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ltnews39 #1353

Closed FrankMittelbach closed 1 month ago

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

Status of pull request

please add to or change directly as necessary

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

Am 24.05.24 um 02:10 schrieb Joseph Wright:

@.**** approved this pull request.

Agree with Chris: otherwise looks good.

you mean agree about "ltpdftag"? I'm ok if we make that change, if so who is doing that?


josephwright commented 1 month ago

@FrankMittelbach I meant about the text in general: I think a rename can wait for the next cycle

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

There are lots of other typos etc. in the rest of the document but I cannot correct them in this review!

I wouldn't be surprised, but for that somebody else would need to take over and correct them (either directly or by mailing me the changes)

car222222 commented 1 month ago

@FrankMittelbach I am not sure what you are asking me to do, but requesting a review of #1353 does not (if using Github app) does not allow me to review and correct anything in the document outside those changes.

@ all I can probably find the document and look at it, then send you and/or Joseph (or everyone) my suggestions. What would be a sensible deadline for that?

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

@car222222 should be visible in the app as well:

deadline? I guess Monday if Joseph wants to prepare a release early next week

car222222 commented 1 month ago

OK, I have no problem in finding the file in github, but I do not know how to then use "review" to make suggestions about the whole file.

Is there a way to do this using review in github? Otherwise, how should I best show my suggestions? Produce a new version of the file and send it to someone (or check it in)??

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

OK, I have no problem in finding the file in github, but I do not know how to then use "review" to make suggestions about the whole file.

Is there a way to do this using review in github?

yes you can even do it in the app, if you are on the page showing what has changed for this review there are up and down arrows on the left that let you expand the unchanged parts in the diff and then you can make comments on them too.

Otherwise take the file I suggested, make mods and send it to me for checkin

Or navigate to that file and edit it in place in the app and check it in as part of the process. As long as you use the one from the branch mistakes aren't a problem as one can always revert a change

car222222 commented 1 month ago

expand the unchanged parts in the diff

Yes, I can do that . . .

and then you can make comments on them too.

That is what I thought too, but just now when I tried it, I got a message saying that I could not comment on those parts.

I shall try again after reading the whole thing.

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

That is what I thought too, but just now when I tried it, I got a message saying that I could not comment on those parts.

well good try, it doesn't seem to work as you say. so it is either edit in situ or mail me a file after local editing (but preserve linebreaks as best as possible in that case).

josephwright commented 1 month ago

We good to merge here?

car222222 commented 1 month ago

@josephwright Many apologies but, due to weekend incompetence, I am still making suggestions!

I hope all will be finished today (your time).

josephwright commented 1 month ago

@car222222 No problem - just wanted to know where we were up to

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

from my perspective this is done (unless somebody else finds other issues that need correcting

car222222 commented 1 month ago

But I am about to send a few more suggestions to Frank! We are converging . . . but slowly.

josephwright commented 1 month ago

I've read over and fixed a few typo-level things - to me the text otherwise reads OK.

car222222 commented 1 month ago

So @josephwright missed the "painstrickenly" :-) -- it was only in an earlier version: lovely non-word!

josephwright commented 1 month ago

@car222222 Hopefully Barbara will also take a look shortly and spot any more oddities :)

josephwright commented 1 month ago

@car222222 All good now? Or are there further changes needed?

car222222 commented 1 month ago

@josephwright Just one query left, see review!

josephwright commented 1 month ago

@car222222 I'll make the change you suggest, merge the PR then talk to Karl/Barbara