latenighttales / alcali

Featureful Saltstack GUI
MIT License
354 stars 60 forks source link

Docker Quickstart doesn't work #500

Closed bearrito closed 8 months ago

bearrito commented 1 year ago
git clone
cd alcali
docker-compose up --scale minion=2
 File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/cli/", line 34, in run
    ret =
  File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/", line 300, in run
    ret = self._proc_function(
  File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/client/", line 540, in _proc_function
    return instance.low(fun, low)
  File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/client/", line 418, in low
  File "/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/salt/utils/", line 76, in store_job
    raise KeyError(emsg)
KeyError: "Returner 'alcali' does not support function prep_jid"
ERROR: Service 'master' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c salt-run saltutil.sync_all' returned a non-zero code: 1
bstrausser@LOCLAP680:~/Git/alcali$ git branch
* develop
bstrausser@LOCLAP680:~/Git/alcali$ git log
commit 4a652bc421f73f54e9dd3fcb3f46d3999c977111 (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD)
Author: Matt Melquiond <>
Date:   Sat Jun 25 22:04:42 2022 +0200

    add a clear results button (#455)

commit 0aa8d0fbbecfb11b4346d47aa4f9f3cabd7f0fe0
kragebein commented 1 year ago

Getting the same using the salt formula

louiselegrand commented 11 months ago

I just tested, I have my same error.

agriev commented 10 months ago

same here

agriev commented 10 months ago

Just for the information, alcali has some problems with a folder permissions in docker.

quickfix is in

mkdir /var/cache/salt/master chown -R salt:salt /var/cache/salt

salt-run saltutil.sync_all # remove it from the Dockerfile-master

Also in Dockerfile-master:

RUN salt-call --local tls.create_self_signed_cert cacert_path='/etc/pki' RUN chmod -R a+rwx /etc/pki/. # add this line to fix certificates permission

mattLLVW commented 8 months ago

fixed by #507