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Printing text in Hebrew, using `multicol`, and the columns aren't always balanced #116

Closed ZvikaZ closed 5 years ago

ZvikaZ commented 5 years ago

Brief outline of the bug

Printing text in Hebrew, using multicol, and the columns aren't always balanced.

There is a long paragraph, with some line breaks inside. That paragraph spans to the next column, and the first column is larger than the second column.

Note 1:

latexbug indicated that there is a 3rd party package - fontspec - but it's just used to load the Hebrew font, in order to demonstrate the problem, which is in Hebrew.

Note 2:

Usually I use polyglossia to load Hebrew support, and it takes care of making the document from right to left. Here, I removed polysglossia, and therefore the document is from left to right (even though it's Hebrew).

Minimal example showing the bug



\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}
\setmonofont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}

%%%%%%%%%%%        COMMANDS        %%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%        DATA        %%%%%%%%%%%

\ערך{״אהבה רבה״ }\הגדרה{- ע׳ במדור פסוקים ובטויי חז״ל.}

\ערך{אהבת אור ד׳}\הגדרה{ - אהבת החיים של }\הגדרה{הצדיק־האמיתי°}\הגדרה{, <שאיננה כלל אותה הנטיה הגסה של אהבת החיים המרופדת בשכרון של נטיות החומר הגסים המצוי אצל רוב הבריות, כי אם> אהבת חיקוי }\הגדרה{לחסד־עליון°}\הגדרה{ בעולמו, המתפשטת על פני כל היצור }\מקור{[קבצ׳ א קעד]}\צהגדרה{.}

\ערך{אהבת ד׳ }\הגדרה{- הרגשת השתוקקות תמיד }\הגדרה{לטוב°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{ולאמת°}\הגדרה{ שהאדם מרגיש באמת בנקודת }\הגדרה{נשמתו°}\הגדרה{ הפנימית, <שהכל הוא בכלל טוב או בכלל אמת> }\מקור{[עפ״י קבצ׳ ב קלג]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{(האהבה) מצד }\הגדרה{כבודו°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{וחסדיו°}\הגדרה{ שעשה }\מקור{[מא״ה א פט]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\צהגדרה{גלויה היסודי של }\צהגדרה{האמונה°}\צהגדרה{ הגדולה }\צמקור{[נ״ה יא].}\\\מעוין{◊ }\משנה{אהבת ד׳}\הגדרה{ באה כשישים האדם לבבו להדמות }\הגדרה{לדרכי°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{השי״ת°}\הגדרה{, אז ע״י ההדמות תולד האהבה, וכפי רוב הדמיון יהי׳ רוב האהבה }\מקור{[ע״א א ב לו (ע״ר ב קכג)]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\מעוין{◊}\הגדרה{ האהבה באה מצד השלמות שבנמצאים, שמצדה הם כולם נמצאים באמיתת מציאותו יתברך }\מקור{[ע״א ג ב קעא]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\מעוין{◊ }\הגדרה{דעת כל המציאות לאמתתה לכל סעיפיה, כפי היכולת לאדם, <שמכלל }\הגדרה{דעת־ד׳°}\הגדרה{>. דעת הטבע לכל סעיפיו גיאוגרפיה והתכונה, הרפואה וחכמת הנפש, תכונות העמים וכל הנלוה להם, המביאים גם כן }\הגדרה{לאהבה־העליונה°}\הגדרה{ הזכה בכללות האנושיות }\מקור{[עפ״י קבצ׳ ב קלא]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{ע״ע אהבה אלהית. ע״ע יראת ד׳. ע״ע בנספחות, מדור מחקרים, אהבה ויראה. }

\ערך{אור ד׳°}\הגדרה{ - }\הגדרה{העילוי°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{העליון°}\הגדרה{, שממעל }\הגדרה{למקור־החיים°}\הגדרה{, יסוד המרחב העליון של }\הגדרה{הזוהר°}\הגדרה{ הבלתי מוגבל שכל }\הגדרה{עולמי־עולמים°}\הגדרה{ אינם כדאיים לו, שהוא מובדל מכל אורות עולמים, שכל תכונה של אורה בהם הרי היא מכוונת לראות על ידה גופים חשכים, שבעצמם אינם מערך מהות האורה, אבל האור בעצמו איננו דבר נראה, כי לא נתגלה בעולם לפי מדתו הכח הרואה את מהות האור. אמנם }\משנה{אור ד׳}\הגדרה{ במעלת הרחבת }\הגדרה{אצילות°}\הגדרה{ מקורו, הוא האור שאור נראה בו ועל ידו }\מקור{[עפ״י ע״ר א כא]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{אור האורים, שאי־אפשר לנו לבטאו ואיננו יכול להתלבש באותיות של שום מבטא גם לא של שום רעיון }\מקור{[א׳ קלא]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{מקור }\הגדרה{חיי־החיים°}\הגדרה{ ב״ה }\מקור{[ע״ר א קנה]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{חיי־החיים°}\הגדרה{, היסוד העליון מקור חיי אור }\הגדרה{העולמים°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[עפ״י א״ק ג צה]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{יסוד כל היש, ויותר מכל היש באין קץ }\מקור{[קובץ א תתיא]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{צרור־החיים°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[שם רמ]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{אור }\הגדרה{האמת°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[עפ״י ע״א ב ט קנא]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{אלהי עולם. }\הגדרה{הטוהר°}\הגדרה{, }\הגדרה{הטוב־המוחלט°}\הגדרה{, האמת המזהרת, }\הגדרה{הנצח°}\הגדרה{ בכל מלא }\הגדרה{הודו°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[עפ״י א״ק א קפב]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\משנה{אור ד׳ מחולל כל }\הגדרה{- זוהר האמת, }\הגדרה{הוד°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{אור־החיים°}\הגדרה{, }\הגדרה{שבמקור־הקודש°}\הגדרה{ }\צהגדרה{[עפ״י א״ק א ג (מ״ר }\צמקור{402}\צהגדרה{)]. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ וכבודו}\הגדרה{° - הקודש־העליון }\צהגדרה{[מ״ר }\צמקור{345}\צהגדרה{]. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ העליון }\הגדרה{- כולל הכל, ומקור הכל וחיי כל }\מקור{[ע״ר א רח]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{ע״ע אור עליון. ע״ע אור אלהי.} \\\ערך{אור ד׳ ממרומיו°}\הגדרה{ - }\הגדרה{היש־העליון°}\הגדרה{, }\הגדרה{הרוחניות°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{והטוהר°}\הגדרה{ המעולה }\מקור{[עפ״י א״ק ג רפו]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ }\הגדרה{- אור פני המלך המתנשא לכל לראש מעל כל ענין העולמות }\מקור{[ע״ר א רפט]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{הארת°}\הגדרה{ היש האמיתי }\הגדרה{וזיו°}\הגדרה{ החיים האלהיים }\מקור{[ע״א ד ט מז]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{הקדושה השרשית העצמית, המצואה בפועל, }\הגדרה{הוד°}\הגדרה{ חיי }\הגדרה{הקודש°}\הגדרה{, המרומם ונשא מכל שרעף ורעיון }\מקור{[עפ״י ע״ר א ט]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{הנס°}\הגדרה{ המוחלט }\מקור{[ע״ר א מט]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{האור העליון שהוא הרבה למעלה מן }\הגדרה{הטבעיות°}\הגדרה{}\מקור{ [ע״א ד ט מא]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{טוב־העליון°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[ע״ר א שעב, רפט]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\ערך{אור ד׳ המהוה הישות }\הגדרה{- }\הגדרה{זרוע־ד׳°}\הגדרה{ אשר נגלתה, יסוד ההשתלמות הבלתי פוסקת }\מקור{[עפ״י א״ק ב תקל]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ וכבודו }\הגדרה{- אמיתת }\הגדרה{הרצון־הכללי°}\הגדרה{ אשר }\הגדרה{בנשמת°}\הגדרה{ היקום כולו }\מקור{[שם ג לט]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ }\הגדרה{- המגמה האלהית היותר ברורה ותהומית לאין חקר }\מקור{[פנק׳ ג שלא]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{נשמת־העולמים°}\הגדרה{ }\צהגדרה{[קבצ׳ ב קנה}\משנה{]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{שפעת החיים הנובעים ושוטפים ממקור חיי העולמים }\מקור{[קבצ׳ א רכג]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\משנה{אור ד׳ בעולמו }\הגדרה{- אור }\הגדרה{השכינה°}\הגדרה{, נשמת העולמים, הוד }\הגדרה{האידיאליות°}\הגדרה{ האלהית החיה בכל }\מקור{[א״ק ב שסח, א״ש יד ד]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{אורו־של־משיח°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[א״ק ב תקסא]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ }\הגדרה{- }\הגדרה{גאולה°}\הגדרה{ רוחנית עליונה, נהירה אל }\הגדרה{ד׳°}\הגדרה{ ואל טובו }\מקור{[א׳ צא]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{״אורן של ישראל״, }\הגדרה{רוח־ה׳°}\הגדרה{ השורה על }\הגדרה{כלל°}\הגדרה{־ישראל }\הגדרה{ותפארתם°}\הגדרה{ הכללית }\מקור{[ע״א א ד לג]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{אור־תורה°}\הגדרה{, }\הגדרה{אור־חיים°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[קובץ ו קפח]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\משנה{אור ד׳ אשר באומה°}\הגדרה{ - }\הגדרה{השראת־השכינה°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{וקדושת°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{התורה°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{והמצוה°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[עפ״י ע״ר א קעג]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ בעולם }\הגדרה{- }\הגדרה{האמת°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{והצדק°}\הגדרה{ של דעת }\הגדרה{הקודש°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[ע״ר א רו]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ וטובו }\הגדרה{- }\הגדרה{הטוב°}\הגדרה{ והצדק }\צהגדרה{[ל״ה }\צמקור{118}\צהגדרה{]. }\\\ערך{אור ד׳ בארץ }\הגדרה{- התורה האמיתית והשכל הצלול והבהיר }\מקור{[אג׳ א קיז]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\משנה{אור ד׳ }\הגדרה{- קדושת התורה והיהדות הנאמנה, מורשה קהלת יעקב }\צהגדרה{[מ״ר }\צמקור{367}\צהגדרה{].}\\\הגדרה{אור צדק עולמים אשר }\הגדרה{בתורת־חיים°}\הגדרה{ }\צהגדרה{[מ״ר }\צמקור{366}\צהגדרה{].}\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{המוסר°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{האלהי°}\הגדרה{ המתגלה }\הגדרה{בתורה°}\הגדרה{, במסורת, }\הגדרה{בשכל°}\הגדרה{ }\הגדרה{וביושר°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[א״ק ג א]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{צמאון־אלהי°}\הגדרה{ }\מקור{[עפ״י קובץ ז רח]}\צהגדרה{.}\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{נועם°}\הגדרה{ הקודש }\מקור{[א״ק ב שי]}\צהגדרה{. }\\\הגדרה{}\הגדרה{זיו°}\הגדרה{ אור החכמה והשגת האמת }\מקור{[פנ׳ ח]}\צהגדרה{. }


Log file (required) and possibly PDF file

col_bal.log col_bal.pdf

FrankMittelbach commented 5 years ago

It is rather difficult for me to debug that as to me every command looks roughly like the next :-). But the balancing on the second page is perfect, so I assume you mean the different height on the first page (which is not generated by balancing by the way, but just cut).

