latex3 / latex2e

The LaTeX2e kernel
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\NewDocumentEnvironment: existence check without space trimming #1399

Open muzimuzhi opened 3 weeks ago

muzimuzhi commented 3 weeks ago

Brief outline of the bug

\(New|Renew|Provide)DocumentEnvironment does the existence check for envname without space trimming, while the actual name of environment to be defined (or redefined) is always space trimmed.

When the user-specified envname consists of leading and/or trailing space(s), it may lead to erroneously silent environment declaration.

Minimal example showing the bug

\RequirePackage{latexbug}       % <--should be always the first line (see CONTRIBUTING)!

\NewDocumentEnvironment {myenv} { } {begin} {end}

\NewDocumentEnvironment {myenv} { } {begin} {end} % errors as expected
\NewDocumentEnvironment { myenv } { } {begin} {end} % !! works, which is wrong


Log file (required) and possibly PDF file


Relevant source lines

FrankMittelbach commented 3 weeks ago

guess that classifies as a bug even though I think it is not a high profile bug