latex3 / tagging-project

Issues related to the tagging project
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math environments cause error if placed in group #79

Open mbertucci47 opened 1 month ago

mbertucci47 commented 1 month ago

If a math environment is placed in a braced group, it produces an error with the math tagging code. Compiling



Some text

with lualatex-dev produces

! Package tagpdf Error: The number of automatic begin (1) and end (2)
(tagpdf)                text-unit para hooks differ!

If the Some text after is removed, the error goes away.

I noticed this because, out of curiosity, I wanted to see if testmath.tex worked with the tagging code. With a few modifications due to the lack of amsthm support, it does, except for two instances of math environments placed in a group. Modified version below with those environments commented out.


For reference, the commented lines are

 \abs{I_2}&=\left\lvert \int_{0}^T \psi(t)\left\{u(a,t)-\int_{\gamma(t)}^a
  \int_{a}^\theta c(\xi)u_t(\xi,t)\,d\xi\right\}dt\right\rvert\\
&\le C_6\left\lvert \left\lvert f\int_\Omega\left\lvert \wt{S}^{-1,0}_{a,-}
  \left\lvert \abs{u}\overset{\circ}\to W_2^{\wt{A}}


  &=\left\lvert \int_\Omega gRu\,d\Omega\right\rvert\\
&\le C_3\left[\int_\Omega\left(\int_{a}^x
&\quad\times \left[\int_\Omega\left\{u^2_x+\frac{1}{k}
  \left(\int_{a}^x cu_t\,d\xi\right)^2\right\}
&\le C_4\left\lvert \left\lvert f\left\lvert \wt{S}^{-1,0}_{a,-}
  \left\lvert \abs{u}\overset{\circ}\to W_2^{\wt{A}}
\begin{split}\abs{I_2}&=\left\lvert \int_{0}^T \psi(t)\left\{u(a,t)
  \int_{a}^\theta c(\xi)u_t(\xi,t)\,d\xi\right\}dt\right\rvert\\
&\le C_6\left\lvert \left\lvert f\int_\Omega
 \left\lvert \wt{S}^{-1,0}_{a,-}
  \left\lvert \abs{u}\overset{\circ}\to W_2^{\wt{A}}
u-fischer commented 1 month ago

Yes, bracing environments is problematic with the tagging code. It hides the \@doendpe which is important in various places. See also and

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

Needs some verification (and perhaps some further thoughts, but I think the following would resolve the problem generally:



\def\@endpetrue {%
% if called inside a group propagate to the outside   

% if \if@endpe is still true run \@doendpe
% that in turn runs another \@endpetrue (besides other things), thus propagating further, if necessary
% However, if the endpe situation got resolved nothing further happens
    \typeout{=> run (another) @doendpe at group level \the\currentgrouplevel}%
    \typeout{=> do not run (another) @doendpe}%

% with the above approach we do not  need the propagation in \end... any longer 
% (since this is now handled by \aftergroup\propagate@doendpe) so here a simple \endgroup is enough
\@namedef{end }#1{%
    \csname end#1\endcsname\@checkend{#1}%
%    \expandafter\endgroup\if@endpe\@doendpe\fi



Some text

{Braces set in different place
Some text

mbertucci47 commented 1 month ago

I haven't had a chance to debug, but naively adding the changed code to the testmath-test file attached above produces errors, even without uncommenting the braced environments

mbertucci47 commented 1 month ago

It seems the changed code doesn't work with thebibliography.



\def\@endpetrue {%
% if called inside a group propagate to the outside   

% if \if@endpe is still true run \@doendpe
% that in turn runs another \@endpetrue (besides other things), thus propagating further, if necessary
% However, if the endpe situation got resolved nothing further happens
    \typeout{=> run (another) @doendpe at group level \the\currentgrouplevel}%
    \typeout{=> do not run (another) @doendpe}%

% with the above approach we do not  need the propagation in \end... any longer 
% (since this is now handled by \aftergroup\propagate@doendpe) so here a simple \endgroup is enough
\@namedef{end }#1{%
    \csname end#1\endcsname\@checkend{#1}%
%    \expandafter\endgroup\if@endpe\@doendpe\fi




W.~Diffie and E.~Hellman, \emph{New directions in cryptography}, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory \textbf{22} (1976), no.~5, 644--654.


produces the error

! Package tagpdf Error: The number of automatic begin (3) and end (2)
(tagpdf)                text-unit para hooks differ!

Getting rid of either the equation or thebibliography environment removes the error.

FrankMittelbach commented 1 month ago

I missed out one necessary adjustments involving lists:

                   { \@endpetrue }
                    { \@endpefalse }

After that it should work.