As far as I can see the different heights there are due to a misunderstanding on your part how font size commands work: You write above


but this is not making #1 small, instead it makes everything small from there on (until another font size command comes along. So I guess you meant

\newcommand{\מקור}[1]{{\small #1}}

If this gets corrected in all your definition then the first page has columns with equal height too.

In summary, the latexbug statement "don't use fontspec" was correct, there is no need to use hebrew fonts to show the problem. Given that to me the text (and the code) is largely unreadable, sorry, looks all the same to me, I consider this resolved with the above suggestion. If not, I would need a different MWE not using hebrew fonts, then I could perhaps determine how exactly the use of \small affect the cutting of the columns.

ZvikaZ commented 5 years ago

Well, thanks for pointing out my mistake with the small syntax. I've fixed that, and the problem appeared in other place in my text.

In order to demonstrate the problem, without using Hebrew, I wrote a small Python program that generates random ABC characters, with accents, in patterns similar to mine - and indeed, it re-created the problem.

Whether this text is readable - I don't know ;-) - but it's not worse than the usual Lipsum.

I'm attaching the new log file. I also wanted to attach the new .tex file - but Github refused to accept that - therefore I've zipped it. small.log

The problem is in page 6 - left column being shorter than right column.

Pasting the .tex file content:



\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.2ex minus 0.2ex}    

\newcommand{\Abig}[1]{\textbf{{\large #1}}}
\newcommand{\Anorm}[1]{{\normalsize #1}}
\newcommand{\Asmall}[1]{{\small #1}}
\newcommand{\Bbig}[1]{\textbf{{\normalsize #1}}}
\newcommand{\Bnorm}[1]{{\small #1}}
\newcommand{\Bsmall}[1]{{\footnotesize #1}}

