lattice / quda

QUDA is a library for performing calculations in lattice QCD on GPUs.
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redirection to master branch #360

Closed alexstrel closed 8 years ago

alexstrel commented 9 years ago

the official site redirects now to the develop branch (instead of master, as it should).

mathiaswagner commented 9 years ago

The default branch is set to develop. According to github that means that newly created pull requests are targeted for merging into develop. Seems like that makes develop the selected branch when following the link. Not sure how to change that.

mathiaswagner commented 9 years ago

We could set the link from the page to

maddyscientist commented 9 years ago

I set the default branch to develop as it means that pull requests automatically go to this branch instead of to master. It also means that the network defaults to focus on the last commit to develop which is typically much more recent than master, which can lag behind months and months.

If want to reset the default branch to master, then it can be done so here:

I like @mathiaswagner's suggestion of pointing to instead though, keeping the default branch at develop.


mathiaswagner commented 9 years ago

I think we should just point to the master branch. I like develop being the pre-selected branch for pull requests. If there are no objections I will update the link on the webpage.

maddyscientist commented 9 years ago

Sounds good to me.

mathiaswagner commented 8 years ago

Fixed with 484efebd0a81e7efbb7a04a868b5536fcc71cdec