lat9 / printable_price_list

Zen Cart: Printable Price-List
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Correct function call (missing parentheses) results in PHP warning and unwanted behavior #24

Closed lat9 closed 2 years ago

lat9 commented 2 years ago

As reported on the Zen Cart support-thread, the following debug-log results:

[18-Jan-2022 09:44:24 ] Request URI: /index.php?main_page=pricelist&profile=1, IP address: ::1
#1 require(...\includes\templates\template_default\pricelist\tpl_main_page.php)
called at [...\index.php:94]
--> PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant zen_in_guest_checkout - assumed 'zen_in_guest_checkout'
(this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in
...\includes\templates\template_default\pricelist\tpl_main_page.php on line 68.