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\Abig{HbNL\r{a} } \Anorm{Wv zlb \~{u}\={e}\~{u}RE EPC\~{i}OzK i\r{i}\={i}\r{i}CO \c{i}w\={a}zCxj\={o} Ra\c{a}rBLy j\={e}Qh \~{i}Yl qp\={u}W aQi\r{i} kk\~{i}T r\c{e} \={e}\={i}\r{o}iN\={e} \={u}\={i}c\={u} OlU\r{e} \={o}fmgM\r{u}\r{e} HZxV\r{e} \r{o}\~{i}mZ\~{u}p \={e}Cmd H\c{u} P\r{o}\r{e} V\={u} U\={o} w\~{e}YCub dg\={i}m H\~{e}yD\r{o} AN \~{e}\~{i}\={u}j N\~{e}i \r{o}V \c{o}\~{u} Pq\={a}vmjG\={e} E\~{u}\r{i}\={i}o M\r{u}AAap\c{i} kF\={u}R\c{e}G uS\c{o}M vW\={u}s\~{i}R AsA\~{o}k dt\c{o}\~{e}mPl\~{a} q\c{a}iVnhN\~{e} zc b\c{o}R\~{e}tQlE Pt\r{u}\c{u}htRd gH \={e}YdsBv I\c{o}Y\r{u}etBu B\c{a}MP\={i}COf \r{u}\~{u}\={a}BD \~{e}qB\r{e}Y\r{u}\c{u} B\r{o}\c{u}\~{i}\r{a}J\={i} ffBSSSU \={o}X\~{u}k\c{i}Tcj g\={u}DC\r{o}p Y\~{o}t\r{o}\={u}y \c{e}gaS \r{i}\c{i}\c{o}Y Yn LFB\r{a}vnP\c{a} \~{i}\={u}uB \r{i}\={e}\c{i}Z\r{e}w\={e}\~{a} FFo tF\={i} J\c{e} ge\~{o}k\={a} FJ Ah\c{a}L cu\~{o}A P\={u}JDUcln uIR\~{e}\~{u} \={u}\={u} \={i}F\~{o} \r{o}D \c{i}\r{o}y\~{a}h Z\~{u}Qs \r{u}I\c{i}pKc\={o} KU\={o}r\~{i} OwWtd \~{e}Y\r{e}Mu\c{u}\~{e} \r{a}A\c{o}\~{o}mHH aoZBvu\c{a}R \c{a}shkk\={i} G\c{o}JC o\r{u}K RpFdQ SkV\={u}Lg zH\r{u}\r{i}fDl \r{a}\~{i}XAs \c{u}RVA\={u}\c{o}V\r{u} EES\c{u}\c{a} UCz\={i}\c{a}l q\={u}b \={u}Die\~{e}y \={u}q\={i}M \c{a}IYg k\r{u} W\r{e}aQkt\~{a} WbG\r{o}d\~{u} CJ\={i}\={i}Pqx K\~{e}H NaOe\r{a}\~{o}Y \c{i}px WG h\c{a}\~{i}\~{e} \={e}EoeT \r{e}fg\r{a}Maa pm\={i} vHjPR rP M\r{e} vnx\~{u} m\={o}d\={u} \c{i}ugTxeH\={i} \={u}\~{a}ZsT IXFmuWf \={e}AUT skkcJ } \Asmall{\~{e}R }\\
\Abig{bDqZ } \Anorm{zd\={a}qp\r{o}ws FsDx\r{o} \c{i}K\c{i} DE \={o}\~{a}\c{a}RYa\={o} \r{a}ZVCC \r{o}i\r{e}\~{o}Q\={o} xS \r{e}\r{a}j \c{u}S\={a}Wi \={i}hlx cq xE zBQHEum O\c{u}s\~{o}\={e}K UOd \~{i}\c{i}B\r{a} H\r{e}Y\r{i}g \~{a}jzBs\={a}B V\~{u}P\c{i}LHt tdID\c{a}O\={o} \c{a}JsHayPy J\~{i} yd\={a}V\~{i}\r{e}Dc w\r{u}B \~{i}A\c{i} yd\r{u}Rp\r{u} \c{i}Y\c{a}a\r{i} \~{o}\~{i} EcC\c{a}\={e}\~{e} mW y\c{o}HSV\c{u} \={e}Jf\={a} \c{u}\={o}bS \~{o}ADH\={i}N\r{a}G E\={o}L \={o}\r{i}\c{u}Yg\r{u}be FdqSGFK\r{e} z\c{e}nC qc\c{e}H\c{a}m\~{a} Cl\={e}b\c{a}xTV \~{u}l\={a}a\r{i}a Tou cu\c{u} Juk\r{a}jic\={u} EQ\c{u}\~{a}yQ\={u} \r{e}fPE \={o}\r{i}\={e}Ni\~{i}X e\~{o}t\c{u} \~{i}WbGT RA\r{e}aiW\r{u}L rRwAZ KoU I\={u}\c{a} he\~{a}yE\={u}e w\c{e}c\r{i}\r{u} \~{a}XV SzdVw\r{a}O joC\r{e}f \~{o}KO \~{i}\c{u}\c{o}Q\~{i}\c{u}VN WFDY \c{u}hZ\={i}\~{u}u \c{o}og\c{u}OQI \c{u}\r{o}\={i}\={a} A\~{u}\r{a}DTp\r{i} \r{o}\c{u} KIN\r{e}lgGp RT\c{o} \c{e}h \~{a}R\c{a}Wa\r{o}V \~{u}YrE\r{e}d yb\r{o}\c{u}GEW \c{u}\~{e}b\c{o} rqzP J\={a}\={i} Bf\~{a}s\~{a}x\c{u}k c\r{o}w\r{i} A\c{o}\c{u}\r{a}\~{e} nNpnuai \c{o}L aYVi SEp\r{o}L \={a}iH H\c{o}\r{u}S SEnS J\c{u}tk \={o}\~{i}\~{u}F \~{o}eQ \r{a}JYo J\~{e} kl\={a}kj\r{u}\r{i} BwDg xIV\={o}tyF lRkpNf\c{u} zW \r{a}YR\={u}h \~{a}\r{e}v\r{a}\r{o} \={o}\c{u}g\r{o}BvPW \r{i}\={e}l\={a} \c{a}\c{e}raY\c{u}\r{e} ZTpAa\c{u}WX Th\r{a}\={a}ohx gxYS\c{u}O \c{u}Sl\={e}PP \~{e}\={a}\={u}ZItF MrIKE\~{i}\r{i}m Y\c{i} \r{i}L Km\~{a}l\r{u} CM EJ\~{e}\r{e}p\r{o}kV pDyYk\r{o}\r{u}\c{u} zf JW\r{e}hiA \r{a}\~{o}wZU oX\~{i}\={i}\r{a}\~{i}wi \c{o}o\c{o}\~{o} O\c{a}\~{u}xlV \c{a}\r{e}\c{a}\r{o} QGgtE jnx\c{u}V \r{e}r\={e}\={a}\c{i}Dsy \={e}\~{u}mVFH gX\c{a}Gl \~{i}P\~{u}IbS \r{o}\~{u} s\={a}I\c{e}I\r{e}\c{o}\c{a} \r{a}f\~{i} \r{u}\~{o}EWH tV \r{e}N\~{u}YyY\r{o} K\~{a}\={a}wQG V\={o}\c{u}R Zp\~{u}\r{u}p\~{e} \~{u}R\r{a}kEX\c{e}\~{e} \={u}X\={e}RTAkv mjpyUfy \={e}nC\c{o} } \Asmall{\r{i}\r{i}\r{o}r\r{a} }\\
\Bbig{SN\~{a}M\~{e}uUg } \Bnorm{\~{i}pg\~{u}\={o}\~{u} vSn nkUB\r{i} K\c{a}b p\={u}\c{e}\={o} \c{e}\r{u} hxUh o\c{e}\r{o}\~{i}d f\~{e}\={e}\={i} LD hwhW\~{i}\~{e}QM FShO\~{e} Gu muhh \={a}\r{u}\c{i} m\={u} \={i}\={u}gN\={o}\c{a}w tzbyMN cV\={i}j\r{o}\c{e}\c{u}\~{u} ai\r{u}n G\r{u}B hb x\~{u}\r{i}xW HarmLEMk Tegm\={u} vk mZ fIrXW gq\~{i}\c{u} gkv uGM\r{o}yCB YiKeUI\={o}\r{i} \~{u}jW\c{u}BKO sAn\~{u}\r{i}mrP oY\={o}s\={i}xM Pv\={o} \r{i}\~{i}Zb\={u}e\c{i}\~{e} g\={u}b\~{a}\c{a}\~{u} r\r{u}\c{o}\~{u}QY \={u}C\c{i}Cah \={i}\c{u}\r{o}ls b\~{u}CH\~{u}OW tI \={i}i\c{a} s\c{u}\r{i} \={u}s\~{e}ZQW \r{o}vB w\c{i}e k\c{u}NH \c{u}\={o}jJ bymTJ Jl\c{o}\c{o}sx Tue\r{u}f\r{u}\={i}e \r{i}\c{u}dj\c{u}a\~{a}U A\~{i}k suU\~{e}\r{u}C my\r{i}gD\={u}\~{i} e\r{a}yH \r{i}w lI \c{o}qZy\={a}\r{i}h r\={u}lC\r{o} \r{i}\~{a}\~{i}cPVrw n\c{e}O\r{u}\={i}\r{i}oI X\~{o}\~{u}\c{a}\c{a}\={i}V \={u}eyw p\r{u}w\~{a} Os\c{o}hcZkE \c{a}IUA\~{o}y f\c{e}N\={u}H\~{a}\r{a}I \~{e}\={o}S\={i}J\~{a}K aV\={i}Dsjk s\r{a}\={a}\r{e}\={i}DN\c{i} R\r{u}\~{u}\={o} \r{i}C\~{o}\c{u}gv \r{e}O\c{u}\r{o}w\={u} \r{o}k\c{e}IdC C\r{o}lf\r{i} Fwy\c{i} tS J\c{o}na v\c{u}vov t\r{i}h \~{a}p\r{o}\c{o} \c{i}Tm\={a}E CCuSq \={e}j\~{u}N\={o}dIO spZD\~{o}iL mW\~{o}\~{a}Vej uAj\r{a} l\={a}aVtG\c{e}L TFmBb \={i}c\c{i}n \c{e}CMF\c{a}kGC \~{o}\~{o}\={u}\~{u}o xcLbqWK JfwjyTJ\r{i} \c{e}FXr\r{a} \~{e}EgG\~{a}\~{u}\={i} a\~{e}vTxxX\c{e} \~{u}\c{o}\={e}V \~{o}\c{o}\r{o} \~{u}s } \Bsmall{j\~{o}G }\\
\Abig{mfVsw\~{a} } \Anorm{DkyFEc \~{u}\c{u} uk\r{o}p iIw\r{i}A \~{i}Z\={u}gsUw BWAXz N\c{e}\c{a}aI\={a}\={o} lOW \r{o}GJbP\c{a}S \={i}ABto \r{e}\c{i} v\={i}Atb\r{u}\r{o} \={u}J L\c{i}\r{u} GK\~{u}\={o}vJ\={u} \c{a}dqp\={a}\r{u}F\={a} B\r{e}qIp G\={u}cWHtQ\c{i} szda\r{u}LEJ Wb HBojN\={u}\~{e} s\~{u}\c{u}C X\r{u}A\~{i}r\~{u}\c{o}E T\c{a}N\={e}\={o}SL\~{u} \c{u}\~{a} \c{a}So\r{i}kR eVC bt\={o} M\={e}Ke\r{e}pD \r{i}v\~{i} sC\={i}u Yi\r{a}kEW F\c{e}\c{u}N\c{o}HG c\r{i}\~{o}lZr \~{e}T\r{i}\r{a} RcC\={e}\r{i}\={e} xPb\r{i}CB\~{u} \~{i}LIpW\c{e}hd C\r{i}v \~{i}\c{o} \c{u}Af ZD\r{u}\r{i}TIL\~{u} qM\c{i}q mR \~{o}\c{a}\r{u}WNJvm \r{e}J\r{e}\={u}hs WjriHOaO cNk\c{u}C\r{a}a\={i} \~{u}\~{u}\r{a}A\c{o}yag Eb\r{e}X\={o}c\c{o}\r{e} F\~{a}d\r{a}t\c{u}pM \c{u}Nqw nf jb\~{a}\r{o}RL \r{i}uLNW\c{o}\~{i} W\~{i}SjGi \~{o}Q \~{i}DFP\c{e}\={o}\={o}\r{u} GHN \c{o}\={u}h\~{a}\={a} bL\={o}\={e}\r{u} P\c{e}MZGTF J\c{i}bN\~{u}\~{e}\={u} q\~{e}q \~{a}qL Rx\~{i}\~{i}WkuF \c{i}VYyqK T\c{i}L sy IPD\r{a}\c{i}j ER\r{e} \c{u}W Rj \c{e}a\r{i}zLy Ju T\~{i}y\~{o} woKK zfaBB\={u}f Mm\r{i}BEcz r\={e}G Lgk BbvK JtgFED TsGq\c{u}vf\={o} FR\c{o}xPpEE C\={i}Xu Zl\~{u} pYFTH\r{i} oQBCT \r{u}KP\r{e}Q\~{a} zS lo\c{a}ja\r{u}\={o} \c{a}XpSxR\={o} \~{o}\~{o}uY\={e}Re\={u} \={o}e\={e}\r{i}I\c{o} q\r{o}kC\r{a}EwA q\={a}mGA \r{i}\c{e}\~{u}S tJMuF\~{u}m YNXjsXx\c{a} fyO HX\={e}Ru \~{a}M\r{u}rkCK\c{i} iq\c{i}L\r{a}\~{u}c ANWI\~{e}ml z\c{i}\r{o}t \~{i}b\c{a}\~{o}WgAN \~{u}\r{i} } \Asmall{LZR\={e}O\={i} }\\
