lathoub / Arduino-BLE-MIDI

MIDI over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE-MIDI) 1.0 for Arduino
MIT License
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Trying to get bluetooth midi for Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense rev2 #86

Closed nicolasvair closed 3 months ago

nicolasvair commented 3 months ago


I'm trying to use this lib with a Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense rev2.

I'm quite new to this. I used the include #include <hardware/BLEMIDI_nRF52.h> because that's what this board is using. I compiled ok but impossible to connect from my mac. I can't see the board as bluetooth midi.

After searching for a bit I ended up looking at the code for "hardware/BLEMIDI_nRF52.h" and see that it is written as "in development" and that all the "advertising" lines are commented out. I wonder if i should uncomment them and use the "#include " ??

Or maybe just return the board and order a esp32 that seems way more simple to use. I chose this one because I liked the sensors and AI capabilities for future but my main usage would be midi over bluetooth.

Any help ? Thank you !

lathoub commented 3 months ago

try this branch: (and let me know if it works)

nicolasvair commented 3 months ago


Thank you very much for your fast answer. Yes this branch works fine.

With the main one, compilation wouldn't work with "#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_ArduinoBLE.h>" So I thought I should use "#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_nRF52.h>" because my board use a nRF52840 (and it was the only one compiling)

But with the branch you sent me, I was able to compile with "#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_ArduinoBLE.h>" and now it is seen by my computer. Perfect !

For a newbie like I am, this phrase wasn't clear : When using ESP32 consider using NimBLE (NimBLE-Arduino). When using the Arduino NANO 33 BLE or Arduino NANO RP2040 Connect, you must install ArduinoBLE

As I'm using a Arduino NANO 33 BLE, I understood that I had to install ArduinoBLE (which I did), but I didn't understand that I had to compile with "#include <hardware/BLEMIDI_ArduinoBLE.h>". Maybe it could be made more clear.

Any way, thank you very much for your help.

I'll go further in my project now. Let me know if I can help !