latex3 / xcolor

Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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Problems after 3.0 update #31

Closed jotagah closed 10 months ago

jotagah commented 10 months ago

I have an issue after the last xcolor 3 update with pdflatex. I used a lot of packages, some of them load xcolor.

Until the new update my files "compiled" ok, but after yesterday update I got some an error like ! LaTeX Error: Unknown option 'usenames' for package xcolor.

I tried to use \PassOptionsToPackage{usenames,dvipsnames}{xcolor} or \PassOptionsToPackage{usenames}{xcolor} without success.

I restored the 2.14 and all works fine again.


FrankMittelbach commented 10 months ago

It is always helpful if you provide a minimal example that shows the problem, not just a description

u-fischer commented 10 months ago

The option usenames is obsolete. But I will change it, so that it issues only a warning not an error.

As clarification: usenames is obsolete and undeclared since a long time. But up to now xcolor accepted any package option, and simply issued a message Package xcolor Info: Package option `usenames' ignored on input line 218. if it wasn't known while it now errors if options are explicitly declared.

u-fischer commented 10 months ago

I uploaded a version to ctan which will only warn. But try to remove the option, according the changelog it is unneeded since 2004.

jotagah commented 10 months ago

Sorry my fault about MWE. I will test the new 3.01 release and will post here any issue, but I do not load xcolor myself. That's my main problem.

jotagah commented 10 months ago

I tested your new 3.01 release and confirm that the problem is over. Thanks.

mrpiggi commented 10 months ago

@u-fischer I just wanted to draw your attention to a possible typo, in case you haven't noticed it yet:

u-fischer commented 10 months ago

@mrpiggi I corrected already in the sources, but I don't think that it is serious enough to warant an update.

mrpiggi commented 10 months ago

Certainly not. I just didn't spot the fix here on GitHub, at least not in the main branch.