\Bbig{\~{a}D\c{i} } \Bnorm{tg L\={i}N\r{o} Y\c{u}\={o}V\c{e}\r{a}is FmhzU\c{i} \~{u}\={e}ar\={a}\~{o} \r{a}q \~{e}ARDFX CFW\={e}\r{e}A\={o} bx\={a}vgy a\c{e}\={o}yD Jd\~{a}S \~{i}fa\c{i} FXzg Xhs \r{e}s\c{e}\r{i} CDM \={u}H\~{u} RI\c{a}iB\~{e} dS W\={a}nz \c{u}G Ln\c{e}\r{e}CgH achXfm \r{u}\~{u}w RuO\r{i}j\c{i} \={a}j UkS\~{o} \c{u}\={a}cG NY iSbhw\r{e} \r{e}\r{e}PC\={a} X\c{o}Q\={o}\r{i}Sh nc\~{a} \~{a}j Xz \c{o}NOLjlMV \c{o}LvsYs onk \~{e}tF\r{u}\r{o}\r{i} j\={e} w\c{i}\r{o}D \={i}Ox\={o} bGz\={a} b\r{u}\~{o}q \r{i}T\~{u}PZ\~{i}n HG aZwwpJ\~{i}\c{o} \={i}PB tWYWc cr\c{u}\={i}J MD NPno } \Bsmall{K\~{e}\={i}\~{e} }\\
\Bbig{udH\c{u}\={o} } \Bnorm{\~{e}S\c{a} T\~{i}\r{e}C\~{o}\r{i}w j\c{i}\~{o}\~{i}\~{u}lCt tI\r{u}Dzdc vc\c{o}u tTcX mZa\c{o}\={e}\={u}\~{i}\c{i} awz\={i}\={e}\={e}\r{u}K QT\={e}\c{a}k \~{i}EhP\={e}\~{a}\c{u} ksyTe\={o} oDaWdXR \r{i}x \~{i}\c{o}\r{a}\c{u}t I\~{i}\r{o}\~{a} \c{o}\r{a}y\~{e} V\={a}\c{u} \~{o}\c{i}\r{e}CTLOH zL e\r{e}\={o} \={o}kSYUJ \~{a}\={i}nW\={u}\={a}\r{o}\r{a} MzWc \c{e}\c{i}\={e}\c{e} eezs jDH E\~{e}\c{u} C\~{o}Q\c{u}hsr\~{i} o\r{i}q \c{u}cIUeQSm tjyNW\c{i}N\c{a} xj s\c{u}WS\r{a}\={e} \={e}k\c{a} ld fN\={e}\c{i}\c{u}apO ZA\={o}yqL \~{o}abO a\c{e}mQ TdYa\={a} \={e}LB\c{e}T O\c{i}c\r{a} Q\~{o} rDEXHM\r{a}c \={u}H PUb \~{e}z\={a}k \~{a}D\c{e}E\~{o} r\c{a}\~{u}\~{e} Rd\~{i}\={i}X J\~{u} W\={a}H\r{o} x\r{o}q\c{e}xD\c{u} YUM\c{e} \~{u}kN eZX\~{o} x\={e}e \={e}\~{e}n\~{e}IN W\c{a}F TXtquw g\~{e}Dx \r{i}\~{o}ua\r{u}\~{o}j \r{e}\c{e}\r{o} Ck\={a}e\={a}\r{u}A \r{o}\r{a}z\~{a}k \={a}dQ\r{i}\={o} ip\~{e}jM\c{u}\r{o}u sc\~{a}\~{a}wj Qh\r{i}jrAL iW\={a}x \~{e}iq\={e}\r{u}D\r{u} faC\={o} uloJC\={a}x \r{a}qEF n\r{u}\~{o}rMR\c{i}c z\={a}XqGI\r{a}O Q\~{i}\={e} \~{u}oY\c{u} } \Bsmall{\~{i}z\r{u}\c{u}V\~{o} }\\
\Bbig{\={o}\c{o}\c{e}\~{a}GF\c{a}q } \Bnorm{\r{u}\r{i}qMw\~{i} R\r{u}OeD rsQMU gCq\r{o} \~{e}\~{e} C\={o}Y\~{i} c\c{u}fx\r{a} NY\c{e}\={o}Zlc a\~{o}a nfC RcQ O\~{o}Ow MKitF\~{o}\r{i} o\c{a}g \~{e}\c{i} \~{i}\~{e}b\r{o}N\~{u}\~{u}b wSym f\r{i}Wf \={i}q\c{e}UIc eSf\~{e} \~{u}\r{u}b \~{u}h\~{i}Uc MX\c{e}a\={a}I Slws\={u}\c{u}\c{o}h \={a}L\r{o}T\r{u}\~{i}\={e}\c{e} \r{o}\={a}K \r{i}wEFh\={e}\={a}\r{e} \~{e}Mm\~{i}\={o}AJ rlcha LYRU\={u}uGZ sqEh\={o}\r{o} \~{e}y\r{a}E yORy \~{a}pyex\~{e}\~{e} \={i}\~{e}\={u}f \={a}\c{i} AEH\~{e} DX w\={o}E\r{u} \c{u}\={e}\={e}O R\={u}I\r{e}p \~{a}\r{a}\c{i}\~{u}vC\c{e} MN\={i}f \={u}Ytx \~{u}\c{u}\c{u}\r{u}ieT Gp\c{a} kx\~{a}\r{a}Gi\={a} pi\~{e}yf\r{i}PV a\~{e} \r{o}H \r{a}WKH Hs\={u} z\r{i}\c{u}\r{o}ZQ \~{o}\~{e}\r{o}v laA\={o}C\r{i} wo Q\r{u}\r{u} \c{e}\c{a}k\r{e}c voM\~{i}W\r{u}Nr \={a}Y\={a}W i\~{u}O \={e}d\r{a}skkw LgC\c{e}G ik\={u}W\r{e}HW \c{e}XM\r{e}h \c{o}Vdi Xr\={e}vc \~{u}f\={e}\={o} \={u}MCP\r{i}O \~{u}\r{i}S\c{a}\c{e}XB xqKnr kR\={u} r\c{o}\r{u}\={a}\r{u}\={a}\c{u} \r{o}Hf\={u}R\c{u}MD \={a}O\={i}\~{a}Q\r{a} q\~{e}\={a}\c{i} N\~{u}zR\c{o}xAR W\={o} pAShz\={e}\={u} \r{o}h\={o}yZ\r{a} } \Bsmall{sH\c{o}Q }\\
\Bbig{Ymy } \Bnorm{YT \r{u}\c{a}\={i}d\~{u}ZR ODzBMax U\~{e}\~{i}XYQ\c{i}x \r{u}\~{o}J\r{o} \r{u}\c{o} \={i}\r{e}NymdS\={a} \={e}ENy\~{o}\c{u} u\c{i} Jkmqx\={i} Ft\r{a}qOk CyAGY\r{u} ocuo zd\c{u}n \c{u}TZ\~{i}r\~{a} \~{i}V\={i}kTpGX e\r{e}M de HnC\r{e}t WjpB kD\={i}\~{i}\r{o} ECeDHW NJ\~{e}\={u}\~{u}\~{e}N G\r{e}i\={e}\c{e}g\={o} \={a}G\c{o}uJ\r{e}gd \={u}dgk\c{e}IY L\r{u}OjL\={a}oZ DG\={o}Mx\c{o}p \~{i}\c{o}x\~{o} \c{a}\={i}\~{i}LUYu iC\={u} \r{a}bm\~{u}Ljg\={o} d\c{o}RzrJ\~{o} OpNt\~{a}IN\~{a} \={a}\c{a}\r{o}C \={i}zqx AWsK\r{a}\c{i} iIw\c{u}\r{i}\~{u} ziB\~{o}U\={i}c M\~{a}w \={e}igs\c{u}\={u}R \r{o}\~{a}u\={o} ap\~{i}\={i}\c{i}uCI \c{u}Uz\={e} w\c{o} Ebn\~{e}\~{e}\r{e} \~{u}\c{i}\c{u}nD\~{a}k V\~{e}bTHKrd n\={e}ty\c{o}\c{i}J bI\={a}c B\~{u} \~{a}Bz\~{e}aEU\c{o} a\={u}\c{u}Z YV\={e}O wqBmw\r{a}o rad\c{a}GHfG \r{u}\r{u}\r{a}yR\~{o} j\c{a}vWZ\={o}W \r{a}QQ\r{u}N\={u} TBl\~{i} T\~{e}v nv R\~{o}GeK ad\~{o}\~{i}L\r{a}u\c{u} \r{i}wIf\={a}C \c{e}Br\~{u}\={a}\c{e}m \c{i}k\r{i} c\~{u} \~{e}br\~{a}LCk R\~{a} oD\~{e}qNjIx \={o}J\c{a}urRHX vJ \={u}iH \~{e}l zRAL\={e}g \~{a}kmY\={u} b\={o} F\={a}wf\={i} \={o}PF\~{u}\r{i} PK\r{i}Y \~{a}WI\r{i}Frd D\={i}\={e}k\~{i}QR \~{a}La R\r{a}fS\={u}y } \Bsmall{\~{a}\r{i}n }\\
\Abig{gSL } \Anorm{yyfj ZRSUu\c{a} R\c{i}\c{e}\c{o}O \={a}Nd\={i}\r{i}v\~{o} Lw\c{o}inx UOg\={e} \r{u}j\={i}\={u} \r{a}GDtH \~{o}o \={u}\c{a} Yt\={i}\c{e}Z \r{o}h s\r{i}\r{i}X\c{e} CR\c{a}cAP\={o}M vF\~{e}d\~{u}xD nv\={u} y\~{i}\={u}IF\={e}m \={a}\c{o}Pg\r{e}H \c{u}N rrk\~{o}enn ivm c\~{e} xKJ\c{a}\~{o} \={e}Ucf J\={o}rs\c{o}h\r{a} rNj\={i}\r{e}e\r{i}q r\={i} sjaAt\={u}K UEL\c{i}\c{a} O\r{o}\~{i}\c{a}\r{o} \={a}x \r{a}N\={e}\r{e}KboM \r{a}TR\r{a}\={u}Ugj DTVfsD\={e}K s\c{e}t\~{u}\~{u}\r{u}r \={a}SG\c{a}Q \~{e}c\r{i}u\c{e}FJ \={a}fOykG\={i} dtC Eql\c{e}\r{u}\~{i} \c{a}Iqi T\c{i}\r{e}n gTO \={i}\={a}Ef\c{o}\~{a} O\c{e}\c{u}UyM S\r{e}uzG p\~{a} VCc\r{o}\~{u} R\~{o}dT RZ \c{a}\c{u}\c{o}bKqy zWDK\c{a}G X\~{i}EO\r{a} NTz \r{o}\={e}F p\~{a} Ps \c{u}\c{i}\r{e}\c{o} faV\={e}nN\c{i}\r{o} ESB\c{o}R a\={o}U d\~{u}by Z\~{u}Ysq \r{e}\c{a} \c{o}dyu \~{i}\~{e} PT\c{e}kh \c{u}BvlH\={u} nZu\={e}\c{e}\~{a}A x\r{o}Ip\r{e} \~{o}\r{i} \c{a}Gr\r{o} xF\r{u}\~{e} Q\c{u}\~{o}oq aWqcRGJL gfeQ\={a}s\~{i}\={o} \={u}s\={e}\c{u}\r{e}\c{u}Q G\~{u}Z\c{e}su WBF\={u}A mpzU\={i}les YhE\={a}R\={a}H\c{e} CLK\={i} \~{a}ukzk\r{i} OxXg \={i}BXi\r{i} w\r{i}Sc\r{i} o\c{u}I\c{i}zv\={u}c i\~{o}jD C\c{i}\={i}uS \c{a}\r{o}\r{o}\~{e}O\={u}E x\~{u}O\~{u} pw\~{u}tI\c{e}rH GZDk\~{a}\c{i}b\={o} \c{u}hd\={u}oOT \c{i}I\~{a}\r{o}w CJFk\={u} \~{i}rV DtGa \c{a}\~{a}\c{i}eSt \r{a}Wnw\~{i}r \~{u}rRv\r{o}CLG \~{i}nf\c{a} Tj pmi\={e}XYpP oU \c{i}NY\r{a}p\~{a}v Qnsab NYU VX\~{o}y\~{u} RReK\={a}a\~{i} \={a}mBG\~{u}n\~{a} RnVZtzZ Wj\r{o}xTLK\={e} C\c{e} \~{i}AUY\~{o}\r{a}\r{i} Sz\r{a}Q } \Asmall{\r{e}\c{u}\~{e} }\\
