lat9 / vat4eu

VAT Processing for European Countries for Zen Cart 1.5.8a and 2.0.x
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VAT number not shown in admin>customers>customers #23

Closed webchills closed 7 months ago

webchills commented 7 months ago

Zen Cart 1.5.8a PHP 8.2.13

admin/includes/classes/observers/Vat4EuAdminObserver.php does not recognize VAT numbers so VAT numbers are not shown in the new column in customers>customers

`[23-Feb-2024 16:09:47 Europe/Berlin] Request URI: /158en/admin/index.php?cmd=customers&page=1&cID=1, IP address:, Language id 1

0 /www/htdocs/158en/admin/includes/classes/observers/Vat4EuAdminObserver.php(258): zen_debug_error_handler()

1 /www/htdocs/158en/includes/classes/traits/NotifierManager.php(87): Vat4EuAdminObserver->update()

2 /www/htdocs/158en/adminr/customers.php(1591): base->notify()

3 /www/htdocs/158en/admin/index.php(11): require('/www/htdocs/')

--> PHP Warning: Undefined array key "entry_vat_number" in /www/htdocs/158en/manager/includes/classes/observers/Vat4EuAdminObserver.php on line 258.`

$p1['entry_vat_number'] is always empty

lat9 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the report, @webchills. I'll give that a look real-soon-now.

webchills commented 7 months ago

A quick fix which makes the number showing up is adding the vat fields to the getFormattedAddressBookList function in includes/classes/Customer.php: $sql = "SELECT address_book_id, entry_vat_number, entry_vat_validated, entry_firstname AS firstname, entry_lastname AS lastname,

But this would require editing a core file and does not fit such an observer only plugin.

lat9 commented 7 months ago

Thanks, @webchills; VAT4EU is next on my list. I've been working through another plugin for the past couple of days and am ready for the "next thing"!

lat9 commented 7 months ago

Would it be possible for you to send me (or send me a link to) an exported database that you're using for testing? It would give me a leg-up on correcting this and the other issues you've identified over the past couple of years.

lat9 commented 7 months ago

What's weird is that the Vat4EuAdminObserver has requested that those fields be added to the query, see these lines.

Are there any other observers watching for that notification ... and possibly setting the second parameter = something instead of appending their additional fields to the existing string?

webchills commented 7 months ago

This is a vanilla installation of 1.5.8. The only plugin is VatforEU. The same issue is in a 2.0.0 installation. I will send you a link to the database dump via your contact form.