latex-lineno / lineno

lineno – Line numbers on paragraphs
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Lineno breaks/hides content, if `\nointerlineskip` is used. #3

Closed T-F-S closed 1 year ago

T-F-S commented 2 years ago

In a problem in interaction between tcolorbox and lineno was reported.

The problem is nailed down to a \prevdepth problem with lineno in



before text

% excerpted from `before skip balanced`
% excerpted from \tcb@prepare@break@operation
\noindent% applies parskip

after text

Also, an incomplete patch for lineno is provided in

kwwette commented 1 year ago

@T-F-S Thanks for reporting this. I don't understand the lineno code well enough to know how to fix this, but I'd be happy to accept a complete patch if you have one.

kwwette commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue as I believe this has been resolved by; if that's not correct please let me know.

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

This is issue is reproducible without tcolorbox. It's really about handling a special value of \prevdepth (-1000pt) set by \nointerlineskip.

Default Using \linenumbers My attempt
Frank's patch
image image image image
Full example

```tex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lineno} \usepackage{multicol} \makeatletter \def\muzimuzhiPATCH{% \def\@LN@depthbox{% % \@tempdima is set to \prevdepth before \ifdim\@tempdima>-1000pt\relax \dp\@tempboxa=\@tempdima \fi \nointerlineskip \ifdim\@tempdima>-1000pt\relax \kern-\@tempdima % \else % is this needed? % \kern-\dp\@tempboxa \fi \box\@tempboxa}} \def\FrankPATCH{% \def\@LN@depthbox{% \ifdim\@tempdima = -1000pt % \nointerlineskip is already set so we don't need set it again (and we shouldn't back up) \else \dp\@tempboxa=\@tempdima \nointerlineskip \kern-\@tempdima \fi \box\@tempboxa}} \makeatother \begin{document} \def\testWithPrevdepth#1{{% \noindent\texttt{\UseName{str_if_empty:nTF}{#1}{default}{\detokenize{#1}}}\par before text\par #1% \noindent\vskip0pt % any vskip triggers the problem content\par after text\par}\medskip} \def\tests#1{{#1% \testWithPrevdepth{} \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=10pt} \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-10pt} \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-100pt} \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-1000pt} \newpage }} \tests{} \tests{\linenumbers} \tests{\linenumbers\muzimuzhiPATCH} \tests{\linenumbers\FrankPATCH} \end{document} ```

kwwette commented 1 year ago

Thanks @muzimuzhi for the examples. I've applied Frank's patch to lineno.sty. Could you please confirm that this version of lineno.sty fixes the issue and behaves as you expect?

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

Just one concern: the inter-line skip is actually altered by \linenumbers. Is this OK? image

If that's OK, then here's a similar patch for \internallinenumberpar (used by user command \internallinenumbers) and bframe env:

diff --git a/lineno.sty b/lineno.sty
index 9fb0be8..1107b4c 100644
--- a/lineno.sty
+++ b/lineno.sty
@@ -2725,10 +2725,14 @@ Macro file lineno.sty for LaTeX: attach line numbers, refer to them.
-        \dp\@tempboxa\prevdepth
-        \nobreak\vskip-\prevdepth
-        \nointerlineskip\box\@tempboxa
+        \ifdim\prevdepth=-1000pt
+        \else
+          \dp\@tempboxa\prevdepth
+          \nobreak\vskip-\prevdepth
+          \nointerlineskip
+        \fi
+        \box\@tempboxa
@@ -2866,7 +2870,9 @@ Macro file lineno.sty for LaTeX: attach line numbers, refer to them.
-   \kern-\prevdepth
+   \ifdim\prevdepth=-1000pt \else
+     \kern-\prevdepth
+   \fi
Default Using \linenumbers
+ Frank's patch extended
On next column/page
On third column/page
Full example, v2

```tex \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{lineno} \makeatletter \def\FrankPATCH{% \def\@LN@depthbox{% \ifdim\@tempdima=-1000pt % \nointerlineskip is already set so we don't need set it again (and we shouldn't back up) \else \dp\@tempboxa=\@tempdima \nointerlineskip \kern-\@tempdima \fi \box\@tempboxa}% \renewcommand\internallinenumberpar{% \ifvmode\@@@par\else\ifinner\@@@par\else\@@@par \begingroup \c@internallinenumbers\prevgraf \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\vbox{\makeinternalLinenumbers}}% \ht\@tempboxa\z@ \ifdim\prevdepth=-1000pt \else \dp\@tempboxa\prevdepth \nobreak\vskip-\prevdepth \nointerlineskip \fi \box\@tempboxa \endgroup \fi\fi } \renewcommand\endbframe{% \par \ifdim\prevdepth=-1000pt \else \kern-\prevdepth \fi \kern\bframesep \nointerlineskip % \textwidth is proposed to be replaced with \columnwidth in % \@tempdima\textwidth \advance\@tempdima 2\bframesep \hbox{\hskip-\bframesep \vrule\@width\@tempdima\@height\bframerule\@depth\z@}% } } \makeatother % just tweak % see full fix in \AtBeginDocument{% \textwidth=\dimexpr\columnwidth-10pt } \raggedbottom \begin{document} \def\testWithPrevdepth#1{{% \noindent\texttt{\UseName{str_if_empty:nTF}{#1}{default}{\detokenize{#1}}}\par before text\par #1% \noindent\vskip0pt % any vskip triggers the problem content\par after text\par}} \def\tests#1{{#1% \testWithPrevdepth{} % \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=10pt} \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-10pt} % \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-100pt} \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-1000pt} \begin{center} \UseName{tl_if_in:nnT}{#1}{\linenumbers}{\internallinenumbers}% \testWithPrevdepth{} \end{center} \begin{center} \UseName{tl_if_in:nnT}{#1}{\linenumbers}{\internallinenumbers}% \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-10pt} \end{center} \begin{center} \UseName{tl_if_in:nnT}{#1}{\linenumbers}{\internallinenumbers}% \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-1000pt} \end{center} \begin{bframe} foo\par \nointerlineskip \end{bframe} \begin{bframe} \testWithPrevdepth{\prevdepth=-1000pt} \end{bframe} \newpage }} \tests{\linenumbers\FrankPATCH} \tests{} \end{document} ```

kwwette commented 1 year ago

Thanks again @muzimuzhi I've applied the additional patches. Can you please check the latest version of lineno.sty is working correctly?

I couldn't work out how to remove the extra inter-line skip. It's probably fine as is, so I may leave it for now.

kwwette commented 1 year ago

I've submitted a new release of linono (v5.3) to CTAN with these changes.

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

Ignoring the restored inter-line skip, I can confirm lineno v5.3 works correctly. Thank you for this update and sorry for my late response.