\Bbig{\c{e}S\r{a}\c{o}Z\c{e} } \Bnorm{sV\~{u}\r{u}\~{u} lE\={o}rQ \c{u}\c{i} ZIj aI\r{i}\={o}BwY rb\c{a}O R\~{a}Wry\~{i} oOg\r{u}BjrJ x\={a}c\={u}\c{o}nXh Zf E\~{u}a\r{e}J\~{e} nm \r{o}F \={i}t I\c{u}\r{e}\~{a}\c{u}e WKF\r{o}\~{o}LIP VuR\r{o}P In\={i}\r{o}cz Ly\c{i}S\={o}h\~{u}e \={i}V \c{a}e\={u}o\r{e} xboqS\={i} I\~{e}\={i}\~{u}zyw pMqz n\={i}pb\={a}jM \c{o}\c{i}R tzV \~{i}j\~{e}Wl\={e}U\r{o} \~{e}MEEH aNu\~{o}ukjp t\c{u}\r{i} \c{e}AZj\c{e}w \={e}I\r{a}\r{e}nd U\c{a} \r{u}ggn\~{o}k UyX\={i}xDu aOkms F\r{a}V i\r{u}\c{o}Ue\={a}Y WOe yjJ\~{e}\~{u}\={e}\r{u} kF \~{e}Qq\~{o}V\~{i} j\={o}lEWM\~{a} \r{e}E\={u} \={u}isF \~{o}\c{e} ROP ML \r{o}\~{u}\={i}\~{e} \~{e}dgep\r{u} k\={i}fA\~{a}Lzt \={u}X\~{i}u\~{i}P wt \={u}y\={i}\~{i}\~{a}UQ dw\r{o}hVBk QV\r{u} x\={i}\={a}rP\c{o} \c{i}\~{a}W \c{o}G\={o}\={e}mZ\r{i}u \c{a}j\~{e} k\c{e}a\={i}\r{i}Zl \c{u}QVKe Dl JHZ \r{u}hM\={a} \c{a}kE\={i}o\r{a}CB \r{a}ATaNM\~{i}m wVTU\~{i}ls\={o} A\~{i}\={e} Klw\c{o}x \c{u}J\={i}U\={i}Wk \c{i}Yn\r{a}o\r{i} kbm KT\r{o}l\={i}e vQB\c{a}\~{e}W\r{e}\r{e} vB\c{u}\={e}OK\~{e}c \={o}\c{o}aCj vrs\r{o}d cT \~{e}Dsr \~{u}X\~{e} ez\~{a} \={a}uD Di\~{o}UT \r{o}q\c{o} j\={i}zH\~{i} J\c{u}M OxPR\~{i}E\~{o} R\~{e}\~{u}\~{a} yK b\c{e}X\c{e} \c{u}oe\c{u}lZ\c{e} \c{e}dfci\={i}\r{i}x O\c{i}i S\r{o}\={e}AS\={o}P\r{u} \c{a}\~{i}X Lh \~{a}Gsv\c{i}dG\r{i} \r{i}he \r{i}\r{o}\c{e} H\={a}\r{u}YWP\={i} \~{o}vMlls\={i} \~{e}R\={u}u\={i}l\={i}\c{o} VaPZ\~{i}E\~{a} GACA\r{u} G\~{a} \r{e}F\={e}O\r{a}kD\r{u} VvB\c{o}n cnn\={a}\c{i}FG jBzV\~{e}fZ\c{a} \r{a}YVuBNBZ gzaF xzyt\~{a}p T\c{a}TlQ fsFQ Jv\c{i}\={u}\c{e} r\c{u}\r{o} EWCc\c{u}Et \~{o}I c\c{a} Yc\={e}bQ\c{e}\~{a} T\c{u}\r{a} \={o}\c{u}\r{e}Hx\={u}\~{a} \~{u}f\~{e}\r{o}En\={a}z \c{a}w\r{e}v\c{u}\={o}Fj rbi\c{e}c\~{i} \r{u}pk GtDf\c{a}\={u}yD } \Bsmall{jC\c{e}g\c{u}e }\\
\Bbig{JXB } \Bnorm{UFY\c{a}c\={o}\r{e}V \r{u}\={i}ZeZf\={a}\r{a} g\={u}\c{e} hE\r{u}tY\r{u} \~{e}Ut\~{i}\r{u}w\~{i} toddil c\c{e}\r{u}uc\={o} RPw\={a}J \={u}K\r{o}\={e}X \r{u}\r{u}\={i}m\~{i}\r{e}z\={e} \r{i}qrdR\={a} \={a}\~{i}\={i}\~{o}\c{i}n\r{e} NkcaBfx \~{a}aG\={e}xO \~{o}Q \={u}bxGaW yZw\c{e}C\c{o} Vb\~{o} \c{i}TP\r{o} U\r{o}\r{e} uQQ\c{a}\r{a} \r{u}\~{u}z\~{o}\~{a}n b\c{o}H WTp\={i}Vq\c{o}\~{e} J\={a}\c{o}hKbS\r{i} Ff\~{e}RCOO RGC\={a}dr\c{o}\r{a} ngPW\r{e} iB\r{u}q\r{a}Q S\={u}\={o}\~{i}C\={i}T \={u}j \={u}jP\r{u} \r{e}C\={u} v\r{i}E\c{e} dZ\={u}uoWvr \c{a}O BxImYH\r{i}P vU \c{u}OdG\c{o}m Dx Vw\c{a}P\={a}\={e} O\c{e}f\~{i}GS uZk\r{e} VoH sUSO \r{o}xFD\={o} K\={i}CW \r{u}\~{i}\c{a}y\c{a}e \={o}bVz\r{i}n\r{a}o cU \={u}\={e}M\~{a}nY \r{o}DKPN VDZn\c{i} \r{i}P\r{u}y oLeCJ\r{o}d \r{u}f\c{o}\~{u}\c{i}\r{a}Tw xG\~{i}\={e}O\c{u} I\r{e}\c{u}N OV\={e}U\c{i}\={u}\={u} \c{e}zpJ\r{i}d\={u}h S\c{o}g\={u}CT\c{o}C bsvm\c{a}HDN Hen joc\={a}n\={u}JE ggl \={e}EA d\c{o}Vi } \Bsmall{\r{u}Z }\\
\Bbig{\c{u}\~{a}\c{o}\c{u}e } \Bnorm{kd\c{a}\c{u}u \c{a}M \={a}fV\r{e}PG\={u}\={u} awXpVr Dx\~{o}\~{o}\={u}X\r{u}z fcF\r{a}\~{e} A\c{a} AaxNCoW\={i} HrfkY\~{o} K\c{u} KAu o\~{u}bA s\c{e}yrNiDn NYK\r{o}qL\={u} Pa\c{o} \c{i}\c{a}Rx\~{u}\c{i}\c{a} \r{i}\r{u}a \~{i}\~{o} O\r{u}s\r{e}\={u}\c{i}dY RWuLe\r{o} fnX\c{o}\={o}x \r{e}G Q\~{o}Pm\r{e} \~{a}der\c{u} te\~{e}aF yz\~{a}\={a}\={o}L \r{e}\c{a}G\={o}fG \c{o}RDnr \c{i}er \={a}FoF\={e}a XumVAhT fq l\~{i}QHa\c{e}H \r{i}iZ FeQbt C\c{a}\c{u}D\={i}\c{e}J\c{e} \c{a}WFL\~{a}Sx \r{a}\={a}\~{i}O \c{a}\={i}NY \r{o}hg I\~{u} tOdUj P\r{e}\~{i}\={i}\~{u}U\r{i} \~{i}\~{u}e M\={u}rm\={a}xv \r{e}\={u}\r{e}\r{a}\={o}\r{o}y\={u} \~{u}u\={u}J\c{u}\r{u}p \c{i}i\c{i}y\={o}c\r{e} yasSsBY \r{o}Rs\={a}\c{e}\c{e} XZ\={a}Y\c{i}S\c{a} iuEH\~{i} \~{u}\c{o} \~{u}pBDN\~{a} \r{o}kS \~{o}\~{e}Of\r{a} hyZ\r{o}\c{o} FXV\~{a}Ey\r{u}\~{a} fYp s\r{a}CZ R\={a} YS\r{u}SWS knaX \~{o}Qh PbNqY\c{i}ZZ pe\r{a}\~{e} \={u}\r{o}Na\~{a} N\~{i}\c{u}BI\~{i} OHtm \={o}\c{u} KJ\c{a}fT \r{o}ZN\~{i}CH\={i} S\c{a} \~{a}\={o} \={o}D lX \c{i}nkKo\r{u}\r{i}\~{u} G\~{a}Q\r{o}C AK\~{u}\r{o}\~{e}JM\r{o} eT\r{i}M pM\={o} CT\={u}hQ\c{i}\={u}T \~{u}o oPQMFM \~{o}M\r{u}\r{a}\={u}V\r{i} \={a}R k\c{o}hw\~{e}\r{e} RXu\~{u}\={a}\c{i}h \={o}\c{a}ri\~{i}s \={e}\={o}ed\c{a}z\~{i} oJ } \Bsmall{Tq\r{i}\~{i}\r{i} }\\
\Abig{MPtS } \Anorm{\={i}w\={o}C\r{a}l \={a}K \c{i}tC \~{i}\r{a} \r{u}\={i}\~{u}pD\r{i}I\c{u} QNMA\~{i}\c{e} II\r{i}Fn\r{i}W jw\c{e}\c{e}Ed WulA\~{a}\r{a}CC \c{e}FtH\={u}z q\c{e}c\c{o}s \~{a}Po\c{e}j\c{a}\~{o} a\r{i}\c{o}f\={u}j\c{u}i \r{a}jE\~{u}\r{i}C \={u}\r{i} \r{i}ui \~{o}H\c{u}b oDd \={o}zj\c{o}nCU \~{a}c\r{e}J C\={e} BChAe\~{a}p N\={e}Dd AR\r{e}rFk mW RO\r{o}uHh\c{i}N wCOK\~{a}\r{e}W d\r{e}wyP\~{a}e \={u}I OJ\={e}H D\~{a}cNmi N\r{o}r\~{o}\r{a} w\~{o}\={u}Fgw L\~{a}l b\r{a}\r{e} Ihg\={a}tYc\={e} X\={a}Fb \r{i}g Hu\r{o}Eq \c{i}p H\~{u}Wg\~{e} \r{e}pJZA\~{o}\={a}\c{i} \r{u}aXJ\r{a}j rgGS\c{a}Fs\={e} TsV\~{a} \r{o}\c{u}\={i}hjM\c{i} IZLU X\c{e}a q\c{o}\={o} \r{i}wIv\c{u}\c{a}D\~{e} \r{e}\={o}x\={i}FGQ\~{i} t\r{o} \r{e}C\={e} \r{e}\r{a}leuDT lL \~{i}B\r{o}Xg Y\c{e}\c{u}C\~{o}i b\r{a}M\c{i} \r{o}\={a}\={i}\={o}\~{u} \={a}nqKX g\c{o}gKtu\r{e} \~{i}\c{e}\~{e}v \r{e}U\~{e}ld JMFLj \~{o}\~{u}jWke \={e}nm C\={a}Qj\={e}\r{e}wQ S\c{e}i\={i}\={e} S\r{i} aSVHF A\r{a}J\={o}\r{e}\~{u}I\~{u} aR\={u}\={u}\c{u} JK\c{i}l\c{a}\={e}XH uriYsT r\~{a}P \={a}M\~{i}rmn \~{a}jd\r{u} P\~{a}a rH A\~{a}w\c{e}l \~{e}\c{e} \~{e}\r{u}KjBXQ\c{u} qJA \r{i}w UMhabR E\r{e}\r{e}\~{a}\={i}l A\~{i}j po\c{u}\r{e} \~{o}MJ\={i}M r\={u}o\~{e}Ie Cygnajan ziP\c{e}j\={e} \~{e}\~{e}\~{a} g\c{a}\~{u}t ZAU \~{e}\={o}\r{u}n\c{u}\={u} kjrYg\c{a}e zJX\c{a}H Y\r{u}RI\r{e}oUJ \r{a}\~{a}\={i}P\r{i}r } \Asmall{WT\r{e}D\={e}\~{o}N }\\
\Abig{qm\={a} } \Anorm{r\r{e}mvU\r{i} UHq\r{i} \r{e}HX\r{i}C\={e} Ek\~{o}H\={u}\={e}\~{i} oPePo o\~{o}\~{u}ZH \r{e}ff sLC \r{e}GE\={o} xW\r{a} Nph\c{e}keL \~{u}Jv \={o}FtEt un RA\r{i}d dxN\~{u} yf\~{i}EjF\r{i} C\={u}mc \c{o}\c{o}r\r{e}\r{e}j \c{o}\c{o}v o\~{i}iwP P\={a}\r{i} \~{o}y f\c{a} CG \r{u}\r{i} \={e}gh\={e}Z ZZ\~{a}biyB \~{u}A\={i}\r{u} \c{i}D\c{o}G\c{i}\~{i}f\={e} \r{e}q oj CglC\={e} u\c{a} jxNQ f\r{a}\={o}y \c{o}\r{u} QMmFt\r{a}\~{u}g yM\~{e}\~{e}OR\~{i}g \c{i}\~{o}\c{a}f \={o}g\r{o} g\r{u}\~{o} n\r{e}\r{u}bAc sPm VMffwD QG\={o}\r{u}fO\c{e}\~{a} O\~{u}\c{e}S Q\c{a} t\~{a}\c{a}\c{a}Ou bTM\c{e}U\r{e} \={e}\={e}z rK\={e}ued \~{e}O\r{e}q\={i}be \~{e}g\r{u}BmA\c{a}z F\r{a}S\r{u}\~{e}\~{i}PT wCJe UqB\={u}cc J\c{i}C\~{u}\~{i}z Q\c{i}S \={i}\r{o} \c{e}I\~{a}B\r{o}RX \={o}siXE\r{e}\~{i}\c{a} XX xb \r{e}O\r{a}Zt\r{i}Jq \~{e}\={u} c\={i} h\c{o}Z ff\~{e}A S\~{a}\r{o}\c{o}\={u}\c{a} aXQK\~{i}ME \~{u}QS YhPd \c{u}za\r{a} r\~{u}\~{o}xj mkUKMm\={o}s \~{u}AKDMO \c{e}\r{u} \~{e}Nwaq\={u} \~{o}\~{u}\r{i}M \r{i}NS Xz\={o}\c{i}r\={a}\r{o}\c{a} v\r{e}\={e}i \c{i}Ivt te\={u} \c{i}F\c{o}\c{u}v\r{e}eR \~{i}\c{u}r\={o}sw\c{a}E \r{o}T\~{o}xE\={a} q\={e}\~{i}\={a}dQv Qe c\={u}r\={e}w \c{o}\c{e}I\c{o}Cm\c{e} \={e}cTE\r{o}\~{u}Ik Xhx \r{e}Woc \r{u}\c{i} ah \c{u}\r{u}\c{i}\r{i}\={i} \c{o}\={o} \~{a}\c{a}Q\~{e}\={i}\={u}\c{o}\~{o} \={i}\~{i}JL \c{e}R\~{a}y\r{u} Dy \~{u}Eq\r{o}ny \={o}\c{u}\c{a}r\~{i}\r{e} \c{e}a \={o}\={e}\={i}T\~{i}F \r{o}Df BS\c{o} I\~{a}ZMPMc iT\~{o}KhyW \c{o}u\={u}Y raQr\={e}\={o} LEVjBSib m\~{e}cNTwl Xh\~{a}TE\~{a} zOxM\r{i}iQ J\~{a} \={a}\={o}Nob \c{e}\~{a}\={a}y NwL\r{e} q\={i}tSM\c{e}T\c{u} \c{o}gC \c{a}d \~{e}\~{a}\r{a}\r{i}jI\={a} nNNfsWp An\r{o}Dz QZu\r{u} C\~{i}jpSu\~{a}q \r{a}SfSBX\={a} psGo \~{u}k\r{o}K\c{u} BWh\~{i}\c{a}tY EwX\r{e}MaiV } \Asmall{xzY\~{i}n }

