// -----
// Part of the "Monthly Sales and Tax" plugin (v2.0.0+) for Zen Cart 157+.
// Copyright (C) 2021-2022, Vinos de Frutas Tropicales.
// Update ver 2.0.5 22/08/2024 highburyeye.co.nz php 8 refactoring
class MonthlySalesAndTax extends base
$sales, //-An array of sales' information
$status, //-The orders-status value used to create the above array (0 if all statuses) The orders_status_id. If '0', all statuses; otherwise, just that selected status_id.
$selectedYear, //The specific year for which the report is run; set to '0' for all years.
$selectedMonth, // The specific month (with year) for which the report is run; set to '0' for all dates.
$sortDir; // Identifies the sort 'direction' for the report, either 'ASC' or 'DESC'.
public function __construct($status, $sort_dir, $selected_year, $selected_month)
global $db;
// -----
// Determine whether/not debug is enabled, setting the current debug-filename.
$this->debug = defined('STATS_MONTHLY_SALES_DEBUG') && STATS_MONTHLY_SALES_DEBUG === 'on';
$this->debug_logfile = DIR_FS_LOGS . '/myDEBUG-sms-' . date('Ymd-His') . '.log';
// -----
// Set a couple of processing flags for optional total-related values. These are used by protected
// class methods and returned for the main report's use in determining whether/not columns should
// be included.
$this->using_gv = defined('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_GV_STATUS') && MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_GV_STATUS === 'true';
$this->using_coupon = defined('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_STATUS') && MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_COUPON_STATUS === 'true';
// -----
// Determine whether/not an additional column is needed for the main report to collect totals for
// classes **other than** those in the base.
$this->base_classes = [
'ot_total' => 'gross_sales',
'ot_tax' => 'tax',
'ot_shipping' => 'shipping',
'ot_subtotal' => '',
if ($this->using_loworder) {
$this->base_classes['ot_loworderfee'] = 'loworder';
if ($this->using_gv) {
$this->base_classes['ot_gv'] = 'gv';
if ($this->using_coupon) {
$this->base_classes['ot_coupon'] = 'coupon';
$this->baseClassesList = "'" . implode("', '", array_keys($this->base_classes)) . "'";
$extra_class_query = $db->Execute(
"SELECT value
WHERE class NOT IN (" . $this->baseClassesList . ")
$this->additional_totals = !$extra_class_query->EOF;
// -----
// Determine the number of decimal points to include in the sales output, based on
// the site's **default** currency.
require DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'currencies.php';
$currencies = new currencies();
$this->decimal_places = $currencies->get_decimal_places(DEFAULT_CURRENCY);
// -----
// Now that the base order_totals to be gathered has been determined, see which form
// of report (monthly for all years vs. daily for a specified month) is to be
// created and generate the 'base' sales structure for the to-be-returned report's
// information array.
$this->status = (string)$status;
$this->selectedYear = (string)$selected_year;
$this->selectedMonth = (string)$selected_month;
$this->reportModeMonthly = ($this->selectedYear === '0' && $this->selectedMonth === '0');
$this->sortDir = ($sort_dir === 'DESC') ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
// -----
// Log the values set; they define how the report will run.
$this->debug('constructor, on exit: ' . json_encode($this));
// -----
// A collection of public methods (used by the main report) to return some of the report's processing flags.
public function usingLowOrder()
return $this->using_loworder;
public function usingGiftVouchers()
return $this->using_gv;
public function usingCoupons()
return $this->using_coupon;
public function usingAdditionalTotals()
return $this->additional_totals;
public function isMonthlyReport()
return $this->reportModeMonthly;
public function formatValue($value)
return number_format($value, $this->decimal_places);
// -----
// Returns the translated name-of-month, based on a month value supplied in the
// range 1 (January) to 12 (December). Constants are defined in the admin's main
// language file.
public function getMonthName($month)
switch ($month) {
case 1:
$monthname = _JANUARY;
case 2:
$monthname = _FEBRUARY;
case 3:
$monthname = _MARCH;
case 4:
$monthname = _APRIL;
case 5:
$monthname = _MAY;
case 6:
$monthname = _JUNE;
case 7:
$monthname = _JULY;
case 8:
$monthname = _AUGUST;
case 9:
$monthname = _SEPTEMBER;
case 10:
$monthname = _OCTOBER;
case 11:
$monthname = _NOVEMBER;
case 12:
$monthname = _DECEMBER;
$monthname = '????';
return $monthname;
// -----
// The public method that creates the array of information used for various outputs by the
// main report.
public function createReport()
// -----
// First, gather the taxed and untaxed product sales for the requested period. This will
// provide the base into which additional order-total values will next be inserted.
