lat9 / encrypted_master_password

Zen Cart: Encrypted Master Password
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Allow customization of "type" of on-screen message displayed #27

Closed torvista closed 5 years ago

torvista commented 5 years ago

Since the unique identifier for the account is the email address, I swap round the message parameters:

ADMIN LOGGED IN using account: (Stephen BL Switzerland)

I also prefer the message type to be caution rather than success as this type of operation is an anomaly and I think it should stand out as "not quite right" as opposed to "all is ok"!

lat9 commented 5 years ago

Since the message can be overridden by the current template and that message uses "argument swapping" via sprintf, you can re-arrange those parameters in the message itself.

I'll consider providing a message-severity definition (also in that extra_definitions language-file).

lat9 commented 5 years ago

You can now edit the EMP storefront's language-specific extra_definitions file to modify the message severity.

lat9 commented 5 years ago

@torvista, since you opened this issue it's yours to close if you feel that it's been corrected.