\Bbig{T\={u} } \Bnorm{m\r{o} hY\={u}fP M\~{i}pB\r{o}\~{a}Q\~{a} \={i}cf\c{e}O PpkGJ\r{u}w NmZuj jA\r{u}sx\c{o}\~{e} TG\={u}ZRH P\~{o}TF p\={a}b\~{i} nnfTF\={o}\={o}j V\={a}ld\~{e} \={e}\r{o} lbhJ SqU\={e}\r{u} yjU\={i}\={e}O\~{i}\={o} \={u}B\r{a} \~{e}EB T\~{o}r\c{e}WRg U\~{u}\c{e}\={e}\c{i}y \={e}\c{a}m\={e} \r{e}s\~{a} OI\r{a} M\r{u} Cp\r{o}\r{i}Jx \c{a}v\r{a}gPVo oy\~{a}g L\r{a}Y\r{i}qP\={a} z\c{i}KkE A\c{e}As\c{e}wi JrVN\={u}Cry \={i}\={i}J\={u} \~{o}SEeX qAv\c{a} y\={a}\={e}\~{o}Kq P\c{e}\c{e}dW\={e} Ra\~{i}b US\={e}hk\={o} \={o}VQ\={e}\r{u}\r{o} Lv\={e}K\={u}T \c{u}\~{a}S\r{a}\r{u}\={a}\r{i} Qk\c{e}\={o}imr\~{u} \~{u}OGVBnr z\c{o}jT \~{i}\={o}\r{i}zb ZcWflX\c{i}D Y\={a}Bb\={u}\r{a}\r{a} M\~{i}nX\r{o}d Jxv\={o}\c{a} Yk \r{i}s\c{e} T\={u}VLbFGd \c{i}va\c{o}\={a}cl\={a} H\r{u}x\c{e}\={i}\~{i}ZM Zll Au\={o}v\c{i}\~{i}J Ra \c{i}\={a}s\c{e}B\c{i}Iu otZuy dT RO\={o}d\={i} \c{a}\c{a}\r{a}yre\r{e}v o\c{o}RUuE QitDW\c{o} gbU\={a}td\c{u}\c{a} GfKc ZYwG\c{e} X\r{u} yjMmRE\c{e}h fNiJ\r{o} X\={u}ef \={u}O \~{i}g\c{o}\c{e} z\={a}eMl\c{i}\={i}\~{a} Ae To\r{e}\~{o} \r{i}a\~{o}\~{u}\={i} B\c{a}\={i}S \r{u}c \c{e}w\~{a}\~{u}RE\={u} GU\~{a}b\r{u} Cm h\r{i}\~{i}SQs \c{a}\={e}dt\~{i}kSs k\c{a}\c{a}P\r{o}\~{a}\={o}N DBIYGEdr Y\r{u}W\r{i}xO p\r{u}l x\~{a}\~{u}\r{a}v\~{o}\={a}I rh S\~{u}I\r{o}\~{o} h\~{i}\~{a}V\r{e}\={a}H \={i}k\c{i}Z z\={u}uT\~{u}vL \={a}\c{o}d\c{o}r Y\~{u}g BZ\={u}D \r{u}\~{o}Do TA q\c{u}JpqR\r{o} \r{o}F\r{u}i TB yn\r{a}jO C\c{o}\={u}S T\c{i}S \~{e}\~{e}jC\~{u}m\~{u}g \={e}F\={o}\={o}\~{o} \~{a}\c{a}A Jk \={o}o \={e}tzbWo oNZoA\r{o}\={e} \c{o}Pu\={u}tS Xdd\={a} \~{i}rZ\~{i}B V\~{u}z\c{a}\={i}\c{e}i ZjQ\={u}o \r{e}Hxd\={i}fkY } \Bsmall{Ra\r{i}\~{o}FE\~{u}L }\\
\Abig{qH\c{u}\r{e}\r{e}M\={o} } \Anorm{\={i}uNBnK Ox\r{o}\={e}s hfUb\={u}\~{i} RjHi ID\={a}h\~{o}AV\c{a} \={o}\~{i}\r{a}d PJJl\~{e}\r{i} \~{e}V\~{o}i\={o}IJh \~{e}\~{u}M\~{e}mGW\={o} m\~{i}NfB O\={e}s \~{i}\r{a}t\={u}\c{u}\~{o} T\c{u}wi\~{e}\c{o} \r{a}\={u}GA\c{o} Z\~{e} DUnX\c{u}fo\c{a} \c{a}jGWd\c{a}U prs\={i}Acg\r{u} fPQm\c{u} \c{i}I MzD\~{i}n t\~{a}g\~{u}KjG wBFWQNW j\~{u}o y\c{i} LWX\~{i} \r{a}ReCLi MEPHt\~{i} i\~{a}P \~{i}rA \={i}f Ve\r{a}\~{i} \c{a}Q\r{u}\={e}\={e}L Mr SR Y\c{u} d\~{o}xqTD\c{u}\~{o} us\~{u}\={a} ZOp\~{i} dI\r{u}rV asot\r{e}\~{u} Vi\={e}\c{a}\={u}\~{u} \={o}L E\r{a}y\r{u}o\c{a}XU \c{u}S\r{e}PSU QV \={a}R\~{u}\c{u} } \Asmall{IUS\c{a} }\\
\Bbig{\~{e}ji\~{e}K } \Bnorm{Z\~{o} m\c{o}Zb\~{u}dCh \={o}P Vq\r{o}HgB\r{e}k \={a}m\r{u}at\~{o}\c{e} yR\={o}xT J\c{e}Q ti\r{u}\~{a}\r{i} KsIgc\r{e}iZ GJDt \={i}\={u} P\={i}\r{o}jkf \={o}MR\={i}d \r{o}hIj Yn\={i}VCXv y\~{o}Hq\c{u}nB \={e}q p\r{u}UTt D\c{e}DF\={u}r\={i}U \={u}Q B\={u}Ijz\={e} Q\r{i} be\~{o} \={a}H\c{a} \c{u}\~{e}v\~{o}\={e}E\c{u} \={o}\={e}Q\r{o} \c{i}\={o}YGt\c{i}Xm xEK T\={a}Y\r{a}T \r{o}\={i}UPA ImiG\={u}O N\={e}U\={i}j \~{a}\c{a}\={e}Vxu\={e}c \c{o}\={e}Z\r{a}\={o}a L\c{i}\r{e}a\c{u} J\r{e}x\c{e} yIjh\~{u} qzHKV\c{e}yA OEVr\c{o} \={i}\~{o}M \={u}nhDM\={u}Bw Yif\~{a} \={i}MSf T\={a}F\={i}Hy \r{a}i C\={u}yK u\={u} Y\c{i}X x\r{u}B s\r{i}fLJ\r{o} pRbb\c{o}Z \c{e}\c{e}tel \c{e}\r{e}\={o}R \={u}STh r\r{e} Gx r\~{o}YuQ \c{u}Z \c{i}Za\c{e}of ejm rCc GAw\r{e}\r{e} sLu \r{u}r\={e}\r{a}LU \={e}iLr\r{e}\={a}N ODJ\c{o}\~{a}\~{o}x nWnB\c{e}wV Jxgbi\={e} \={a}o\r{i}s\c{e}\~{u}\~{e}C bGLor \r{o}b \={u}\={a}L\={i} PO\~{o}\={o}WD\~{o} \~{a}l\r{u}P\r{u} h\r{o}L\={i}J \~{u}\={o}fZ\r{u}\c{i}\r{i}b \c{i}b \={a}X IP\r{o}\c{a}\={i} bi\={u}sdWC Hhx\={e}j\c{a} Ae\~{u}\={o}N \~{o}\c{e}b e\c{i}\r{i}\c{i}s \={o}GAEp\={u} wpU\c{u}\={i}G\r{i}V \={i}FE \~{o}\~{i}\={e}VRN S\c{i}\r{e}\~{e}lY J\={i}\~{e} vv\c{e}\c{a}PD\~{u}\~{e} \={a}\r{e}v\~{u}\r{a} rsL M\c{e}QDy\~{e}yH x\~{a}\={i}T r\c{i} p\c{o}\c{a} o\={a} qrbaH xr\~{e}V \~{o}\~{u}w\r{e}\c{e}oo Lf\c{a} BACoxb\={a} \={e}\c{a}SAmS\r{o}\={a} ca qG\c{u}\={e}r\={e} Cm \c{i}mtSgg\~{u}\={i} \={i}jo\~{u}zro\c{u} TxlqLJ \~{i}\~{e}\c{i}\c{a}\={a}\r{u}t lBp c\c{a}gyDwP\~{a} \c{i}r\~{i}fS \~{i}H } \Bsmall{\={e}x }\\
\Bbig{\r{o}\c{u}g\c{e} } \Bnorm{l\c{u}\={o} \={u}\c{u}c\r{a}\c{a} \={e}LE\~{a}x\r{i}T \~{e}\c{u}T XI\~{u}\={o} d\c{u}L qM\={a}k B\c{o}WY \r{a}\r{a}y \c{a}Oxl Y\={e}JT\c{u} \r{u}\r{o}\c{i}\r{e} aG\={a}\~{i}\~{o} T\r{i}\~{o}xl\r{o}\c{i} fL\={e}\c{o}AC iHwNSJYR Tg\r{u}NNmO iJp \~{e}\~{i}Wd FW\~{u}\={o}\~{o}kia \r{u}AnOzLk\={e} \c{i}\={u} zwsXKW afq iw\c{e}\c{o}\c{i}\c{e} y\c{a}c\c{o}\={o}\~{e}Y MQ\~{u}t\~{a} \c{u}\~{o}OL \~{u}\={i}\c{a}\={i}K\~{a}w jP\r{a}kh\={e}\={a}D Z\={a}\r{u} \r{o}\={a} B\c{e}\~{o}H\c{e}\~{u} \c{a}U\={e}\={a} \~{i}k\c{o}xpxoE S\={o}\~{o}\={o}bIr \~{u}\r{i} Kn\r{o}\~{i} E\~{o}ZE\c{i}B \={i}\={e} \={i}n\~{a}k fd AIH \r{u}n L\={a}\={e}K \r{u}\c{i}\={u}q\c{e}\={o} \={o}D aF q\~{i}\c{u}z fQT \={a}b\r{a} \r{o}\c{o}\~{a}l\c{o} k\~{e}\={i}\~{i}b Gb\c{o}qu v\c{a}\={i}GWLaw ju\r{e}pW vI\r{u} ISpQMuf F\c{o}\={e}z\~{u}p\={o} yP\r{u}\r{u}\~{i}\r{u}Ve aXsV\~{o}OK\r{u} l\~{u}\={e}\r{e}q\~{e}z Y\r{i}\={i} \r{a}g\={a}M\={a}Q sT\={a}By\={u}hO StQOs\={i} k\c{e} \c{e}M C\c{o}\c{o}\r{i}\c{i}Q s\c{i}U \r{o}\~{a}GX\={i} S\={u} ad\r{a}Tj\~{o}N\c{i} i\={i}\c{e}\~{i}\~{o}\c{o} nZ\={e}\c{u} UH \r{a}r wOu\~{o}\={e}r\r{a}g } \Bsmall{t\c{a} }\\
\Bbig{\r{u}\c{a}Cm\={u}w\r{i} } \Bnorm{yckc Dem rz\~{u}\~{o}\={o} \={e}Zv\r{e}E r\={o}U\r{u}h\~{o} D\~{e}\r{u}\r{a} \={u}j \r{u}KHA \r{u}qZ ylIvAo uH\c{a}Mn\c{u}\c{a}\~{o} F\c{a}PaQ\~{u}\c{a}w \~{i}W \c{a}mO iTz \r{i}\={a} \c{i}\c{o}RLL \r{e}Tm\c{a}K\~{e}P\r{i} \c{u}\={e}\~{u}H\~{u}f\c{o} \={u}fY Z\={a}YNAxVW \~{u}xu NW\={o}N\r{u}iX\r{u} v\~{u}\r{a}HfE CeAD\r{o}\c{o}K Fa\r{i}IK TVgv\={e}Dvt \r{a}\~{o}aD\r{a}H\c{u}c HFmE\c{u}\~{u}TK etxH DpQ zCl\c{o}k g\={a}okJ ZPAU\c{e} \r{o}nx \c{a}z\r{e}D \~{u}t \~{u}t\~{o} Y\c{i}jR vQ\r{a} UJtv\c{i}HYY \c{i}\={a}T \r{a}EH\r{u}V \r{e}E wC \c{o}HgV\={e}\c{i}\={e}J \~{u}Ge \r{u}qJmN\r{o}\r{i}\r{o} \={e}\={i}hSfRL he\~{u}\r{u}q\r{e}b\c{i} \r{u}EE QJH wz IdRqF\={e}V i\={u}J\={a}fe dRx\={a}N\={a}HX By\c{e}E \~{e}AXTaY z\~{i}u\={u}MC\c{a} Ik\={u}y\r{u}Y\c{o} WQU\={e}\c{u}\={u}IO u\={i}\={a}Q\={o}\~{e} \r{a}\c{u}\c{e}\c{e} hZT \={a}\r{e}\~{a}Sz\~{a}\={e}c aQwq QtDi \r{i}\r{i}\~{o}\r{i}F\r{u} H\r{i}\r{o}\c{a}ATL Yh\r{i}b n\={o}\r{a}K\~{o}\~{i}t\c{i} WH\c{a}c \={i}aE \={u}JUQQC\={a} c\={o}lA l\r{u} \~{a}MJ \r{i}iX\r{u}\c{e} \r{e}\={o}\r{i}PsNjs \c{e}\={u}WK\={u}Q\c{u} hwFB\={e} S\c{i}\={u} \c{o}INddU\r{e}k ebU\={a}\={i}jsO \={i}o yC \c{u}z\c{o}d\~{a} \={i}\={a}\~{o}\={u}lhw q\~{e}xg c\r{o}\r{u}M\r{i}\={e} b\c{i} H\={o}\r{a}N lV T\={u}mDlU\~{i} \={a}\={e}w \={a}\~{u}Oyb\r{u}V \={i}U \c{e}\={u}XqCEk\~{o} ls\c{o} T\~{i}zVlR \~{u}\r{a}\={a}sa\c{e}iJ jqRK d\c{o} \r{a}zlj\~{e}pK \={u}\={a}\c{e}\~{u}x y\r{i}\r{i}KrS \r{a}\={a}uqqrr \={o}G I\={a}cnzNI Is\r{o}\r{i}cW\r{e}D \c{e}n \r{e}\r{e} n\r{a}x \={a}h\r{o}kh\c{i} i\~{u}\r{u}GnB\={e}\c{u} nUc\c{u}\r{a}gO\c{a} \={u}e\~{o}\r{u}\={u} \={e}DP\r{o}U qu k\~{u}a FQxx lds\c{o}vE\c{e} h\={u}\c{e} dyl \~{e}sak\={o} F\={i}U\~{o}YMP\={e} \~{e}ql sM i\={u}sbOBil dnNhmw\={o}t jayruE jitQZ\r{e}w } \Bsmall{\~{u}\r{i}CH }\\
\Bbig{eo\c{e}R\c{i}tk\~{i} } \Bnorm{rWiH lHwiN o\r{o}\r{a} \~{e}mWh W\r{u}WF\c{a} PwfJaaN T\r{a}nW\={a}\={o} CBBBd\={e}gH mMGW \c{o}zw SJr \r{e}f\c{u}\r{u}p \~{a}H\r{a}wkuW kD\={o}V\c{e} us\r{a}Llfgc il Q\c{u} \r{o}wnHU\c{e}\c{o}\~{e} \~{i}C\={o}s \={i}jTaJIWZ fe\c{e}AN uncTW\r{a}\~{a}I yYh\={u}Zh\c{i}z xX Q\={i}\r{e}yJP n\={i}OZ\r{u}\c{u}\={u}n \~{i}xN\r{i}\c{o}\c{a}\~{u} axzK\={e}\r{a}\r{o}l tQphQO\~{i}K E\r{u} Um bETIYHyD gk\~{e}R\~{u} mz\={e}\r{a}f\c{i}\r{a} w\r{a}mSk\r{a}mK xWw\={e} p\~{a}\r{e}fLK\={e}h \={e}\={a}\r{i} awyZ\~{i}\={u} ev\={i}\r{e} DT\={i}Ex\~{i} \~{a}La\r{i}uMZ \c{e}b\c{o}P OW\={a}\r{e} wn\~{u}MV\c{o}Ne Q\c{a} W\r{a}\c{o}Sb\c{u} tD R\={o}Jp\={o} W\r{u} \={u}\={i}\c{o}Y\={a}\~{o}v X\={o}Rdo oz qY D\~{a}QVyZy sUQ\={a}B I\r{a}lk\r{u}z\={e} iMC\r{i}M\r{e}\={u}b \={o}b \~{u}t Dnm\={o}\c{i}\={u} } \Bsmall{\c{a}\r{i}X }\\
\Abig{FUtU } \Anorm{\~{a}D \~{i}Hjo\~{o} gfZCNGH\~{a} JIe\r{e}\={e} i\c{u}AHT \r{a}Zw\c{e}UA \={i}vG\r{a}mKw \r{u}UeK\c{a}\r{o}X Jw\={a}i\~{a} \r{i}gA mS\r{u}\~{o}\={i}\c{u}vm \r{a}DVymj \r{e}\~{e}Z d\={a}R b\~{o}\r{e}\c{u}Z\~{i}\~{i}\={i} fel Ur\={o}\r{u}pms tkQX W\c{a}U x\={a} \c{e}lQ\~{o}KjFj HZ\={u}B\c{o}\~{a} \r{e}\r{o}\c{i}\={u}I\={o}s S\~{o} AH \c{a}\r{o} O\~{e}sRSy Ww\~{u} \={u}L \r{e}T T\c{o}cf GH\r{a}o\~{i}\r{u}\={e} aFsXd yvgIx wu XF o\r{u}F\c{u}o \c{o}vMi Gf\r{e} dg\c{o}\c{i}\~{e}\~{o}\={e} \c{o}vjh\={u}\={i}\={u} \r{i}Ej\={o}\~{o}\~{i}Uv LnCsMw\c{e}E tp\~{o}Q PM\r{i}R\r{u}c \={u}xsH\~{o}\r{e} fmHOog n\c{o}\c{e} WEC\r{a}xW uq\c{u}c\r{u} bz\c{a}v\={i}v\r{a} \c{u}LS\r{o}Z\={o}\r{a} CO\={a}wD He s\c{e}Dj\={e}Gc aw w\r{u}YsQA\={i} X\r{e} cj \~{i}mfg zYnnt\c{u}\r{u}r \={i}Gy\~{a} v\r{e}QL Wy \c{o}\r{i} \c{u}\c{u} SE\c{o} JrNGw\={u}zR HiM FfW\c{o}\c{u}T\c{i}\c{a} rBln\c{o}\r{e}\r{o}\r{i} tA\={u}\={o}xM\~{u}P \={u}f \~{o}\c{a}nt\c{e} mj \c{u}\c{u}\~{u}\r{e}HXSx \={a}P\~{e}\r{o} \={u}RugcM Of\={i}\~{a}K\={i}zJ \~{u}f\r{i}\c{a}g\={a}\={o}t \={i}\r{o} \~{i}\r{a}mw\~{e} } \Asmall{\r{e}\={u}\={a} }

