latex3 / unicode-math

XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX package for using unicode/OpenType maths fonts
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
243 stars 28 forks source link

\Bigg et al #411

Closed hvoss49 closed 6 years ago

hvoss49 commented 6 years ago

Without unicode-math verything is fine (cmm is uded) but with loading unicode-math some symbols are missing and some are curious. Running up-to-date TL2017 with lualatex and Linux. It is the same for xelatex

    () & [\,] & <> & /|\backslash & \lmoustache\,\rmoustache & \arrowvert\vert & 
    \Vert\,\Arrowvert & 
    \uparrow\downarrow & \updownarrow & \Uparrow\Downarrow & \Updownarrow & \langle\rangle 
    \lbrace\rbrace & \lceil\,\rceil & \lfloor\,\rfloor & \lgroup\rgroup & \bracevert  
    \Bigg(\Bigg) & \Bigg[\,\Bigg] & \Bigg<\Bigg> & \Bigg/\Bigg|\Bigg\backslash & 
    \Bigg\lmoustache\,\Bigg\rmoustache & \Bigg\arrowvert\Bigg\vert & 
    \Bigg\Vert\,\Bigg\Arrowvert & 
    \Bigg\uparrow\Bigg\downarrow & \Bigg\updownarrow & \Bigg\Uparrow\Bigg\Downarrow & 
    \Bigg\Updownarrow & \Bigg\langle\Bigg\rangle & \Bigg\lbrace\Bigg\rbrace & 
    \Bigg\lceil\,\Bigg\rceil & \Bigg\lfloor\,\Bigg\rfloor & \Bigg\lgroup\Bigg\rgroup & 

Without unicode-math:


With unicode-math:


wspr commented 6 years ago

See also:

wspr commented 6 years ago

Cutting this down to the actual problem characters gives me:

  \arrowvert &
  \Arrowvert &
  \Bigg\arrowvert &
    \Bigg\Arrowvert &

The moustaches are fixed by loading a different maths font. The rest I'm not sure about. Perhaps I should un-define them with a sensible error message.