latex3 / hyperref

Hypertext support for LaTeX
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hyperref + \newlist from enumitem has stopped working against LaTeX2e <2024-11-01> pre-release-4 #357

Open akiyks opened 3 hours ago

akiyks commented 3 hours ago

MWE (works fine with pdflatex)



\item Item 1.
\item Item 2.

Item~\ref{enum:1} precedes item~\ref{enum:2}.

\item Step 1.
\item Step 2.

Step~\ref{seq:1} precedes step~\ref{seq:1}.


Building with pdflatex-dev ends up with this error:

! You can't use `\relax' after \the.
<recently read> \c@sequencexcii 

l.18 \item S
            tep 1.

Commenting out \usepackage{hyperref} can work around the error, but that wouldn't work for me.

I'm sorry but I have no idea which of hyperref, enumitem or latex2e pre-release-4 is to blame.

Can you please have a look into this?

muzimuzhi commented 2 hours ago

LaTeX2e pre-release-4 is to blame. I've reported it to

In your example, the \theHsequencei was illy defined.





expected: ->\the \value {sequencei}
actual:   ->\the \value {\enit@c \romannumeral \count@}


expected: ->\the \value {foo}
actual:   ->\the \value {\fooname}