latex3 / luaotfload

OpenType font loader for LuaTeX
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bad argument #1 to 'set_scale' for some values of FakeStretch #249

Open sindzicat opened 1 year ago

sindzicat commented 1 year ago


When FakeStretch=0.75, all works fine:

\documentclass[a4paper, 14pt]{extreport}


\setmainfont{Times New Roman}

    Hello! Привет!

    \ttfamily Hello! Привет!

But when FakeStretch = 0.85 or 0.9, I got the following error:

warning  (node filter): error:
rf-plug.lua:374: bad argument #1 to 'set_scale' (number has no integer represen

<argument> ...ype:D \tex_hskip:D \c_zero_dim \fi: \tex_par:D
                                                  \hook_use:n {para/after}\@...

l.47 \end{document}


Is this a bug? FakeStretch = 0.85 or 0.9 works fine with XeLaTeX.

I also found, that if I comment line \ttfamily Hello Привет, lualatex compiles my document with all values of FakeStretch.

u-fischer commented 1 year ago

hm, looks as if somewhere a float is produced instead of an integer. It works if I floor the numbers in harf-plug.lua

  local hscale = math.floor(hbdata.hscale)
  local vscale = math.floor(hbdata.vscale)  
  hbfont:set_scale(hscale, vscale)
sindzicat commented 1 year ago

@u-fischer, I edited file luaotfload-harf-plug.lua on my local computer, and now all works fine!

Nice workaround! Many thanks!