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Include images by name, not path #6

Closed emareg closed 7 years ago

emareg commented 8 years ago

Instead of the path (e.g. ./img/rc.svg) like in

<object data="./img/rc.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>

images should be included only by an unique identifier:

<object data="rc_circuit_diagram" type="image/svg+xml"></object>

Advantage: independence from image location and extension

hofbi commented 7 years ago

Use the new Jekyll image include template for this issue

emareg commented 7 years ago

New problem: some svg images have dependencies to js files. Paths are hard-coded. Is there any possibility to specify global search paths of certain resources?

hofbi commented 7 years ago

Not sure, but if we put all images and svgs into the image folder it should be ok. But maybe as enhancement it would be nice

hofbi commented 7 years ago

resolved with 2363236899191c14cab05f07ed2cebd0e25c41bb

Additionally we could also write a similar liquid tag for the figure include, but for now its ok