progress = bool(kwargs.get("beta_progress", True))  # Scale noise by std
        self.random = np.random.RandomState(seed=kwargs.get("seed"))
        self.noise_kind = kwargs.get("noise_kind", "normal")
        self.parallel = parallel
        self.processes = kwargs.get("processes")  # Optional[int]
        if self.processes is not None and not self.parallel:
            self.logger.warning("Passed value for process has no effect when `parallel` is False.")

        self.all_noise_EMD = []

        if ext_EMD is None:
            from PyEMD import EMD  # fmt: skip
            self.EMD = EMD(**kwargs)
            self.EMD = ext_EMD

        self.C_IMF = None  # Optional[np.ndarray]
        self.residue = None  # Optional[np.ndarray]

    def __call__(self, S: np.ndarray, T: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, max_imf: int = -1) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.ceemdan(S, T=T, max_imf=max_imf)

    def __getstate__(self) -> Dict:
        self_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        if "pool" in self_dict:
            del self_dict["pool"]
        return self_dict

    def generate_noise(self, scale: float, size: Union[int, Sequence[int]]) -> np.ndarray:
        Generate noise with specified parameters.
        Currently supported distributions are:

        * *normal* with std equal scale.
        * *uniform* with range [-scale/2, scale/2].


        scale : float
            Width for the distribution.
        size : int or shape
            Shape of the noise that is added. In case of `int` an array of that len is generated.


        noise : numpy array
            Noise sampled from selected distribution.

        if self.noise_kind == "normal":
            noise = self.random.normal(loc=0, scale=scale, size=size)
        elif self.noise_kind == "uniform":
            noise = self.random.uniform(low=-scale / 2, high=scale / 2, size=size)
            raise ValueError(
                "Unsupported noise kind. Please assigned `noise_kind` to be one of these: {0}".format(

        return noise

    def noise_seed(self, seed: int) -> None:
        """Set seed for noise generation."""

    def ceemdan(self,S:np.ndarray,T:Optional[np.ndarray]=None,max_imf:int=-1) -> np.ndarray:
            """Perform CEEMDAN decomposition.

            S : numpy array
                Original signal on which CEEMDAN is to perform.
            T : Optional(numpy array) (default: None)
                Time (x) values for the signal. If not passed, i.e. `T = None`, then assumes equidistant values.
            max_imf : int (default: -1)
                Maximum number of components to extract.

            components : np.ndarray
                CEEMDAN components.

            scale_s = np.std(S)
            S = S / scale_s

            # Define all noise
            self.all_noises = self.generate_noise(self.noise_scale, (self.trials, S.size))

            # Decompose all noise and remember 1st's std
  "Decomposing all noises")

            self.all_noise_EMD = self._decompose_noise()

            # Create first IMF
            last_imf = self._eemd(S, T, 1)[0]
            res = np.empty(S.size)

            all_cimfs = last_imf.reshape((-1, last_imf.size))
            prev_res = S - last_imf

  "Starting CEEMDAN")

            nruidos = 1

            while True:

                # Check end condition in the beginning because we've already have 1 IMF
                if self.end_condition(S, all_cimfs, max_imf):

          "End Condition - Pass")
                    print(' [INF] Conjuntos generados\n')

                print(' [INF] Generando conjunto # {}\n'.format(nruidos))
                nruidos += 1

                imfNo = all_cimfs.shape[0]
                beta = self.epsilon * np.std(prev_res)

                local_mean = np.zeros(S.size)

                with tqdm(total=self.trials) as pbar:

                    for trial in range(self.trials):

                        # Skip if noise[trial] didn't have k'th mode

                        noise_imf = self.all_noise_EMD[trial]
                        res = prev_res.copy()

                        if len(noise_imf) > imfNo:

                            res += beta * noise_imf[imfNo]

                        # Extract local mean, which is at 2nd position

                        imfs = self.emd(res, T, 1)
                        local_mean += imfs[-1] / self.trials



                last_imf = prev_res - local_mean
                all_cimfs = np.vstack((all_cimfs, last_imf))
                prev_res = local_mean.copy()
            # END of while

            res = S - np.sum(all_cimfs, axis=0)
            all_cimfs = np.vstack((all_cimfs, res))
            all_cimfs = all_cimfs * scale_s

            # Empty all IMFs noise
            del self.all_noise_EMD[:]

            self.C_IMF = all_cimfs
            self.residue = S * scale_s - np.sum(self.C_IMF, axis=0)

            return all_cimfs

    def end_condition(self, S: np.ndarray, cIMFs: np.ndarray, max_imf: int) -> bool:
        """Test for end condition of CEEMDAN.

        Procedure stops if:

        * number of components reach provided `max_imf`, or
        * last component is close to being pure noise (range or power), or
        * set of provided components reconstructs sufficiently input.