\Abig{\r{e}\={u} } \Anorm{H\~{o}JLiy \c{a}IYG\~{i}r\~{i}V \r{u}q \r{u}\r{e}w\c{u}l\c{u}\={u}C BmV\c{e}TrHa \r{u}h\~{e} Y\r{e}d\c{u}\c{i}\={o}i\c{e} kv\={i} \~{a}\r{u} F\~{o}\c{a}bb\~{e}G Y\r{i}ntVc kn\={u}A qF\~{u} kUy\={a}q\r{i}y p\~{i}R\={o}c\r{i} gq\={i}rj fgOoTm reP QVbk\~{o}nDz K\r{e}\r{e}\r{i}kYQj SzK Xq PH\~{e}CV\~{i}J c\~{a}cjCo\={u} n\~{i}R\r{i}An Jpz\={o}EL oQx\c{i}GIE G\r{a}\c{e}\={u}D\={o}V \~{i}ntqM \={i}vP\~{o} \~{e}cx\={a}ip\r{e}s e\r{i}uxKEm Dk\~{o}v Kic\r{o}dp Q\~{o}\r{i}QO\r{e}K \r{e}\={i}RU o\r{a}Gu\={a} s\c{a}e muTZA T\={e}Epl\r{u}L A\c{u}E\={a}\~{u}\={u} \c{i}d \c{i}Ar T\~{o}\r{o}D\={a}j\={i}T h\~{i}EndxpI Zh\c{a}Q \c{e}zb\c{a}\c{i}\c{i} \c{a}\~{o}m u\r{e}\~{i}\~{a} WW\={o} \r{o}\r{o}Jb e\c{e}WBDRjh ViZFmum\c{e} \={i}tbuA \={u}Ng \={o}\r{a}HX\~{i}w w\r{o}Can\~{u}d\c{a} jOna \={o}hS\r{u}Zcl Cx\c{u}\c{e} } \Asmall{\~{a}\r{u}\~{o}r }\\
\Abig{se\~{e}AQ } \Anorm{\c{a}\~{e}\={o}\r{e}S xm\={e}U\c{i}\c{a}\~{i} kEvlj\r{i}e \c{a}M\={a}\={o}rPI \~{i}\c{a}p XWvvE D\={e}\c{i} ax\r{e}k\~{e}jF\={o} \r{i}Xf\r{e} MX\~{a} zk\r{a}WPs\c{a}p Kr SD\={i}\c{i}J\={a}\={i} eV\r{o}ft\={i}e\r{e} \r{u}\r{i}\r{a} \c{i}py\={o}q\={e}\={o}\~{o} xn \c{e}z\={a} mODi\={a} UI\={a}W\c{i}\r{o} \r{u}nwX C\c{a}\c{i}aB\~{o}i xL VB\={o}\={i}\~{o} \~{i}\~{a}n \c{i}cCFZ \~{i}xg P\~{a}\c{u}r \r{o}W\c{i}\~{o}U \c{a}\c{u}YG\={u} PDMBl Ut\={i}\~{u}GAMe Qb Dxsyde bO\={i}\c{a}au\c{a}u \c{u}BbS L\={o}q\={u} \r{e}T\c{o} \~{i}HT\r{u}u \r{u}E dM\~{i}HlA\r{i} N\~{e} \r{a}k\c{u}MW\~{u} NU \r{i}\={e}BVu\~{e}H\~{u} uSv\r{o} \={a}\~{u}\~{a}dm\r{o}j\c{e} sLIe\c{i}HI\c{a} T\c{u}ppf \~{u}\r{i}\~{u}EQ\~{e}\r{e} \r{e}g\={e}m\r{o}Vf z\c{e}\~{e}\={i}n \={i}c\~{a}io\c{u}g KOHvD nx\~{o}JQ r\={o}Mh\~{i}\~{o}c } \Asmall{B\~{u}\~{a}MP }\\
\Bbig{kjVUFb\~{e} } \Bnorm{M\r{e}\r{i}\r{i}TjH w\r{u} \r{o}djH \c{o}\~{e}zVr \~{a}\~{u}N\~{i}\~{a}\r{a}Jg \={e}\r{u}x p\c{e}\~{a}\c{i}nZ\={a}\c{a} GC\={u} \r{a}KQokc e\c{e}OIh \c{o}DZq\={a}w c\c{a}o\~{e}Trrl Ao \~{u}th \c{a}w e\~{a}\={i}\={o}x KFw\c{u}\={u}sKx o\c{a} Ll uH\~{u}BO Uu\r{a}\c{i}F\c{i}Ci Og\~{e} g\={o}\r{i} zpm\={i}iPt\~{o} \~{a}\c{o}\~{o}ANY \={i}\c{a}\~{o}c\={o}S I\c{a}Sai\~{a}\={e}\r{o} \c{o}wl\c{u}\={a}Yp w\~{e}w \~{i}Sd waY aM \r{u}uC GR\~{e}vI\r{a}Dq jW\c{u}JWA\={e}X V\r{o}\c{i}\r{a}ewF FZ GUzk z\r{o}f p\r{e}j\={u} \r{u}\c{o}fN \r{e}ACF UhdI\c{a}Ob vf\r{a}ZYbA mo R\={a}fbw\~{i}j\={e} RIK\c{i}T \~{u}\~{i}\~{i} kutuYNJ v\c{o}A\~{i}T\c{i} bo\={a}\r{e} z\c{u}d \r{a}ji \r{e}G\r{u}fP\c{o}H XjEo\={i}Rq M\r{a}\~{o}\={o}R \={u}w\~{a}\r{a}t \={u}OZ \c{e}td\r{e}b\~{i}\r{e} GE\~{e}Fj \~{a}X\={i}GN } \Bsmall{r\r{e}G }\\



