latex3 / tagging-project

Issues related to the tagging project
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siunitx partial compatibility #197

Open borisveytsman opened 1 month ago

borisveytsman commented 1 month ago

Siunitx is used to enter named units, like 23 meter as `$\qty{23}{\meter}$. At present the following test file

testphase={phase-III, math, title, table, firstaid},
testphase={phase-III, math, title, table, firstaid},

\sisetup{table-auto-round=true, separate-uncertainty=true}






\numlist{23 34 5}
\numproduct{3 4 5}


\sisetup{table-auto-round=true, separate-uncertainty=true}






\numlist{23 34 5}
\numproduct{3 4 5}


does not produce errors, but every siunitx command produces several formulas, like 23, m, instead of one formula with subformulas

Here is the fragment of dummy file

<h2>\mml 1</h2>

<h2>\mml 2</h2>
<p>$\mathrm {m}$</p>

There should be one formula to fill with the stuff like this (from MathML specs)

      <mo rspace='thickmathspace'>&InvisibleTimes;</mo>
      <mi mathvariant='normal' class='MathML-Unit'>m</mi>
josephwright commented 1 month ago

'Yes' - I know tagging will need adjustment but at the moment I'm not clear what the tagging should be: there's the perineal question of are units even 'maths', what is the status of the 'space' between the number and the unit, plus should the entire quantity be tagged semantically.

car222222 commented 1 month ago

Or, probably: "the perennial question" :-) !