latex3 / hyperref

Hypertext support for LaTeX
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bib keys in the binary output #221

Closed niruvt closed 2 years ago

niruvt commented 2 years ago

This question on SE has reported a problem, that the cite-keys defined in the bib-file are preserved in the binary output with hyperref. Some people (like me and the OP) find it odd. Can something be done in order to avoid this behavior?

u-fischer commented 2 years ago

As mentioned in, hyperref offers with \HyperDestNameFilter a method to change destination names. To offer an interface to change specifically the destination names of citations (or glossaries or similar packages using keys to identify something) would be imho a task of bibliography packages.

mrpiggi commented 2 years ago

Using \[pdf]mdfivesum together with \HyperDestNameFilter would be a possible generic solution