Given the changes and fixes to commonly used parts of the code, we think it is better to merge this code into the master branch instead of opening another one. Now we enumerate the features of the code that have been implemented/modified:
Fix to searchFiles (There was a bug so that the first file was always missing)
Fix to Snapshot (The copyFromInputFiles function needs to apply CloneTree(). A memory corruption occurred when reading output files)
Fix to LeptonSel module (Fix to DeltaR2 between CleanJets and Leptons)
Fix to mRDF (Avoid error from redefinition of "CUT" + add Histo1D function)
Include + EosTmpDir for postprocessing (As a user you can set your own paths there)
Include a script to loop over jobs and files to check if someone has failed. "" in Tools.
Include PU reweight module +
Include TriggerSFMaker + + Efficiencies for Run2022FG and UL
Include Golden JSons for Run2022
Include LeptonSF module
Include Muon + Electron SF for Run2022FG
Update, Steps_cfg. Summer22EE and Run2022FG configuration files
Include formulasToAdd for MC and Data for 2022EE production
Include l2Kin, l3Kin, and l4Kin (From Nicolo's PR and Susan's PR respectively)
In summary, this is a fully working version that includes most of the necessary modules to run the Run2022FG production
Given the changes and fixes to commonly used parts of the code, we think it is better to merge this code into the master branch instead of opening another one. Now we enumerate the features of the code that have been implemented/modified:
In summary, this is a fully working version that includes most of the necessary modules to run the Run2022FG production