latex3 / tagging-project

Issues related to the tagging project
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`\thanks` doesn't work properly #43

Open Mylloon opened 6 months ago

Mylloon commented 6 months ago

\thanks isn't printed at the footer of the page when tagging is enabled

Without With
```latex \documentclass{article} \title{Test} \author{Hello\thanks{world!}} \begin{document} \maketitle \end{document} ``` ```latex \DocumentMetadata{testphase = {phase-III}} \documentclass{article} \title{Test} \author{Hello\thanks{world!}} \begin{document} \maketitle \end{document} ```
u-fischer commented 5 months ago

well actually it not a bug but a feature. Normally, when \raggedbottom is in effect, footnotes are near the end of the text. But due to a bug in LaTeX this doesn't happens if a \newpage (or the end of the document) follows. So e.g.

\lipsum[1]some text\footnote{abc} 


\lipsum[1]some text\footnote{abc} 

gives this on page 1 image

and this on page 3 image

The tagging code (more precisely the new-or module) correct this, and both footnote texts are at the same place. This also affects the footnotes in the title. If you want to move them to the bottom activate \flushbottom.

FrankMittelbach commented 5 months ago

I wonder if we want to offer a stylistic option to handle \thanks "footnotes" specially on the first page (nothing to do with tagging though is more a general question of the support level in LaTeX once footmisc moves into the kernel).

Mylloon commented 5 months ago

I didn't know, thanks!