laugh12321 / TensorRT-YOLO

🚀 你的YOLO部署神器。TensorRT Plugin、CUDA Kernel、CUDA Graphs三管齐下,享受闪电般的推理速度。| Your YOLO Deployment Powerhouse. With the synergy of TensorRT Plugins, CUDA Kernels, and CUDA Graphs, experience lightning-fast inference speeds.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Help]: 如何在自己的 Python 项目中使用 `tensorrt_yolo` #44

Closed inm2002 closed 1 month ago

inm2002 commented 1 month ago


你好,我希望将demo中的detect.py修改为输入opencv图像和输出opencv图像的形式,但是修改后无法正常进行推理。平均推理时间长达82ms,并且准确度下降,推理得到画出的检测框颜色不断发生变化。在此之前,我使用原版的detcet.py是可以正常推理的。 我的tensorrt_yolo是自行编译的,Python版本为3.8,cuda版本为11.7 我有参考之前的关于输入为图像数组的issue,但我发现tensorrt_yolo包和他的好像不一样,所以就放弃了他的思路,自己写了。 由于我无法正常稳定地上GitHub,所以暂时无法提供图像和视频的有关的不正常推理的资料,非常抱歉。


def detect_image(engine, mode, images):
    YOLO Series Inference Script.
    import cv2
    from rich.progress import track

    from tensorrt_yolo.infer import CpuTimer, DeployCGDet, DeployDet, GpuTimer, generate_labels_with_colors, visualize_detections

    labels = generate_labels_with_colors('labels_det.txt')
    is_obb = mode == 1

    model = DeployCGDet(engine, is_obb)
    results = model.predict(images)

    vis_image = visualize_detections(images, results, labels, is_obb)

    return cv2.cvtColor(vis_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)


cv_img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(img), cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGB)

results = detect_image('best.engine', 0, cv_img)


laugh12321 commented 1 month ago



from tensorrt_yolo.infer import DeployCGDet, generate_labels_with_colors, visualize_detections
import cv2
from pathlib import Path

def detect_image(model, labels, is_obb, image_file):
    Detect objects in an image using a YOLO model and visualize the results.

    - model: The YOLO model loaded with DeployCGDet.
    - labels: A list of labels for the detected objects.
    - is_obb: Boolean indicating whether to use Oriented Bounding Box (OBB) detection.
    - image_file: Path to the image file to be processed.

    - A BGR image with visualizations of detected objects.
        # Read the image file and convert it to RGB color space
        image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(str(image_file)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        if image is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Failed to read image from {image_file}")

        # Perform object detection
        results = model.predict(image)

        # Visualize the detection results
        vis_image = visualize_detections(image, results, labels, is_obb)
        return cv2.cvtColor(vis_image[0], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error processing image {image_file}: {e}")
        return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set up the detection parameters
    is_obb = False
    labels = generate_labels_with_colors('labels_det.txt')
    model = DeployCGDet('model.engine', is_obb)

    # Get a list of image files to process
    image_files = list(Path("your/image/dir/").glob('*.png'))

    # Process each image file
    for image_file in image_files:
        vis_img = detect_image(model, labels, is_obb, image_file)
        if vis_img is not None:
            # Save or display the visualization
            cv2.imshow('Detection Result', vis_img)
            cv2.waitKey(0)  # Wait for a key press to continue
            # Optionally save the image
            # cv2.imwrite(f"output_{image_file.stem}.png", vis_img)
inm2002 commented 1 month ago


laugh12321 commented 1 month ago

@inm2002 没事,问题解决了就行。这个issue就关闭了。