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Break links for reference citation are not working in hypdvips.sty #89

Open rcvenkatesan opened 5 years ago

rcvenkatesan commented 5 years ago

Break links for reference citation are not working in hypdvips.sty (with natbib.sty citations)

There are reference citation entries that span more than one line. Since I compile with LaTeX -> PS -> PDF, the links created by hyperref are not correctly displayed in the output file (pdf). To fix this issue, I added \usepackage{hypdvips} in my preamble. But I am not getting the links (at the same time I am getting links for toc that span more than one line)

\usepackage[draft=false,dvips,ps2pdf=true,colorlinks,pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W 0},bookmarksnumbered,bookmarksopen=false,unicode=true,pdfpagelabels=false]{hyperref}%


The second breakthrough was the development of the semiconductor laser.
Demonstrations of laser action\enlargethispage{12pt}
in semiconductors were reported in \citet*{Hall1962}, in \citet*{Nathan1962}, in
\citet*{Holonyak1962}, and in \citet*{Quist1962}.
All of the papers were independently submitted within a span of less than three months in 1962. The practical breakthrough of the first
continuous-wave room-temperature semiconductor laser was reported by

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Hall, Fenner, Kingsley, Soltys, and Carlson}{Hall et~al.}{1962}]{Hall1962}
Hall, R.~N., G.~E. Fenner, J.~D. Kingsley, T.~J. Soltys, and R.~O. Carlson.
\newblock Coherent light emission from {Ga--As} junctions.
\newblock \textit{Physics Review Letters}, 9(9):366--8, 1962.

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Nathan, Dumke, Burns, Dill, and Lasher}{Nathan et~al.}{1962}]{Nathan1962}
Nathan, M., W.~Dumke, G.~Burns, F.~Dill, and G.~Lasher.
\newblock Stimulated emission of radiation from {GaAs P--N} junctions.
\newblock \textit{Applied Physics Letters}, 1(3):62--4, 1962.

\bibitem[Holonyak and Bevacqua(1962)]{Holonyak1962}
Holonyak, N. and S.~F. Bevacqua.
\newblock Coherent (visible) light emission from {$\textrm{Ga}(\textrm{As}_{1 - x}\textrm{P}_x)$} junctions.
\newblock \textit{Applied Physics Letters}, 1(4):82--3, 1962.

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Quist, Rediker, Keyes, Krag, Lax, and
  Zeigler}{Quist et~al.}{1962}]{Quist1962}
Quist, T.~M., R.~H. Rediker, R.~J. Keyes, W.~E. Krag, B.~Lax, A.~L. McWhorter, and H.~J. Zeigler.
\newblock Semiconductor maser of {GaAs}.
\newblock \textit{Applied Physics Letters}, 1(4):91--2, 1962.

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Alferov, Andreev, Portnoi, and Turkan}{Alferov et~al.}{1970}]{Alferov1970}
Alferov, Zh.~I., V.~M. Andreev, E.~L. Portnoi, and M.~K. Turkan.
\newblock {AlAs--GaAs} heterojunction injection lasers with a low room-temperature threshold.
\newblock \textit{Soviet Physics Semiconductors}, \hbox{3:460--3}, 1970.

davidcarlisle commented 5 years ago

Thanks we will look but if it is an issue with hypdvips.sty (which I had not heard of previously) then you would need to report it to the maintainer of that package.

u-fischer commented 5 years ago

I took a look when you asked this on and as I wrote in a comment: you should really try to get contact to the author of hypdvips. There is lots of postscript magic in the sty and even if the problem could be solved by changing hyperref it is imho quite difficult and time consuming to do it without some help from him.