$this->sales = $this->getProductSales();
if (count($this->sales) === 0) {
$this->debug('createReport, nothing found');
return $this->sales;
// -----
// Now, update the 'sales' array, gathering order-total values for the various timeframes.
return $this->sales;
protected function getProductSales()
global $db;
$sales_query_raw = "SELECT " . $this->getQueryTimeframeFields();
$sales_query_raw .= ", SUM(CASE WHEN op.products_tax = 0 THEN ROUND(op.final_price * op.products_quantity, " . $this->decimal_places . ") ELSE 0 END) AS products_untaxed";
$sales_query_raw .= ", SUM(CASE WHEN op.products_tax != 0 THEN ROUND(op.final_price * op.products_quantity, " . $this->decimal_places . ") ELSE 0 END) AS products_taxed";
$sales_query_raw .= " FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o";
$sales_query_raw .= " INNER JOIN " . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS . " op ON op.orders_id = o.orders_id";
$sales_query_raw .= $this->getQueryCommonConditions();
$product_sales = $db->Execute($sales_query_raw);
$sales = [];
foreach ($product_sales as $timeframe) {
$key = $this->getTimeframeKey($timeframe);
$timeframe['products_total'] = $timeframe['products_untaxed'] + $timeframe['products_taxed'];
$sales[$key] = $timeframe;
return $sales;
protected function addTimeframeTotals()
global $db;
foreach ($this->base_classes as $class => $field_name) {
if ($field_name === '') {
$sales_query_raw = "SELECT " . $this->getQueryTimeframeFields();
$sales_query_raw .= ', ' . $this->getTotalSum($class, $field_name);
$sales_query_raw .= " FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o";
$sales_query_raw .= " INNER JOIN " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " ot ON ot.orders_id = o.orders_id";
$sales_query_raw .= " WHERE ot.class = '$class'";
$sales_query_raw .= $this->getQueryCommonConditions('AND');
$sales = $db->Execute($sales_query_raw);
foreach ($sales as $timeframe) {
$key = $this->getTimeframeKey($timeframe);
$this->sales[$key] = array_merge($this->sales[$key], $timeframe);
if ($this->additional_totals === true) {
$sales_query_raw = "SELECT " . $this->getQueryTimeframeFields();
$sales_query_raw .= ', SUM(CASE WHEN ot.class NOT IN (' . $this->baseClassesList . ') THEN ROUND(ot.value, ' . $this->decimal_places . ') ELSE 0 END) AS `other`';
$sales_query_raw .= " FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o";
$sales_query_raw .= " INNER JOIN " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " ot ON ot.orders_id = o.orders_id";
$sales_query_raw .= $this->getQueryCommonConditions();
$sales = $db->Execute($sales_query_raw);
foreach ($sales as $timeframe) {
$key = $this->getTimeframeKey($timeframe);
$this->sales[$key] = array_merge($this->sales[$key], $timeframe);
protected function getTimeframeKey($timeframe)
$key = $timeframe['year'] . '-' . $timeframe['month'];
if ($this->reportModeMonthly === false) {
$key .= '-' . $timeframe['day'];
return $key;
protected function getTotalSum($ot_class, $field_name)
return "SUM(CASE WHEN ot.class = '$ot_class' THEN ROUND(ot.value, " . $this->decimal_places . ") ELSE 0 END) AS $field_name";
protected function getQueryTimeframeFields()
$query_fields = "DATE_FORMAT(o.date_purchased, '%Y') AS `year`, DATE_FORMAT(o.date_purchased, '%m') AS `month`";
if ($this->reportModeMonthly === false) {
$query_fields .= ", DATE_FORMAT(o.date_purchased, '%d') AS `day`";
return $query_fields;
protected function getQueryCommonConditions($connector = 'WHERE')
$conditions = '';
if ($this->status !== '0') {
$conditions = ' ' . $connector . ' o.orders_status = ' . $this->status;
$connector = 'AND';
if ($this->reportModeMonthly === false) {
$year_month = $this->selectedYear . '-' . $this->selectedMonth . '-';
$conditions .= ' ' . $connector . " o.date_purchased BETWEEN '" . $year_month . "01 00:00:00' AND '" . $year_month . "31 23:59:59'";
$conditions .= ' ';
$conditions .= "GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(o.date_purchased, '%Y'), DATE_FORMAT(o.date_purchased, '%m')";
if ($this->reportModeMonthly === false) {
$conditions .= ", DATE_FORMAT(o.date_purchased, '%d')";
$conditions .= ' ORDER BY `year` ' . $this->sortDir . ', `month` ' . $this->sortDir;
if ($this->reportModeMonthly === false) {
$conditions .= ', `day` ' . $this->sortDir;
return $conditions;
// -----
// A protected function to conditionally output a debug message.
protected function debug($message)
if ($this->debug) {
error_log(date('Y-m-d H:i:s: ') . $message . "\n", 3, $this->debug_logfile);