lat9 / ZCA-Bootstrap-Template

A Bootstrap-4 template for Zen Cart versions 1.5.8 through 2.1.0. Forked from See the demo site, below, for additional information.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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shopping cart, update quantity: font awesome icon not used if IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS= yes #281

Closed torvista closed 11 months ago

torvista commented 1 year ago

Putting this here for documentation/thought.

So I have IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS=yes, using text in most places.

However the update column on the shopping cart is one place where an icon is preferable/space is limited.

This file includes\modules\pages\shopping_cart\header_php_shopping_cart_zca_bootstrap.php

looks for the Update icon as an image and swaps it for a button with a FA icon. If the Update is text, it ignores it.

To get it to swap out css text as well, I needed to add/modify the preg_replace regex to

in a clause based on IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS, although some other test for the use of font awesome may be preferable.

lat9 commented 11 months ago

What version of Zen Cart? I'm unable to reproduce this issue on either zc158 or zc200.

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

My observations using zc1.5.8a with a Bootstrap clone:

In either case, I see no issues other than maybe considering adding btn-sm and fa-sm to the observer code.

torvista commented 11 months ago

Re-reading this, I couldn’t make head nor tail of this either, it took me a while to figure it out again. I think it is best understood with the responsive_classic

If you are using IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS=no buttons are images image

If you are using IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS=yes buttons are css text image but not the update icon....because when the alt text >30, the button->css-text substitution is not carried out, and this has by default 'ICON_UPDATE_ALT' => 'Change your quantity by highlighting the number in the box, correcting the quantity and clicking this button.',

So if this text is reduced 'ICON_UPDATE_ALT' => 'Update', the text is used image

and takes up too much better as an image!

Meanwhile in BS-land image no substitution of the text for the fa icon as per my initial post.

Of course restoring the >30 character alt-text now retains the image which gets the fa icon substitution image

So, my initial post was about the zc header needing to deal with whatever arrives, image/text to be able do the fa icon substitution.

This illustrates the need to always replicate things in a vanilla install, tedious as it is. Apologies for not providing a better explanation.

torvista commented 11 months ago

and this is what I ended up with:

    $productArray[$i]['buttonUpdate'] = preg_replace(
        ['/(<input type="image".*?\/?>)(.*)/','/(<input.*type="submit".*?\/?>)(.*)/'],
        '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm" aria-label="' . ICON_UPDATE_ALT . '" title="' . ICON_UPDATE_ALT . '"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-sm fa-sync-alt"></i></button>$2',
dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

Thank you @torvista for the expanded description. FWIW, my BS close uses a shortened ICON_UPDATE_ALT and I modified includes/classes/observers/ZcaBootstrapObserver.php to do the button substitution with the FA icon for the NOTIFY_ZEN_CSS_BUTTON_SUBMIT notifier. The observer is not invoked with the vanilla ICON_UPDATE_ALT but is with the shortened version. Noting that the vanilla observer will produce <button type="submit" class="btn ... (with no FA icon).

A related question: does the translation to button work for a disabled button (when includes/modules/pages/shopping_cart/header_php.php adds style="opacity: 0.25" disabled="disabled" to the call to zen_image_submit)?

lat9 commented 11 months ago

FWIW, here's the starting HTML for each of the 'flavors' of button that are created on zc158:

<button type="submit" class="btn button_update_cart" style="opacity: 0.25" disabled="disabled">Update</button><input type="hidden" name="products_id[]" value="12">

<input type="image" src="includes/templates/template_default/buttons/english/button_update_cart.png" alt="Change your quantity by highlighting the number in the box, correcting the quantity and clicking this button." title="Change your quantity by highlighting the number in the box, correcting the quantity and clicking this button." style="opacity: 0.25" disabled="disabled"><input type="hidden" name="products_id[]" value="12">

When that ICON_UPDATE_ALT language constant is shrunk, the base is creating a <button type="submit", not an <input type="submit" tag.

Here's what works for me:

    $productArray[$i]['buttonUpdate'] = preg_replace(
        '<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm" aria-label="' . ICON_UPDATE_ALT . '" title="' . ICON_UPDATE_ALT . '"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-sm fa-sync-alt"></i></button>',

Note, updated the button-finding regex, removing the possibly trailing slash

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

I haven't tried a test case, but a disabled attribute (if set in includes/modules/pages/shopping_cart/header_php.php) is not propagated to the final button code.

lat9 commented 11 months ago

Under what condition(s) is a button displayed but disabled?

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

includes/modules/pages/shopping_cart/header_php.php Lines 110,111: $show_products_quantity_max = zen_get_products_quantity_order_max($products[$i]['id']); $showFixedQuantity = (($show_products_quantity_max == 1 or zen_get_products_qty_box_status($products[$i]['id']) == 0) ? true : false); Used in lines 133-140: $buttonUpdate = ''; if (SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_UPDATE == 1 or SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_UPDATE == 3) { if (!$showFixedQuantity) { $buttonUpdate = zen_image_submit(ICON_IMAGE_UPDATE, ICON_UPDATE_ALT); } else { $buttonUpdate = zen_image_submit(ICON_IMAGE_UPDATE, ICON_UPDATE_ALT, 'style="opacity: 0.25" disabled="disabled"'); } } $buttonUpdate .= zen_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']);

If I'm reading the code correctly, one should be able to produce a disabled button for a product when either:

Basically, disable a product's quantity box by either method.

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

The following products in the sample products have their quantity boxes disabled and should have the disabled attribute on the update button:

lat9 commented 11 months ago

OK, for those cases the 'Update' icon will simply be rendered as &nbsp;.

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

For the disabled button cases, the hidden <input for products_id[] contained in $productArray[$i]['buttonUpdate'] is discarded. This disables the use of the checkbox below the delete icons.

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

Note that the hidden <input for products_id[] is ALWAYS included in $productArray[$i]['buttonUpdate'], even when no button is to be displayed (no <input or <button included). It should NOT be stripped when replacing the button with &nbsp;. Otherwise the capability to check the checkbox under the delete icon will have NO effect for fixed-quantity products when the update button below all products is clicked.

lat9 commented 11 months ago

Dang it, I had updated that regex to gather the hidden field so it can be appended. Let me see what the heck I did with that.

lat9 commented 11 months ago

Right, and I pushed it against #286 (not including this issue).

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

A possible solution would be to use preg_replace code similar to that used below for normal quantities using &nbsp; for the replacement argument. IMO extracting the hidden <input isn't necessary; just replace the <input or <button, if present, which the preg_replace do nicely, leaving the hidden <input in place.

lat9 commented 11 months ago

Please refer to the update I made for #286. That extracts the fixed-quantity amount while retaining the hidden input (and any future additions) associated with that fixed-quantity.

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

The hidden <input for products_id[] is contained in $productArray[$i]['buttonUpdate'] and is discarded in the $productArray[$i]['buttonUpdate'] = '&nbsp;'; statement.

dennisns7d commented 11 months ago

There are two main hidden <input in play here (plus some for product attributes).

lat9 commented 11 months ago

OK, finally "got it". Using the "Hide Quantity Box" product, it can be removed from the cart via the delete-icon, but checking the 'delete checkbox' and the overall update-icon doesn't remove the product from the cart.