FrankMittelbach commented 5 years ago

In order to demonstrate the problem, without using Hebrew, I wrote a small Python program that generates random ABC characters, with accents, in patterns similar to mine - and indeed, it re-created the problem.

you really tried to make it hard to find your issue (or shoudl I say user err?) why in God's name did you have to add all type of accented chars

Whether this text is readable - I don't know ;-) - but it's not worse than the usual Lipsum.

it was because accents to process often enough, besides some of them where not even available in XeTeX so your file differed between pdftex and XeTeX unnecssarily

The problem is in page 6 - left column being shorter than right column.

well, as I said, user error, the first column on page 6 contains only a single paragraph (nicely hidden because once in a while you used \ )

So from top to bottom there is nothing whatsoever that can stretch.

However, you defined that a \parskip should add 1ex +- something.

That means if there is a single paragraph break in a column you add about half a line and that means one line less fits onto the page and the paragraph break space has to stretch a lot.

Now what happens is that on page 6 there is a paragraph break at the very bottom of the first column., since it adds this 1ex one line less fits but all that can stretch is at the bottom thus you end up with a hole there!

Replace, for example

\Bsmall{\c{a}\r{i}X }\ \Abig{FUtU }


\Bsmall{\c{a}\r{i}X }

\Abig{FUtU }

and you will see your hole at the bottom gone

Moral: if you want flush bottom columns make sure that everything is a multiple of baselineskip or that there is always something to stretch somewhere

multicol can't do miracles if you ask it not to.

ZvikaZ commented 5 years ago

Are you saying that if the left column doesn't have any paragraph break, then it's possible that multicol won't be able to have the two column finish in the same place?

If I understood correctly - why can't it make the space between the lines a little bigger? (that what a manual typesetter person would do...)

If I didn't understood correctly - please explain what's wrong with my example, and how can I fix it. (let me add, that this paragraph should be such long, so breaking it is not the solution...)

Thanks again. (and sorry about the accents, I added them to simulate the Hebrew diacritic signs that extend above and below the letters)

FrankMittelbach commented 5 years ago

Am 23.01.19 um 13:58 schrieb Zvika:

Are you saying that if the left column doesn't have any paragraph break, then it's possible that multicol won't be able to have the two column finish in the same place?

what you have in galley is roughly

line1 line2 ... line n \parskip 1ex plus minus something line1 of next para line2 ...

according to your setup all lines have fixed height

the situation on page 6 now is as follows:

If I understood correctly - why can't it make the space between the lines a little bigger? (that what a manual typesetter person would do...)

you can, for example through setting \baselineskip to be able to stretch a little, eg \setlength\baselineskip{14pt plus 1pt}

but you have to realize what that means. It means whenever there is the need to stretch the lines move apart. That in turn means that the lines in the two columns are not aligned except at the top and the bottom if something is stretching in one column but not in the other.

If I didn't understood correctly - please explain what's wrong with my example, and how can I fix it. (let me add, that this paragraph /should/ be such long, so breaking it is not the solution...)

there isn't really much you can do, because your design says put some extra space between paragraphs and it just happens that your paragraph ends at the bottom of a column and thus the extra space is there.

I personally wouldn't try using a variable baseline as that does more harm than gain, but instead do a manual adjustment in this case and explicitly run the right hand column short too (eg by using \columnbreak). If you need further help I suggest asking at stackexchange, this here isn't really the right place.

Thanks again. (and sorry about the accents, I added them to simulate the Hebrew diacritic signs that extend above and below the letters)

well yes understood, but as it wasn't to do anything with diacritics it jst made things harder for me to see. well, can't be helped

ZvikaZ commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry, but something is not consistent here.

Please see the following MWE (this time Lorem, without any weird things...), which was supposed to demonstrate the same behaviour - but strangely, this time, there isn't any gap between the columns ending.

The first column is composed of a long paragraph, ending with a parskip. The second column has two paragraphs.

Why in this case there isn't an empty line at the end of the left column? How this example is different than my previous one?



\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.2ex minus 0.2ex}    

%%%%%%%%%%%        DATA        %%%%%%%%%%%


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vel turpis nunc eget lorem. Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed. Phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt. Nunc id cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet. Tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce. Mi sit amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt. In ante metus dictum at tempor commodo. Adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla. Commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula. Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed libero enim sed. Bibendum at varius vel pharetra. Imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget. Amet commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. Eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras fermentum odio. In hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac auctor. Consequat ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae.\\
Eu consequat ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat. Ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra. Et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas tellus.

Quam quisque id diam vel. Sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet. Elit eget gravida cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis. Id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam. Faucibus purus in massa tempor nec feugiat. Morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi.

Urna et pharetra pharetra massa. Nec feugiat in fermentum posuere urna. Turpis massa tincidunt dui ut. Tempor orci eu lobortis elementum. Sed felis eget velit aliquet. Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elit eget gravida cum sociis natoque. Duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt. Quisque non tellus orci ac auctor augue mauris. Duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo. Eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur purus ut faucibus. Arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis. Eget duis at tellus at urna condimentum. Nec nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat id porta. Convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu. Nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie a iaculis.\\
Elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla est. Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit. Et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur. Justo donec enim diam vulputate ut. Nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae. At consectetur lorem donec massa. Habitasse platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet volutpat. Dictum sit amet justo donec enim diam. Ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet. In tellus integer feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc faucibus. Ut consequat semper viverra nam.

Massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada. Bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis aliquam. Tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat in ante metus. Volutpat ac tincidunt vitae semper quis lectus. Cras sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi. Pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus. Nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu. Vivamus at augue eget arcu dictum varius duis at. Vel orci porta non pulvinar neque. Tortor at auctor urna nunc id cursus. Diam donec adipiscing tristique risus nec feugiat. Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget est.

FrankMittelbach commented 5 years ago

Am 24.01.19 um 14:22 schrieb Zvika:

I'm sorry, but something is not consistent here.

everything is consistent.

Please see the following MWE (this time |Lorem|, without any weird things...), which was supposed to demonstrate the same behaviour - but strangely, this time, there isn't any gap between the paragraphs.

that is because you constructed it in a way that the first column ends at the paragraph break (in which case extra space is discarded. In the earlier example the paragraph ended one line earlier!

The first column is composed of lone paragraph, ending with a |parskip|.

not it is not the break is taken before the parskip and after a break TeX always drops spaces (both horizontally in a paragraph or vertically at column/page breaks)

The second column has two paragraphs.

Why in this case there isn't an empty line at the end of the left column? How this example is different than my previous one?

just remove a few words from your first para, eg

suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra. Et sollicitudin %ac orci phasellus egestas tellus. <-- one line less

and you will see.

ZvikaZ commented 5 years ago

OK, you've convinced me ;-)

Really sorry if I exaggerated...