        S : numpy array
            Original signal on which CEEMDAN was performed.
        cIMFs : numpy 2D array
            Set of cIMFs where each row is cIMF.
        max_imf : int
            The maximum number of imfs to extract.

        end : bool
            Whether to stop CEEMDAN.
        imfNo = cIMFs.shape[0]

        # Check if hit maximum number of cIMFs
        if 0 < max_imf <= imfNo:
            return True

        # Compute EMD on residue
        R = S - np.sum(cIMFs, axis=0)
        _test_imf = self.emd(R, None, max_imf=1)

        # Check if residue is IMF or no extrema
        if _test_imf.shape[0] == 1:
            self.logger.debug("Not enough extrema")
            return True

        # Check for range threshold
        if np.max(R) - np.min(R) < self.range_thr:
            self.logger.debug("FINISHED -- RANGE")
            return True

        # Check for power threshold
        if np.sum(np.abs(R)) < self.total_power_thr:
            self.logger.debug("FINISHED -- SUM POWER")
            return True

        return False

    def _decompose_noise(self) -> List[np.ndarray]:

        print(' [INF] Descomponiendo todos los ruidos en los datos\n')

        if self.parallel:
            pool = Pool(processes=self.processes)
            all_noise_EMD =, self.all_noises)
            #all_noise_EMD = [self.emd(noise, max_imf=-1) for noise in self.all_noises]

            all_noise_EMD = []

            with tqdm(total=len(self.all_noises)) as pbar:

                for noise in self.all_noises:

                    all_noise_EMD.append(self.emd(noise, max_imf=-1))



        # Normalize w/ respect to 1st IMF's std
        if self.beta_progress:

            #all_stds = [np.std(imfs[0]) for imfs in all_noise_EMD]

            all_stds = []

            with tqdm(total=len(all_noise_EMD)) as pbar:

                for imfs in all_noise_EMD:




            #all_noise_EMD = [imfs / imfs_std for (imfs, imfs_std) in zip(all_noise_EMD, all_stds)]

            zipped = zip(all_noise_EMD, all_stds)

            with tqdm(total=len(all_noise_EMD)) as pbar:

                for ren in zipped:

                    all_noise_EMD.append(ren[0] / ren[1])



        return all_noise_EMD

    def _eemd(self, S: np.ndarray, T: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, max_imf: int = -1) -> np.ndarray:
        if T is None:
            T = np.arange(len(S), dtype=S.dtype)

        self._S = S
        self._T = T
        self._N = N = len(S)
        self.max_imf = max_imf

        # For trial number of iterations perform EMD on a signal
        # with added white noise
        if self.parallel:
            pool = Pool(processes=self.processes)
            all_IMFs =, range(self.trials))

        else:  # Not parallel
            all_IMFs = map(self._trial_update, range(self.trials))

        all_IMFs_1, all_IMFs_2 = itertools.tee(all_IMFs, 2)

        max_imfNo = max([IMFs.shape[0] for IMFs in all_IMFs_1])

        self.E_IMF = np.zeros((max_imfNo, N))
        for IMFs in all_IMFs_2:
            self.E_IMF[: IMFs.shape[0]] += IMFs

        return self.E_IMF / self.trials

    def _trial_update(self, trial: int) -> np.ndarray:
        """A single trial evaluation, i.e. EMD(signal + noise)."""
        # Generate noise
        noise = self.epsilon * self.all_noise_EMD[trial][0]
        return self.emd(self._S + noise, self._T, self.max_imf)

    def emd(self, S: np.ndarray, T: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, max_imf: int = -1) -> np.ndarray:
        """Vanilla EMD method.

        Provides emd evaluation from provided EMD class.
        For reference please see :class:`PyEMD.EMD`.
        return self.EMD.emd(S, T, max_imf)

    def get_imfs_and_residue(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Provides access to separated imfs and residue from recently analysed signal.
        :return: (imfs, residue)
        if self.C_IMF is None or self.residue is None:
            raise ValueError("No IMF found. Please, run EMD method or its variant first.")
        return self.C_IMF, self.residue

# Beginning of program
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import pylab as plt

    # Logging options

    max_imf = -1

    # Signal options
    N = 500
    tMin, tMax = 0, 2 * np.pi
    T = np.linspace(tMin, tMax, N)

    S = 3 * np.sin(4 * T) + 4 * np.cos(9 * T) + np.sin(8.11 * T + 1.2)

    # Prepare and run EEMD
    trials = 20
    ceemdan = CEEMDAN(trials=trials)

    C_IMFs = ceemdan(S, T, max_imf)
    imfNo = C_IMFs.shape[0]

    # Plot results in a grid
    c = np.floor(np.sqrt(imfNo + 2))
    r = np.ceil((imfNo + 2) / c)

    plt.subplot(r, c, 1)
    plt.plot(T, S, "r")
    plt.xlim((tMin, tMax))
    plt.title("Original signal")

    plt.subplot(r, c, 2)
    plt.plot(T, S - np.sum(C_IMFs, axis=0), "r")
    plt.xlim((tMin, tMax))

    for num in range(imfNo):
        plt.subplot(r, c, num + 3)
        plt.plot(T, C_IMFs[num], "g")
        plt.xlim((tMin, tMax))
        plt.title("Imf " + str(num + 1))
laszukdawid commented 1 year ago

Can you take a look at #132 ? If progress is requested, the CEEMDAN and EEMD will initiate a timed thread that will print out . every 1 sec, so the progress is something like: t0: . t1: .. t2: ... t3: ....

I cannot record the screen for reason but the end result is something like this image

What do you think?

JhonAndersonVelasco commented 1 year ago

... Maybe

The problem is if we wanna see a "progress" (0 to 100 %) which we can't see with your proposal

laszukdawid commented 1 year ago

Ok, updated the code a bit. It also uses tqdm to show a bulk part of progress. Hope it's helpful.

laszukdawid commented 1 year ago

Version 1.3.0 now has progress bar available when passing progress=True to ceemdan and eemd.

JhonAndersonVelasco commented 1 year ago

Hi, it's me again...

Progress still not working

from PyEMD import CEEMDAN

ceemd = CEEMDAN()
ceemd.extrema_detection = 'parabol'
IMFs = ceemd.get_imfs_and_residue()[0]

Maybe I am doing something wrong?

I also tried with


And tqdm do not shows anything