latex3 / babel

The babel system for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX
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Bad interraction between bidi option and mathtools package in align environment #166

Closed yrogge closed 2 years ago

yrogge commented 2 years ago

Using the new 3.70 version with luaLaTeX, there is a strange behavior in align environment. See example below. With both bidi=basic option (line 4) and \usepackage{mathtools} (line 7), there are errors in align (at line 23). Commenting either one, the tags in it are misplaced.

  bidi=basic, % not compatible with package mathtools
\usepackage{mathtools} % not compatible with bidi option
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % Pour polices sans empattement
\babelfont{rm}{Noto Serif}     % alias \setmainfont
\babelfont{sf}{Noto Sans}      % alias \setsansfont
\babelfont{tt}{Noto Sans Mono} % alias \setmonofont (no Italic, no Bold Italic)
\usepackage{unicode-math}      % => \setmathfont
\setmathfont[StylisticSet={8,11,16}]{STIX Two Math} % upint, neg.set, circled op. (+ \mathscr)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
    &= \frac{1}{q^\varrho}\ \left( \Bigl( Y+(q\!-\!1)X \Bigr)^\frac{q^\varrho-1}{q-1} + (q^\varrho-1)\ \Bigl( Y-X \Bigr)^{q^{\varrho-1}}\,\Bigl( Y+(q\!-\!1)X \Bigr)^\frac{q^{\varrho-1}-1}{q-1} \right) \\
    &= \Bigl( Y+(q\!-\!1)X \Bigr)^\frac{q^{\varrho-1}-1}{q-1} \left[ \frac{1}{q^\varrho}\ \Bigl( Y+(q\!-\!1)X \Bigr)^{q^{\varrho-1}} + \left( 1 - \frac{1}{q^\varrho}\ \right) \Bigl( Y-X \Bigr)^{q^{\varrho-1}} \right]
yrogge commented 2 years ago

NB. Everything was OK with version 3.67.

jbezos commented 2 years ago

As a workaround, try with:

\usepackage{mathtools} % not compatible with bidi option

Babel patches for \intertext are meant for amsmath, but mathtools changes this command further and the definition is messed up.

yrogge commented 2 years ago

OK. It works. Thank you. But there is now another strange behavior: after tagged environments (equation, align, etc.), the following non-math text is always indented as at the begin of a new paragraph. It is not the case if there were no tags ([ ], align*, etc.). Note that it is not the case when the text is produced inside the environment with \intertext or \shortintertext macros.