latex3 / unicode-math

XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX package for using unicode/OpenType maths fonts
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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characters in math not printable #394

Closed tweh closed 7 years ago

tweh commented 7 years ago

When I compile the following MWE with LuaLaTeX and print it from Adobe Acrobat the + and = isn’t printed, although visible on the screen. This doesn’t happen if

% !TeX program = lualatex

   \setmainfont{Fira Sans Light}
   \setmathfont{Fira Sans Light}

\( a+b=c \)

The last time I compiled (2017-07-16) I didn’t had this problem. So it might could be caused by the recent changes in LaTeX3.

tweh commented 7 years ago

It works, when using Acrobat on Windows (don’t know the version number). On my macOS 10.12.5 with Acrobat Pro DC 2017.009.20058 the above described error occurs. However if I use the preflight tool with Potentielle Schriftprobleme beheben (I guess “Fix potential font errors”). It reports

After this preflight and fix I can print the PDF without problems.


I guess the problem has something to do with Fira being embedded twice (as text and math font) …

wspr commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I don't think this is anything I can help with in unicode-math — this is more of an engine problem.

tweh commented 7 years ago

Hm … thanks anyway … do you know where I can report this bug then?